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@earl-of-trumps said
And while you eat your healthy meals 3 times a day and prosper,
your crumbs fall on the heads of the North Koreans, Cubans, Venezuelans,
many African peoples, and others.
Oh sorry did I give the impression of being guilt free. But like charity, building a more equitable society starts at home.
Those people you mentioned would eat a lot better if a massive chunk of their National wealth wasn’t being syphoned off by a powerful rich few supported by different geopolitically interested powerful corporations and their host states.


@kevcvs57 said
Oh sorry did I give the impression of being guilt free. But like charity, building a more equitable society starts at home.
Those people you mentioned would eat a lot better if a massive chunk of their National wealth wasn’t being syphoned off by a powerful rich few supported by different geopolitically interested powerful corporations and their host states.
I REALLY wish you libs would tell us how To straighten out all of this seemingly imbalanced society that you keep bringing up. So what would you do? More taxes, which take away money that could be invested? Which of course would thus reduce the amount of jobs available? And you never ever comment on losers that surf every day on some beach while collecting at least $40,000 a year in entitlements and welfare. Trust me there are several million of those people. You never say anything about those people. Can you not at least say no money should be given to anyone who is able-bodied? No you cannot, because that flies in the face of all liberal concepts. It makes me shudder to think “to each according to their needs from each according to their ability“. That is exactly what you are saying


@handyandy said
Successful people should give assistance to those who are not as fortunate, but their help is voluntary.

By the way, I consider both Joe Biden and Kamala Harris moderates, not liberals.
Sorry, i thought some of your posts over the months have suggested that society be changed (just see the lib programs on the horizon.......government! Surprise!), changed, so that successful people be taxed more to support the lesser fortunate. But then I’ll wait for your next comment, to close your comment, which should say that to accomplish that objective, the more successful people will be restricted so much in earning capacity that the next generation will have lesser rich people to support the hoards you speak of...... Liberals never touch on that part.

And i find it hilarious that liberals like yourself do not believe in the old idiom that a rising tide raises all boats. So here you are on the forum disparaging one of the greatest concepts ever uttered.


Ah, so I guess you figure since the Dow recovered and is in new territory, SO IN YOUR SO CALLED MIND TRUMP MUST BE RIGHT AND WE NEED TO KICK BIDEN OUT BEFORE HE EVEN TAKES OFFICE.



gosh dang, you come up with a gem now and again, eh?


@averagejoe1 said
And i find it hilarious that liberals like yourself do not believe in the old idiom that a rising tide raises all boats. So here you are on the forum disparaging one of the greatest concepts ever uttered.
Who are these "liberals" that you find so terrifying?

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@sonhouse said
Ah, so I guess you figure since the Dow recovered and is in new territory, SO IN YOUR SO CALLED MIND TRUMP MUST BE RIGHT AND WE NEED TO KICK BIDEN OUT BEFORE HE EVEN TAKES OFFICE.
Sonhouse.......................................you imply that the market could/should/might have some bearing on who our next president should be. You just said that. Unbelievable. Everyone knows that only a national election, and resolution of Electoral College, decides that. Nothing else. Too much turkey???

And we think this is funny, You ought to read some of Handy's stuff. Just throws comments out there with no foundation, no reasoning, no basis. He thinks that if govt requires a redistribution of wealth that there will still be 'rich people' around to keep redistributing their wealth. An impossibility, or course. They won't have any more, as it will be owned by, or controlled by the government. Ha, I just read what i just typed, I can see Handy responding.."Joe, the PEOPLE are the government. " Like, that resolves something. Hard to keep you fellers focused.


Oh, GEE, I didn't know ANY of that. Thanks for clearing that up.

So you will want to keep the thread going as long as possible, I can't WAIT for your next bullshyte response.

BTW, you STILL didn't answer my question of how the election is so rigged, democrats win but you never said squat about the FACT a lot of repubs actually WON.

So tell me how that happened, did the dems screw up so much some of those repubs got in despite the corruption of democrats?


@sonhouse said
Oh, GEE, I didn't know ANY of that. Thanks for clearing that up.

So you will want to keep the thread going as long as possible, I can't WAIT for your next bullshyte response.

