@cliff-mashburn saidPlease. Trump has been pandering to his base since 2015.
Biden is a pro at pandering to special interest groups for votes, though. Going for the LGTBBQ group on Sunday was genius.
He doesn't give one good God damn about you fools.
"I could shoot someone on 5th Avenue and not lose a single vote."
Sad but true.
@fartacus saidWhere the F do these idiots come from?
This administration is pathetic. No wonder Russia, China and the middle East think they can do whatever they want. Bye bye Taiwan.
China is just waiting for the Democrats to win again and the invasion will start.
I didn't think there was anybody this stupid in the whole world. Now they're coming out of the woodwork.
@fartacus saidThe only really stupid thing about Easter is Jesus zombie Christ.
The only thing stupid is having an administration focus on the delusional trans mental disorders on Easter.
You Americans look pathetic. A weak administration with weak priorities and the world is at war because of it.
@sonhouse saidA devoted Catholic. Now that's FUNNY. A devoted Catholic trying to write abortion into the constitution. Try again.
Yeah like Trump would be the one to bitch about religious issues. You really stepped into a pile of shyte with this one.
I guess you forgot Biden is a devoted Catholic. I suppose you figure he just turned atheist. Nah, you didn't 'Figure' anything. You just hopped on the Trumpite bandwagon which is YOUR religion.
@sonhouse saidHere is Sunhouse confirming that he does not like people that are antichrist. So hopefully he will square that with how much he likes Shav , who is antichrist.
If Trump spoke for you in religious terms you are deeper into the Trump religion than I thought possible.
Hard to see whether your head is firmly up your orange Anti Christ's ass or inside his head.
Hypocrisy abounds. He will not respond, but I am not writing to him
Like I said, you cannot directly answer any question about your orange anti Christ, instead you go TRUMP? That was Biden. I guess you figure we are so stupid we will fall for it again and again.
The sad part is you really think your orange anti Christ actually gives a rats ass about religion, he DOES care about one religion, Trumpism, which is YOUR religion.
@sonhouse saidyeah I do! now what?
LGT Barbecue? A psychological slip of the tongue or your attempt at humor.
If so just say you hate queers.
@suzianne saidyou know how long Easter has been going on?
You DO know there were years before this year, yeah?
This has been going on every March 31 since 2009.
If you guys were any smarter, you'd be dangerous.
These freaks have 49 other days they flaunt their sexual preference.
How many of these does the whitehouse address? biden wanted this to personally attack Christianity
biden is just pandering, thats all
@mott-the-hoople saidBut at the same time, he is losing Christians. Thank you Jesus. I hope there are more Christians in than there are these aberrant people that he thinks are going to vote for him. I know that the Christians will not vote for him.
you know how long Easter has been going on?
These freaks have 49 other days they flaunt their sexual preference.
How many of these does the whitehouse address? biden wanted this to personally attack Christianity
biden is just pandering, thats all