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Biden Economics

Biden Economics



@wajoma said
Zahlooney Bamboozle, profit is what happens when the cost to produce a good or service is surpassed by the value free individuals put on that good or service. No need for you to interfere with your jealousy and envy.

Zahlooney Bamboozle said:

"...break up monopolies or anything too big..."

while ignoring the biggest baddest monopoly of them all, the state, the goobermint, the kakistocracy.
Zahlanzi is an example of those trained to live in marx, they are so one-track on control, government, What Other People Are Doing, (the Marx tenet that I hate most) that, bless them, it is impossible for them to consider any other system.
Zahlanzi, can you comment on the downside of the followiing concept? A simple answer, no She Suzy silliness, please.

Laissez-faire (/ˌlɛseɪˈfɛər/ LESS-ay-FAIR; from French: laissez faire [lɛse fɛːʁ] ⓘ, lit. 'let do'😉 is a type of economic system in which transactions between private groups of people are free from any form of economic interventionism (such as subsidies or regulations). As a system of thought, laissez-faire rests on the following axioms: "the individual is the basic unit in society, i.e., the standard of measurement in social calculus; the individual has a natural right to freedom; and the physical order of nature is a harmonious and self-regulating system."[1] The original phrase was laissez faire, laissez passer, with the second part meaning "let (things) pass". It is generally attributed to Vincent de Gournay.[2]


Is individuality so difficult to accept, Zahlanzi? If I get up early and work hard all day, and you don't, is that just too much for you bear, as I find you on my porch with your F'n hand out when I come home?
Why can you fellers not speak rationally?


@averagejoe1 said
Zahlanzi is an example of those trained to live in marx, they are so one-track on control, government, What Other People Are Doing, (the Marx tenet that I hate most) that, bless them, it is impossible for them to consider any other system.
Zahlanzi, can you comment on the downside of the followiing concept? A simple answer, no She Suzy silliness, please.

Laissez- ...[text shortened]... th the second part meaning "let (things) pass". It is generally attributed to Vincent de Gournay.[2]
all the things i listed are being done in capitalist countries, dumbass

"Zahlanzi, can you comment on the downside of the followiing concept? A simple answer, no She Suzy silliness, please."
I can give you 2 simple answers for you to ignore/not understand:
1. Letting wolves eat as many sheep as they want is not good for the sheep.
2. Trying to build an economy based on what a man said almost 300 years ago is dumb and he would most likely crap his pants anyway seeing what the repercussions of laissez faire economy are.


@averagejoe1 said
Is individuality so difficult to accept, Zahlanzi? If I get up early and work hard all day, and you don't, is that just too much for you bear, as I find you on my porch with your F'n hand out when I come home?
Why can you fellers not speak rationally?
you're a moron and you have no idea what you're talking about. you have one talking point, debunked easily by anyone willing to turn on a tv on something other than fox news.

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@zahlanzi said
debunked easily by anyone willing to turn on a tv
The source of zahlooney bamboozles economics.

Reality TV show: The Bachelor.

Very popular in Romania.

But that doesn't explain where he got the lame fail wolves analogy, or does it?

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@zahlanzi said
all the things i listed are being done in capitalist countries, dumbass

"Zahlanzi, can you comment on the downside of the followiing concept? A simple answer, no She Suzy silliness, please."
I can give you 2 simple answers for you to ignore/not understand:
1. Letting wolves eat as many sheep as they want is not good for the sheep.
2. Trying to build an economy based ...[text shortened]... would most likely crap his pants anyway seeing what the repercussions of laissez faire economy are.
Your silly ( oh no, not again...) example #1 needs a bit of explanation...you are telling us that if a sheep is killed, it is bad for the sheep. What in hell do you mean? I knew that, even She Sue knows that. What?

Your #2 pronouncement is peculiar,..... your sidekick in societal dictates, Marauder, referered back to the America of 100 years ago just yesterday. He should not relate back to history in proving his point?
We cannot learn from history? We do it every day. You can do better, start over. What about freedom to work, earn and eat what you kill, so to speak? You have got to tell us about the extent of government control to make any sense. You have an uphill battle if you continue to promote marxist theory. But it IS fun.

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Yet you totally ignore the fact that inflation is under 4% now and of course food prices are high but the inflation reduction act is working but you could never in a million years accept the idea Biden was responsible for that, or the multi billion dollar chips act to have chip production back here in the US. You probably don't even know the implications of chip availability if and when China attacks Taiwan or maybe you don't even care. I assume you 100% buy into the BS your god king pukes 'If I am elected there will be no war with China or Russia'.

