31 Jul 23
@kevcvs57 saidWhat false information?
It’s because he constantly disseminates false information about health and remedies that his company offers. He does real harm in the real world, any private company should have a right to avoid doing business with him, especially a bank that may get dragged into a future lawsuit for facilitating his snake oil business.
Don’t get this case confused with the wrongful debanking of the right wing lying populist scumbag Farage
Give us all an example.
-Removed-How else can a bank deal with someone they consider beyond the pale other than just refuse ITS A BANK dive, it’s not a government. It can and must be able to deny its services just like any other business. Not sure what your gripe is here, mercola is not a political party or a political personality.
-Removed-No dive because a baker baking a cake for a gay person does not have any possible future consequences for the baker, unlike a bank facilitating the business of a snake oil salesman.
But I personally do not care if tosspot phobic bakers have to make cakes for gay people or not it’s not on the same level as a Christian doctor refusing to treat a gay person or a Christian official refusing to officiate a gay marriage.
31 Jul 23
-Removed-The bank is at a disadvantage because it cannot disclose to the public details about a customer's account but:
"(Jul. 28, 2023) — After reposting Dr. Joseph Mercola’s article announcing the closure of his company and officers’ bank accounts Thursday, The Post & Email contacted Chase Bank to inquire as to the reason.
We contacted Briana Curran, the media representative for our region, who referred the inquiry to an Allison Reed.
Our questions were:
Why did Chase close the accounts of Dr. Joseph Mercola and his executive officers, their spouses and children? Is that not against the law in Florida, where Dr. Mercola is based?
At 4:49 p.m. Thursday, Reed responded:
For privacy reasons, we can’t discuss customer relationships, but we don’t close accounts because of political affiliations, and we didn’t do so in this case."
So the assumption being made i.e. that the bank closed the accounts because of Mercola's views is speculation with no evidence to support it.
-Removed-Yeah if a business is a front for vaccine and covid disinformation and causes harm in the real world then I’m ecstatic that a soulless bank operates in a system where they might be found to be partly responsible for that harm.
Are really so childlike that you think the bank acted out of some sense of moral duty, grow up sonny.
-Removed-“ he’s not a member of any political party, he’s just a bloke with an opinion.”
But you’re conflating again. No one in this thread is excusing the debanking of someone the bank disagrees with politically.
But as far as the principle goes would it be immoral if the worlds banks had debanked the Nazi party after Krystal night?
01 Aug 23
@kevcvs57 saidWhat vaccine and covid disinformation? Give us all an example or stop lying about Dr. Mercola
Yeah if a business is a front for vaccine and covid disinformation and causes harm in the real world then I’m ecstatic that a soulless bank operates in a system where they might be found to be partly responsible for that harm.
Are really so childlike that you think the bank acted out of some sense of moral duty, grow up sonny.
You want the social credit system like China's here. When did you become a communist?