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Any mention of the Border?  Sovereignty?

Any mention of the Border? Sovereignty?


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@averagejoe1 said
Simple question. By not being able to fix it, do you mean he can do nothing to stop the terror and misery on the border?
We had two years of total republican control of the federal government. We never tried to crack down on foreign corruption. We never did immigration. The crisis got worse during that time

All they did was cut taxes for the rich and explode our federal deficit ($8 TRILLION) by refusing to make necessary cuts to the federal budget. They could have done it but chose not to. They didn't even have a budget or a party platform.

Now we finally have a president asking for immigration to be fixed permanently and the GOP shakes their head no? Shameful.

Ted Cruz could write legislation. He knows how. Harvard law and all that. He and the rest of the GOP choose.not to fix it.

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@wildgrass said
no, Biden can't fix it. Republicans had a long time in power to fix it and couldn't either. They couldn't do it. They did a worse job than Obama. I think less nodding no to everything and more fixing is in order.

It rubbed me the wrong way. Like if the right fielder was blaming the manager for him not hitting the ball.

Congress can fix it. They choose not to.
No no no, and my comment is not about the Repubs could have fixed, it prior to now.
Follow me, this is where libs lose it on the forum. I am talking about today, and I am talking about Biden fixing a problem that he started. I’m not talking about what the Republicans could have done in the past. Maybe they could, maybe they couldn’t. I am talking about Biden NOW fixing the problem that he has caused in the past. The minds of you liberals is like mud.
Discussions would be much more enjoyable if everyone stayed on point, but you are talking about yesterday, and you are talking about what Republican could have done. Do you not get that?


@shavixmir said
Universal declaration of human rights.
Article 17 ad 2; combined with article 25 ad 1.

Signed by the US.
Hey, AverageJoe… don’t go ignoring facts now, eh…

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@shavixmir said
Hey, AverageJoe… don’t go ignoring facts now, eh…
Could you join these two articles, in simple forum English? That is a fair request, as you have your own understanding of their intent, married together, I assume, and we have to know your understanding.
Keep in mind that some of you liberals consider the phrase 'promote the general welfare ' to mean the concept of health and healthcare of all citizens....that,the govt cannot deny that to citizens.. That is your (libs) interpretation, generally speaking. I myself do not think that that is what it means, all of which is a subject for another thread.......
So I interpet something diff than you do. So, again, can you tell us what these articles do to guarantee housing?
Sincerely, Mr. Curiious Indeed.


@averagejoe1 said
Could you join these two articles, in simple forum English? That is a fair request, as you have your own understanding of their intent, married together, I assume, and we have to know your understanding.
Keep in mind that some of you liberals consider the phrase 'promote the general welfare ' to mean the concept of health and healthcare of all citizens....that,the g ...[text shortened]... , can you tell us what these articles do to guarantee housing?
Sincerely, Mr. Curiious Indeed.
Just look up the international declaration of human rights and read those articles.

It’s not rocket science.


@shavixmir said
Just look up the international declaration of human rights and read those articles.

It’s not rocket science.
Simple, so all readers will be on same page. Do they say that housing is a right? If not, what is your basis?
Seriously, if you ever asked me about the color green, I would not respond “just mix yellow and blue together and see what you get”. Why do you do that?

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@averagejoe1 said
Simple, so all readers will be on same page. Do they say that housing is a right? If not, what is your basis?
Seriously, if you ever asked me about the color green, I would not respond “just mix yellow and blue together and see what you get”. Why do you do that?
OK... Looked it up. "everyone has he right to own property alone as well as in association with others".

We all know that, and that is correct. So you must be saying something else. Can you at least tell us what you mean by a 'right to housing." That is all that I am asking.

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@averagejoe1 said
Saw fentanyl father. But after the typical dem pandering, did he say anything about the hell of fentanyl, the hell of the border? Could you stay on track?
I will just send you this one lie for the moment, see below. WAPO, a middle of the road publication, says, (last sentence in effect) that Biden lied.

" Biden's accusation is a talking point that has been de ...[text shortened]... e ole same ole with nothing ever to back you up. You lose on this one. And to ME, of all people!!
There are many other sites that include direct quotes from Republicans saying they want to rid us of Social Security. Legitimate fact checking sites all state that Biden did not lie in his State of the Union address. disagree all you like with Democrats but please try to offer the GOP solutions. The GOP hasn't had an actual platform for many years. Their platform is simply to oppose anything Democrats support.

