Originally posted by princeoforangeThanks. That foul-mouthed yobbo. who has achieved publicity (and a knighthood) was recently condemned by Moeletsi Mbeki, Deputy Chairman of the Institute of African Affairs in South Africa, for making the situation worse in Africa by subsidising the corrupt African politicians who syphon off most of the money donated by European dupes.
That's very harsh! I suggest you apologise to Philidor for comparing him to such a clown, it could be very hurtful.
Originally posted by PhilodorDo you really think they are dupe?
making the situation worse in Africa by subsidising the corrupt African politicians who syphon off most of the money donated by European dupes.
Don't you think that they know perfectely what they are doing - keeping/helping/placing the Dictators at the head of african countries to make sure that all the resources (Gold, Petrol, Diamonds,...) keep rushing in the Occidental economy?
Why do you think all the weapons available in Africa are european or american or russian manufactured?
Keep killing your friends buddy african, as long as you keep sending us the check for the bullets we provide.