-Removed-Stop hiding behind the most misused phrase on this forum ( your the biggest perpetrator BTW ).
It’s not whataboutism if the criticism / example is like for like. British politics is full of “lying sexist gravy-train riding pig”s so your point is moot if your arguing that we are better off trading one for the other on that basis. You should stick with the solid ground of Sovereignty ( unless we are trying to get a trade deal of course ) then sovereignty is up for grabs but at least it’s ours to sell.
@shavixmir saidThe automod is a blunt instrument.
Why would they be alerted?
If an innocuous post is alerted, a misconstruing automod is usually responsible.
01 Nov 20
@ghost-of-a-duke saidAutomod, by the way, sounds like a baby being born that looks like Paul Weller...
The automod is a blunt instrument.
If an innocuous post is alerted, a misconstruing automod is usually responsible.
@shavixmir said😆
Automod, by the way, sounds like a baby being born that looks like Paul Weller...