You totally ignore the fact Trump is viewed as a buffoon almost 100% by our allies around the world and our ENEMIES? Frothing at the mouth hoping an incompetent boob will be elected again since they know Trump is so easily bamboozled, we saw that quite clearly when he made an ass out of himself sucking up to Putin in Helsinki and Trump didn't even allow records to be kept of the conversation with Putin. But that tidbit totally escapes your limited intelligence.

And OF COURSE Biden has nothing to do with the recovery of the economy, more jobs available now than for a long long time, stock market in record territory, but NOTHING to do with Biden.


@sonhouse said
Yet you totally ignore the fact that inflation is under 4% now and of course food prices are high but the inflation reduction act is working but you could never in a million years accept the idea Biden was responsible for that, or the multi billion dollar chips act to have chip production back here in the US. You probably don't even know the implications of chi ...[text shortened]... lable now than for a long long time, stock market in record territory, but NOTHING to do with Biden.
Sonhouse loses it


What does Biden need with all that money that he is asking Congress for?I


Where in the constitution does it say that the federal government should support the people that are coming into our country at the southern border? Write me 14 pages on that Sunhouse


@zahlanzi said
"Who decides what profits are obscene? "
we the majority

"If they are obscene, what would be the proper action to resolve the problem.?"
more taxation. worker safety regulations. irs audits to see what taxes are being dodged. make it illegal to donate more than a set amount of money to politicians. harsher punishments for fraud. break up monopolies or anything too big ...[text shortened]... ifficult thing in the world. As if nobody ever thought of ways to stop rich people stealing too much
Everyone. My college buddy and I decided to open bakery businesses.
He opened a bagel shop on Maple Street.
Twelve blocks away, I opened a Beignet shop on Oak street.
At the end of one year, his profits were $183,000 in his pocket, after expenses.
During that same period, my profits were only $38,000 for the year.

Please apply your logic regarding obscene profits. My uncle Charlie profited $430,000 in his Ford auto business, while my Uncle Jack profited only $91,000. You get my drift.;

What would 'your majority' do about this? Again, all analogies on the Forum presume legality in all issues.

Please answer. It is what we are here for, to dig deep for answers.

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@zahlanzi said

1. Letting wolves eat as many sheep as they want is not good for the sheep.
Seriously zahlooney, where did you get this puerile analogy, is it your own? or did it come from your economics tv? and if it came from your economics tv, what show was it? were there tele-tubbies involved?

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@averagejoe1 said
Everyone. My college buddy and I decided to open bakery businesses.
He opened a bagel shop on Maple Street.
Twelve blocks away, I opened a Beignet shop on Oak street.
At the end of one year, his profits were $183,000 in his pocket, after expenses.
During that same period, my profits were only $38,000 for the year.

Please apply your logic regarding obsc ...[text shortened]... e legality in all issues.

Please answer. It is what we are here for, to dig deep for answers.
nobody gives a fuk about your imaginary friends with their imaginary business that make under a million dollars. They wouldn't be touched by a wealth tax. They would actually be helped because they won't have to provide their 2 or 3 employers with things like healthcare

"It is what we are here for, to dig deep for answers."
No it's not. it's purely to mock you simpletons and your dumbass arguments. There isn't a single right winger here that has anything worthwhile to say, including sh76 who, though it's not saying much, is 10 times more intelligent than you

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@zahlanzi said
nobody gives a fuk about your imaginary friends with their imaginary business that make under a million dollars. They wouldn't be touched by a wealth tax. They would actually be helped because they won't have to provide their 2 or 3 employers with things like healthcare

"It is what we are here for, to dig deep for answers."
No it's not. it's purely to mock you simpletons ...[text shortened]... while to say, including sh76 who, though it's not saying much, is 10 times more intelligent than you
Haha, zahlooney 'wolves eating sheep' bamboozle is calling others simpletons.

You do know the wolves are literally imaginary zahlooney.


@suzianne said
That has more to do with fools and their money (you know what they say) than the US president. Corporations have far more control over the economy than the president.
Thankyou, She Suzianne. You are the only lib that understands that the activity of businesses (corps and the corner grocery) control the economy. Zahalanzie Shav and Marauder are under some impression that the President controls the way of the economy. He cannot even control his walking.

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