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Ah, the Memories...

Ah, the Memories...


Yeah, I can see how that would work now. I guess the ultrarightwingnuts would say CAN'T AFFORD THAT BULLSHYTE or some variation.
Is there any analysis on how much it would cost, loss of revenue to the government or some such?

@spruce112358 said
Yes I did say this. It's important that welfare benefits not create a "hole" because that takes away the incentive to work more and make more money like the good self-reliant capitalists we all are.

If I can make $100/mo but I'm going to lose $200/mo in benefits, why would I do that? Yeah *eventually* if I make $300/mo, that starts to become worth it. By my boss isn't ...[text shortened]... f you take away socialism, America dies.

Now you really have something to thing about, don't cha?
You actually lost me at the outset, the word ‘benefits’ flows off of your tongue like honey. When you interlace such a word into a concept, it puts me at at a disadvantage when I try to use it back ‘atcha.
What benefits and why? And if one earns more, he does indeed net more? Yes. What you on about. I think you try your best to explain, but clarity is hogtied by your leaning on extraneous benefits ’.

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@spruce112358 said
@sh76, I was intrigued to find this post in Thread 134753 in your profile:

RHP Supreme Court
11 Oct '10 21:15

In all honesty, Mel would probably be a better fit than I due to his lack of partisanship; but of course, that very factor means he'd never win the primary! 😉 

My tripartisan Court, putting aside myself for the moment: 

Lean right: 

Spruce112358  ...[text shortened]... hatever happened to whodey? He would be happy as a pig in ... this incarnation of the Debates Forum.
I miss the days of threads like this:


Thread 120399

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Sure, with someone in your financial situation sitting on megabucks sucking money from your subservient renters you would never have a CLUE as to how it works in the real world.
Like my adopted son has CP and gets about a thou a month from SS disability payments but if he dares to get a job, if he makes a thou a month, then he gets ZERO from SS disability and it wouldn't matter a bit if it was him getting a degree in computer science or if he was pushing pencils in a box at a disability clinic for his job he still loses all of it if he DARES to make a thou a month.
So tell me will many folks in that situation, what is the incentive for them to work, eh?
Myself, I never had a disability and have had a long technical career even at 80 when all along I was worried ageism would catch up to me and stop me getting gainful employment but then I found myself offered high tech jobs at 40, 50, 60, 70 and 80.
Getting high tech jobs in three separate countries for years each time overseas.
I have been around as opposed to you who live your life divorced from the rest of the planet. That is called being provincial, nothing outside your life of money.
I on the other hand have actual cultural credits in my life as a musician and life long interest in learning, I wrote a paper on gravitational lensing that is being sited right now so there is more to my life than just my involvement in the world of high tech and my fervent interest in keeping Trump from fukking up our democracy.

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Back in 2010/2011, although there was plenty of nonsense and mudslinging as well, people were interested in real conversations.

Now it's mostly "you're a freak" this and "your orange God" that. There are still some good conversations, but they're buried in garbage.

Today, I think people actually sound dumber on this forum than they are in real life. Averagejoe is probably a smart guy in real life, but he gets to sound like a broken record here. Sonhouse is probably a very smart guy in real life, but he just sounds apoplectic much of the time here.

The loss of FMF on this board (he still is on other boards on this site, but won't come here for some reason) was enormous. Love him or hate him (and there was more of the latter), his savage one-liners and wry wit lent an air of frenemy banter.

Then the D64 era (which lasted a long time) just sucked all the life out of the board. Suddenly, instead of a bunch of reasonably bright people slinging yo mama jokes while occasionally arguing seriously, the forum was one big exercise in fighting with AngryGPT.

The forum can recover, but we need more threads like this where people talk on a personal level, not just "fu k Reagonomics" or "libs r turds"

Getting back people like FMF and Melanerpes and Teinosuke would also help, if possible.

@kmax87 said
I think people were definitely more self aware and would acknowledge that there were other points of view that were also valid. So it happened occasionally but it happened.
Even you used to be much more deliberately and humorously mischievous (and mysterious, at times).

I hope you don't mind my saying so, but your RHP persona was neutered, either by age or by the D64 era, or both.