BTW, you STILL didn't answer my question of how the election is so rigged, democrats win but you never said squat about the FACT a lot of repubs actually WON.

So tell me how that ...[text shortened]... ened, did the dems screw up so much some of those repubs got in despite the corruption of democrats?
Sonhouse. Have a seat. I have NEVER said that the election was rigged, I know nothing, and neither do you. So what is your point? Really, how can someone say the election is rigged when they don’t know that it is rigged? Typical of all the posts in this form. Please spare us your opinion on rigging. No one knows. Ho hum.
Biden says he will not impede the ongoing Investigation of the slime that went on during the last three years in Washington. I applaud him for that. So we still will be able to see who all the perpetrators were, although I still predict no one will go to jail. Go Biden.


@sonhouse said
Oh, GEE, I didn't know ANY of that. Thanks for clearing that up.

So you will want to keep the thread going as long as possible, I can't WAIT for your next bullshyte response.

BTW, you STILL didn't answer my question of how the election is so rigged, democrats win but you never said squat about the FACT a lot of repubs actually WON.

So tell me how that ...[text shortened]... ened, did the dems screw up so much some of those repubs got in despite the corruption of democrats?
So your first sentence acknowledges my points about how the liberal plans will cause rich folks to grind down to a halt? So, then, what happens next? Where will people get jobs? And where will people gat all the products that we know and love.? Will we all ‘end up (equal) in the same place, which Kamala said should happen?


@handyandy said
Who are these "liberals" that you find so terrifying?
Good question. The ‘forum’ definition is prob folks that ascribe to the programs proposed by democrats and other entities which provide for wealth redistribution, among other things. And, those who introduce emotion into quite important and serious matters, where emotion has no place. How would you describe them?


@averagejoe1 said
Good question. The ‘forum’ definition is prob folks that ascribe to the programs proposed by democrats and other entities which provide for wealth redistribution, among other things. And, those who introduce emotion into quite important and serious matters, where emotion has no place. How would you describe them?
What are the proposed programs that provide for wealth redistribution, among other things?


@handyandy said
What are the proposed programs that provide for wealth redistribution, among other things?
If you will look at the Biden Programs (AOC, Kamala, all-in on this), you will see that they all will derive their funding from taxing people. The money that they get from people will be used to fund the programs. So, money from some people is taken and used for the benefit of other people in a very extreme way. Arguments abound, for example, regarding forgiving student debt, or funding free college,, or medicare for all. This forum can argue adnauseum about the sanity of our taxes being used for such things. For instance, I disagree with these 3 items, but you or Suzianne may think it is a good idea. I would rather see the money used to support the 40M destitute in this country, and tell everyone else to work their lives out independently.

Anyway, not meaning to argue the particulars, the 'wealth' of some people would be used to pay for 'proposed programs' to benefit other people, who have no business getting that wealth of the some people. So, do you think that the 'other' people DO have a right to such benefit from the aforementioned 'some' people? Surely not.


@averagejoe1 said
Anyway, not meaning to argue the particulars, the 'wealth' of some people would be used to pay for 'proposed programs' to benefit other people, who have no business getting that wealth of the some people. So, do you think that the 'other' people DO have a right to such benefit from the aforementioned 'some' people? Surely not.
If the "other" people are fellow USA residents, they have, at the very least, the right to quality health care and a free education. These programs must be funded by taxes. Remember, a rising tide lifts all boats.


@handyandy said
If the "other" people are fellow USA residents, they have, at the very least, the right to quality health care and a free education. These programs must be funded by taxes. Remember, a rising tide lifts all boats.
Im with you, Handy. But, consider, that taxes should be applied to programs that benefit Everyone! Take free college, i have no children! Free abortion, when many people have zero to do with pregnancies and babies .Plus, being pregnant is a CHOICE..... Should our tax dollars go to remedy her choice?
But Biden DOES have a plan to improve The infrastructure in this country. Please understand that this benefits everyone, and average Joe is all for it. Can you not see the difference? You should look into what it would cost to have medical care for everyone in this country including all of the illegals, of course. And do you know that Kamala wants to get rid of private health insurance. Do you mind? I would like to have private health insurance, if you don’t mind.

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