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Biden Slandered Snickers: Can Snickers Sue Biden?

Biden Slandered Snickers: Can Snickers Sue Biden?


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@averagejoe1 said
Consumables? So are bananas. We are talking about a specific (Snickers, named after a horse named Snickers) candy bar. Sue, why did you change the word to consumable? Please tell us that, it will help us understand lib word-salad.
You accused Biden of lying so by your logic you lose again because you cannot prove he lied. Jeez you is so dumb you can be outwitted by your own cakehole, shove one them under sized snickers in it Joe.

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@kevcvs57 said
You accused Biden of lying so by your logic you lose again because you cannot prove he lied. Jeez you is so dumb you can be outwitted by your own cakehole, shove one them under sized snickers in it Joe.
But u deflect from evidence on the table.
Corporate lawyers(dreaded rich people) we can assume put their heads together in a boardroom, and, after determining that Biden’s statement was incorrect, thus a lie, put out their retort, that they knew would hold up and not come back on them. Please do not be obtuse. That is a very good point for me to base my argument on. So that is my basis, what is your basis for saying that the corporation is lying. Can you prove that the corporation is lying?
The liberal express at full throttle. However.

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So you figure big companies are SO altruistic they would NEVER stoop to such tactics as lowering the weight of products and selling the result at the same price, in effect raising the price per ounce or pound.
You really do live in la la land.

This shows 27 examples of exactly what we are talking about, shrinkflation:


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@sonhouse said
So you figure big companies are SO altruistic they would NEVER stoop to such tactics as lowering the weight of products and selling the result at the same price, in effect raising the price per ounce or pound.
You really do live in la la land.

This shows 27 examples of exactly what we are talking about, shrinkflation:

Your first sentence? I have never commented yay or nay on the weight of the product, yet you say that, in this thread, that I am writing about 'weight'? You have been off the issue since I posted this thread.
You never have gotten this issue. You should write a song about that. Most peculiar, in a world of peculiar songs.
So skipping past the rest of your post, I have pretty much succeeded with showing the comment by Joe was a lie, since you have shown nothing that it is NOT a lie.
So, the only question is, Can/May a corp sue a president for lying about the corp, maybe costing them millions in revenues for their stockholders??

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Right, never implied ANYTHING and if I remember right, you said Biden SLANDERED Snickers, can Snickers SUE Biden.

Sure IMPLIED you think shrinkflation was bullshyte.,

You are SO transparent and you don't now or ever will realize it.

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@sonhouse said
Right, never implied ANYTHING and if I remember right, you said Biden SLANDERED Snickers, can Snickers SUE Biden.

Sure IMPLIED you think shrinkflation was bullshyte.,

You are SO transparent and you don't now or ever will realize it.
I dont know what this means. Maybe you should stick to Trump posts.

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So your statement 'Can Snickers Sue Biden' is NOT for his claim of shrinkflation? You really do need reading comprehension 101, you can get help for that free online.

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