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All well and good but FMF did me dirty VERY dirty. I was in a conversation with an Aussie ham, amateur radio dude if you don't know what being a ham is, I mentioned my ham call sign in a conversation I thought I was having with that lady down under.
Well the great FMF took my call sign, looked it up, not a huge problem to do, then posted my real name, my real address and literal photo's of my HOME here in RHP.
LAUGHING all the way at how incredibly intelligent he was doing all that.
Made me think of the real trouble that caused folks like the Freeman family attacked the same way by a sitting POTUS and Rudy calling out their names, addresses and such labeling them as corrupt election workers, and of course it meant a LOT more for the trials and tribulations that had on them, ultimately getting a judgement over a hundred mil against Rudy but I still felt violated. even though for me nothing outside of RHP hapened.
So I don't miss that assswipe FMF in the slightest.
As for D64, I thought of her as extremely intelligent if acerbic in her delivery. She would wipe out 99% of all the chess players here in a game if they would not have used engines which is why she stopped playing THOSE asssholes. I defended her time and time again but got thoroughly put down by her also time and time again, at one point she said I was 'Mildly intelligent' I guess that was as far as she could go to not make a comment totally negative but she IS in the top tier of intelligence on the human scale and I wonder what she is doing now.

@sonhouse said
All well and good but FMF did me dirty VERY dirty. I was in a conversation with an Aussie ham, amateur radio dude if you don't know what being a ham is, I mentioned my ham call sign in a conversation I thought I was having with that lady down under.
Well the great FMF took my call sign, looked it up, not a huge problem to do, then posted my real name, my real address ...[text shortened]... though for me nothing outside of RHP hapened.
So I don't miss that assswipe FMF in the slightest.
Nobody should dox people in this forum. That was the wrong thing to do.

He was still good for this forum, though.

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If you say so🙂 I added my bit about D64 too in an edit.
The reason I call Trump the fascist orange antiChrist is it is well known he IS the greatest threat to democracy we have had in over one hundred years.

@athousandyoung said
I remember the days before the Spirituality Forum. That sucked.
I found my lane 😉

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@sonhouse said
If you say so🙂 I added my bit about D64 too in an edit.
The reason I call Trump the fascist orange antiChrist is it is well known he IS the greatest threat to democracy we have had in over one hundred years.
No question she was intelligent, but was not interested in any conviviality or banter. She was just interested in burying you in a mountain of argument and insult. A "bit acerbic" is a massive understatement. There was a poster long ago named zeeblebot who would mostly post long copy and pastes and little else. But at least he showed some humanity and did joke around now and then. D64 merely behaved like ChatGPT if you told it to be hostile and insulting. Even when she did "joke around" it felt like a computer simulation of joking around. No doubt it was not her fault, as people with ASD don't realize they're being anti-social, but there's no question it sucked the life out of the forum.

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@sh76 said
I miss the days of threads like this:


Thread 120399
The Golden Age of Debates... 2009.

US Debt to GDP ratio stood at 82% - about $12 trillion. Today we stand at 120% and inflation has become a problem. As one would predict. Keep inflating the money supply and inflation happens - it's impossible to stop.

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@sh76 said
Then the D64 era (which lasted a long time) just sucked all the life out of the board. Suddenly, instead of a bunch of reasonably bright people slinging yo mama jokes while occasionally arguing seriously, the forum was one big exercise in fighting with AngryGPT.

The forum can recover, but we need more threads like this where people talk on a personal level, not just "fu k Re ...[text shortened]... r turds"

Getting back people like FMF and Melanerpes and Teinosuke would also help, if possible.
I've never heard of D64. Glad I missed that era.

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@sonhouse said
All well and good but FMF did me dirty VERY dirty. I was in a conversation with an Aussie ham, amateur radio dude if you don't know what being a ham is, I mentioned my ham call sign in a conversation I thought I was having with that lady down under.
Well the great FMF took my call sign, looked it up, not a huge problem to do, then posted my real name, my real address ...[text shortened]... ve but she IS in the top tier of intelligence on the human scale and I wonder what she is doing now.
That's unfortunate.

I only ever stumbled on one real identity in these Forums - PinkFloyd.

I asked him "How is {location}?" And he said, "How did you know that?"

I never told anyone, though. That wouldn't be cricket.

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@sonhouse said
Yeah, I can see how that would work now. I guess the ultrarightwingnuts would say CAN'T AFFORD THAT BULLSHYTE or some variation.
Is there any analysis on how much it would cost, loss of revenue to the government or some such?
Funny you should ask... yes, there is such an analysis.

Hard to know where to post it though, as a spreadsheet. 🙂

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