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Ah, the Memories...

Ah, the Memories...


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@sh76 said
Averagejoe is probably a smart guy in real life, but he gets to sound like a broken record here. Sonhouse is probably a very smart guy in real life, but he just sounds apoplectic much of the time here.
I completely agree with this assessment.

There is joy that can be had here, guys. Real joy.

Protect each other's rights.

The dance brings joy.

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You do have a point there. The reason I post my shyte is we know Trump is the most dangerous person in the last hundred years bent on destroying our democracy and worse, like pulling out of NATO if he gets the chance, a move that would shake up the entire western world not that Trump gives a rats ass about anything not Trump.
The ultrarightwingnut crowd here insists on putting up utter bullshyte about Biden and I feel it is my duty to counter their utter nonsense. Anything Trump, GOOD, no GREAT, ANYTHING Biden ALWAYS bad. No matter what bills he passed that Trump never would even contemplate putting out BIDEN BAD. Asssholes in action.

@spruce112358 said
The Golden Age of Debates... 2009.

US Debt to GDP ratio stood at 82% - about $12 trillion. Today we stand at 120% and inflation has become a problem. As one would predict. Keep inflating the money supply and inflation happens - it's impossible to stop.
See... I knew you were a closet conservative. 😉

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@spruce112358 said
That's unfortunate.

I only ever stumbled on one real identity in these Forums - PinkFloyd.

I asked him "How is {location}?" And he said, "How did you know that?"

I never told anyone, though. That wouldn't be cricket.
A couple of times I've basically given away my identity. Once, after I did so, Sleepyguy pm'ed me to lecture me about not giving away my identity on this forum. I poo-poohed it, thinking that it was no big deal.

Then, about a year later, I mentioned in some random post that I was Jewish, and got 5 pm's from the same nut about what he was going to do to me, how much he hated my kind and the like.

I then realized SG was right.

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@sh76 said
A couple of times I've basically given away my identity. Once, after I did so, Sleepyguy pm'ed me to lecture me about not giving away my identity on this forum. I poo-poohed it, thinking that it was no big deal.

Then, about a year later, I mentioned in some random post that I was Jewish, and got 5 pm's from the same nut about what he was going to do to me, how much he hated my kind and the like.

I then realized SG was right.
That's really sad to hear about.

I think I knew you were Jewish. I'm Unitarian.

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@sh76 said
See... I knew you were a closet conservative. 😉
LOL. What I am seems to depend entirely on what the person across from me is. 🙂

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So was that FMF did that? I would not be surprised. I assume he or whoever it was just had you come out as Jewish. OMG You are a JEW? If I had known I would never have talked to you🙂 BTW, I lived in Jerusalem for 3 years so that WAS a joke🙂
Did whoever it was give out your real name and address and home photo from Google? If so I would bet it was FMF doxing you.

Hey Spuce, here is a bit about Unitarians:

"Unitarian Universalists claim a theological orientation that aspires to creativity, freedom, and compassion with respect for diversity and interconnectedness. Members seek spiritual growth and justice-making through fellowship, personal experience, social action, and education."

I guess that is why you are so kind to your adversaries here. Me, my heritage is Irish, I carry my emotions on my sleeve. They do get my Irish up.

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I told you so.

(but I don't remember it)

edit: I just added a new quote to my profile 🙂

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@sonhouse said
So was that FMF did that? I would not be surprised. I assume he or whoever it was just had you come out as Jewish. OMG You are a JEW? If I had known I would never have talked to you🙂 BTW, I lived in Jerusalem for 3 years so that WAS a joke🙂
Did whoever it was give out your real name and address and home photo from Google? If so I would bet it was FMF doxing you.
...[text shortened]... versaries here. Me, my heritage is Irish, I carry my emotions on my sleeve. They do get my Irish up.
It wasn't FMF. I got to know FMF a bit years ago on other platforms and he's really a nice guy. I don't know why he did that to you, but I would never assume he would do something like that.

I do have a suspicion that it was a specific forum regular using a pseudonym handle (is that a redundancy?) but I have no evidence, and that person is no longer a forum regular anyway.

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@sleepyguy said
I told you so.