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@phranny said
There are many other sites that include direct quotes from Republicans saying they want to rid us of Social Security. Legitimate fact checking sites all state that Biden did not lie in his State of the Union address. disagree all you like with Democrats but please try to offer the GOP ...[text shortened]... ad an actual platform for many years. Their platform is simply to oppose anything Democrats support.
Two things. What is dem policy going forward?
What are the ‘ legitimate fact checking sites”, I would honestly be interested to see what they say. It is hard to believe that they found no lie during the speech. The most simple lie was saying he that created 12 million jobs. I’m sorry, but this means that your post is a lie, in that it implies there was no lie during his speech. 😣That statement is totally debunked, by none other than the national labor relations board. please give us the sites. Thanks.

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@wildgrass said
no, Biden can't fix it. Republicans had a long time in power to fix it and couldn't either. They couldn't do it. They did a worse job than Obama. I think less nodding no to everything and more fixing is in order.

It rubbed me the wrong way. Like if the right fielder was blaming the manager for him not hitting the ball.

Congress can fix it. They choose not to.
Overall, I'd say you are right.
There are too many powerful corrupt ones on both sides of the coin, people that make a fortune in all of this.

Remember when they caught Obama's admin supplying weapons to Mexican cartels,,,. ? aka, Fast and Furious.

Who actually got convicted in this high crime?? NOBODY

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@earl-of-trumps said
Overall, I'd say you are right.
There are too many powerful corrupt ones on both sides of the coin, people that nake a fortune in all of this.

Remember when they caught Obama's admin supplying weapons to Mexican cartels,,,. ? aka, Fast and Furious.

Who actually got convicted in this high crime?? NOBODY
Yah that was bad. Was the testimony ever released?

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@averagejoe1 said
Two things. What is dem policy going forward?
What are the ‘ legitimate fact checking sites”, I would honestly be interested to see what they say. It is hard to believe that they found no lie during the speech. The most simple lie was saying he that created 12 million jobs. I’m sorry, but this means that your post is a lie, in that it implies there was no lie during hi ...[text shortened]... debunked, by none other than the national labor relations board. please give us the sites. Thanks.
Phranny. Are you there

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@earl-of-trumps said
Overall, I'd say you are right.
There are too many powerful corrupt ones on both sides of the coin, people that make a fortune in all of this.

Remember when they caught Obama's admin supplying weapons to Mexican cartels,,,. ? aka, Fast and Furious.

Who actually got convicted in this high crime?? NOBODY
That’s what’s been going on for too long. It’s not white or black cops, it’s just cops who are highly adrenalised due to lack of training and treating every problem like a nail. It’s border States who have long had a need for cheap farm labour and regardless of whether that State has been red or blue having illegal farm labour has been good for the farmers because it reduces labour issues. How far do you want to go back with military skullduggery. Contra with Ronnie. The rise of the South American drug cartel started under Ronnie’s watch and only ever expanded. It doesn’t matter which side. Always someone turning a blind eye, always someone allowing someone to get away with something corrupt. Remember Halliburton making billions out of the Iraq war? A war built on what exactly? What basis?

The issue is Americans always blaming the other team, but the people who are the recipients of American corrupt practices only see the strong exploiting the weak, and could care less which team was doing it. Black, white, red, blue, it doesn’t make a bag of beans difference when those who are authorised to use power do so in a corrupt way.

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@averagejoe1 said
Simple, so all readers will be on same page. Do they say that housing is a right? If not, what is your basis?
Seriously, if you ever asked me about the color green, I would not respond “just mix yellow and blue together and see what you get”. Why do you do that?
Just read the damn article. You are so friggin lazy.

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@averagejoe1 said
Two things. What is dem policy going forward?
What are the ‘ legitimate fact checking sites”, I would honestly be interested to see what they say. It is hard to believe that they found no lie during the speech. The most simple lie was saying he that created 12 million jobs. I’m sorry, but this means that your post is a lie, in that it implies there was no lie during hi ...[text shortened]... debunked, by none other than the national labor relations board. please give us the sites. Thanks.
No outrght lies. Some half truths. Some exaggerations. It was a solid speech in my opinion.

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