@averagejoe1 saidStop lying.
Spruce, you as usual for all libs, miss the point. No one has EVER suggested crowding the day of Christmas, revering it as #1.
But NOW, people like you, in the newly heralded era of WOKE, latch on like the dependent follower that you are, and once again, today, now, in the new age, say "Let us have all the gays and the xxxxxx overwhelm Christmas day, maybe dress up ...[text shortened]... nt out once again that you want to change everything.
Be Careful What You Sickies Wish For.
I know you all want to "get closer" to the Liar Trump, but come on. Everyone knows better.
@averagejoe1 saidWhat are you so twisted up about?
Is there another day of recognition for some entity on December 25th? That is, besides the birth of Jesus?
You don't know Jesus, and he certainly doesn't know you.
@fartacus saidUnfortunately you outdo your moronity every single day.
Absolutely agree.
Politics shouldn't involve themselves with any religion or preferences but those people absolutely have rights and should be able to practice whatever they want.
The federal government was originally the damn post office and why they think it should encompass everything is beyond me.
@averagejoe1 saidValium. I'm suggesting valium...
Spruce, you as usual for all libs, miss the point. No one has EVER suggested crowding the day of Christmas, revering it as #1.
But NOW, people like you, in the newly heralded era of WOKE, latch on like the dependent follower that you are, and once again, today, now, in the new age, say "Let us have all the gays and the xxxxxx overwhelm Christmas day, maybe dress up ...[text shortened]... nt out once again that you want to change everything.
Be Careful What You Sickies Wish For.
@averagejoe1 saidPut your mouthguard in, Sparky, and let's go then.
Suzianne, in her regalia, scepter at the ready, has spoken. Hear Hear.