(but I don't remember it)

edit: I just added a new quote to my profile 🙂

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The sad part is outing you as Jewish, thinking Jews are OBVIOUSLY bad people in general. I know from personal life there they are just like the rest of the world, really great ones and really bad stupid ones, same as my Irish heritage, used to be Irish need not apply, forget the great Irish poets, writers, musicians, artists, they are fukking IRISH, the bane of the people🙂

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@sh76 said
It wasn't FMF. I got to know FMF a bit years ago on other platforms and he's really a nice guy. I don't know why he did that to you, but I would never assume he would do something like that.

I do have a suspicion that it was a specific forum regular using a pseudonym handle (is that a redundancy?) but I have no evidence, and that person is no longer a forum regular anyway.
Yes, I had a few PM's with FMF, a solid bloke for sure. A fan of Batik shirts as I recall. I'm sure we disagreed on tons of stuff (he's the on who called me reepy rastardly guy one time and I kept it as my byline) but I'd love to have a beer with him and hash it all out. He shared with me an excellent trove of live Grateful Dead show recordings that he had slaved over on some download site years ago. He was no racist or doxxer.

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I can testify he WAS a doxer. Got me pretty good when I DARED to give out my ham call sign to an Aussie lady I was talking to here. I guess you heard what he did to me.
He never even got CLOSE to an apology, just laughing his ass off at how stupid I was for posting anything like personal information. Giving out a ham call sign when it is public data means you have to WANT to pursue that data trail to find the rest of the info when that was a third party to the conversation I was having with an Aussie lady who happened to be a fellow ham. And we had something else in common, we both live near what we called Blue mountain. But FMF had to ruin that exchange.

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@sonhouse said
I can testify he WAS a doxer. Got me pretty good when I DARED to give out my ham call sign to an Aussie lady I was talking to here. I guess you heard what he did to me.
He never even got CLOSE to an apology, just laughing his ass off at how stupid I was for posting anything like personal information. Giving out a ham call sign when it is public data means you h ...[text shortened]... g else in common, we both live near what we called Blue mountain. But FMF had to ruin that exchange.
I stand corrected. I never heard that story. I would never give out my ham call sign here though. That's nuts!

By coincidence my XYL will be taking the test for Tech license tonight! I'm an Extra, what license class are you?

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same here. My testers went I got only two wrong🙂 I bet she aces the test. At least she can get on 2 meters such, and a small slice of 10 I think.
Extra. I guess we have to PM calls, eh. I have been trying to figure out how to put my 80 meter wire up, even though it is half that, I only have 120 feet diagonally and need 130 or so. My house is in the way, big sucker, three story colonial from 1880 and trees in front are some 60 feet up but I tried everything I could think of, l even built a potato gun powered by compressed air and that sort of worked to sling a fish line over that crap but the house gets in the way tangling stuff up when the fish line did make it over the trees the frigging house got the lines tangled up and trying the same from the street V the back yard, the potato gun was not strong enough to sling the line past the house. So now am thinking about those Mighty Fine Junk verticals but I only have an ancient Icom 756 pro iii, which is a great rig IMHO, no water fall stuff but I think the sensitivity and bandwidth competes with modern software rigs which are for sure more adaptable. I also have an even MORE ancient Collins KWM2A and amp needing work but have not run that for years.
Don't know how far out I would get with one of those 43 foot high all band verticals MFJ and others sell, with me running a whole 100 Watts🙂
I did make my own antenna's for 40, 20, 10 and such, fan dipoles and I have the Rig Expert 600, so that covers everything I use and then found out I SUCK at making the distance cuts right🙂 I think my analyzer said my 40 meter dipole was resonant at 9 megs. So I have work to do on those....

So PM me your call, I am in 3 land, doxers won't be able to glean much from THAT at least. AND I actually play chess! Wow, I see your rating some hundred points higher than my mere 1740 or so. Do you have USCF? Just curious because for some reason, my USCF is near the same as RHP rating here.
I seem to remember ONE time actually beating an 1800🙂

I saw one game you played back in 2017, against WaydeS, only lasted some 5 moves and you resigned, it didn't say time out, do you remember that game and why you resigned so fast?

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