@cheesemaster saidThere are plenty of people who work very hard and can just get by.
Hard work and foresight pays.
I'm a bum who never thought working hard was worth it but hating people who do work hard is pathetic.
Quite generally due to policies political party’s make which are paid for by the very people who are able to invest a lot of money.
@shavixmir - There are plenty of people who work very hard and can just get by.
Yes, and government digs a gold mine in their paycheck every week. Amazing how that works, eh?
And the libtards that love the poor let this happen because they love monopolistic greedy government even more.
Are you one of them there libtards that want high taxes on the poor, shav?
@averagejoe1 saidLol obviously a bounce based on Trump being evicted from the White House and the Dems getting the keys. but yes Joe do continue with your fantasy.
I’m thinking you may have been tied up on this forum all day and not noticed the Dow, which I had told y’all a year ago would hit 30,000. I’m now telling you it will hit 40,000 ( that is if repub keeps the Senate, holding back the jackals). So give it some thought, and happy Thanksgiving to all.
@earl-of-trumps saidYet still it waited on Trump and his retarded administration throwing in the towel. Just a weird coincidence I expect.
Having a suitable vax is great news for *all* businesses.
I think you people seriously underestimate this in its effect on the DOW
@kevcvs57 saidQuit fantasizing that rich go-getters are motivated like you and think like you. They bet on an economic boon based on the vax.
Lol obviously a bounce based on Trump being evicted from the White House and the Dems getting the keys. but yes Joe do continue with your fantasy.
people like you celebrate the change of president by looting Walmart and burning a courthouse, not by investing, for fooks sake.,
I'd offer the sell you a vowel but you are that far out of it not to know what a vowel is
The post that was quoted here has been removedI have written above about the individual. Your comment here suggests ‘everyone’, or that people all have different stations in life. Some are born rich, trust funds full of stocks, etc. You are correct, and thanks for pointing out that life is not fair.
Can you ‘close’ your point by telling us how that can be changed, either naturally or by force, to suit Handy Andy?
@handyandy saidHandy......11 guys from different places in life form a football team, and play against another football team of guys from different places in life. One of the teams is going to win, One is going to lose. Let’s say the losing team says that the result was not fair.
Obviously, Joe. Humanity isn't your bag.
You are called upon to solve, to settle, this problem. What would you do?
@averagejoe1 saidSit Trump down and explain calmly and clearly that he lost.
Handy......11 guys from different places in life form a football team, and play against another football team of guys from different places in life. One of the teams is going to win, One is going to lose. Let’s say the losing team says that the result was not fair.
You are called upon to solve, to settle, this problem. What would you do?
@earl-of-trumps saidYour a such a trumptard earl. Investors generally like stability and continuity. They now know the lay of the land for the next four years.
Quit fantasizing that rich go-getters are motivated like you and think like you. They bet on an economic boon based on the vax.
people like you celebrate the change of president by looting Walmart and burning a courthouse, not by investing, for fooks sake.,
I'd offer the sell you a vowel but you are that far out of it not to know what a vowel is
They know Biden isn’t going to wake up at two in the morning in a cold sweat and tweet something stupid about the economy.
Stop pretending to understand things that you clearly do not.
@kevcvs57 saidyou have absolutely no idea how many wall street shakers and bakers gamble.
Your a such a trumptard earl. Investors generally like stability and continuity. They now know the lay of the land for the next four years.
They know Biden isn’t going to wake up at two in the morning in a cold sweat and tweet something stupid about the economy.
Stop pretending to understand things that you clearly do not.
I’m thanking that handy Andy is wrestling with a response to my simple analogy about two football teams, one has to lose. So I will make it simpler. If two men are born in the same normal American family, and one is extremely hard-working and successful, and the other is not, does the successful brother have a duty of care to the loser brother. You see, I can relate this scenario to the entire country. So, Handy/, does the loser brother have any right to any support from the successful brother?
Handy, Regarding your food line at church, what if Jeff Bezos had found that to be a quite simple little place to go by every day. That is, be a loser. How could we have a brand new Chess Set show up at our front door in 24 hours from the moment we order it? Handy/, would we not miss Jeff Bezos and his success? And, does he have some duty to you? How many ways can I ask these questions?
@shavixmir saidYou must have missed my comment a few weeks ago, that our government could easily take care of the 40 million people who have problems such as those we speak of. We could easily spend whatever it takes to do that, and everyone else go out and take care of themselves. To me that is a no-brainer. Just think, we could get rid of all the welfare programs, and simply take care of those 40 million. It would reduce bureaucracy and agencies, a huge savings of government revenue.
Yes. Yes, you look after the less fortunate.
That's society. And since there are 30x as many unfortunes as fortunates, if you don't, you'll wake up with your cities on fire and pitchforks up your arse.
Shav, does this look like average Joe does not care about the less fortunate and the poor? You fellers never get the clarity of points made by the logical, reasonable conservatives.
Just what are you suggesting to do about the less fortunate ? And what would be your answer to my question to Handy? What? You never say what.
@averagejoe1 saidWe won't "solve" or "settle" the problem, but we'll examine it. We'll define and discuss exactly what the losing team means by "not fair." Often, the path from a losing game leads to a winning game.
Handy......11 guys from different places in life form a football team, and play against another football team of guys from different places in life. One of the teams is going to win, One is going to lose. Let’s say the losing team says that the result was not fair.
You are called upon to solve, to settle, this problem. What would you do?
We should avoid defining life in terms of fairness. Life is pliable, not hard and fixed. You have the power to shape it.