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Eternal life?

Eternal life?


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Originally posted by RBHILL
Jesus was God's Plan from the begining.
Read John Chapter 1
So what your saying is that contrary to what Rich says, the rules never changed. We are then back to the original question. Who do we believe?


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Originally posted by Feivel
The answer is not in my post Rich. So what you just said hinges on our presupposition that Jesus died for our sins? Also how does it follow that the requirements changed after the crucifixion? Please read the rest of the bible where it says god is unchanging. Also realize that if god changed the rules after Jesus' death by definition the change could only be ...[text shortened]... rfect BEFORE he changed the rules. Guess you could say that's a catch 22 situation 🙂

OK, it isn't in your post. I haven't read the Bible, so I'm not sure what you're talking about.

Isn't the whole point of Christianity that Jesus made it easy to get into heaven?

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Originally posted by richjohnson
Isn't the whole point of Christianity that Jesus made it easy to get into heaven?
That's one of the coolest things you've ever said.

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Originally posted by Feivel
So what your saying is that contrary to what Rich says, the rules never changed. We are then back to the original question. Who do we believe?

My commit has nothing to do with Rich you always bring someone else into it.
I am Quoting what the Bible says.

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the bible or billy graham?

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Originally posted by usmc7257
the bible or billy graham?
Hey Jarhead! When you joined the Marines, did you know it all before you joined, or did someone teach you something. Implying that RBHILL is not thinking for himself is kind of ironic coming from a bullet catcher. Sure, you are required to do some thinking for yourself, but someone still showed you how to put on your uniform and salute properly, when to stand at attention and when parade-rest. You did not figure those things out on your own and I doubt you memorized the Marine handbook before your signed up. So unless you are truly an Army of One, I think you should reconsider your attitude soldier.

P.S. I don't recall your MOS being sniper so you are operating outside of your area of competence.

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you are right my MOS is not a sniper. but before you want to resort to calling names (not very christian-like by the way) you might want to look at his posts. how many of them mention graham? havent bothered to count but ill be willing to bet it is alot. alot of people are getting tired of seeing what graham and mr HILL have to say on the subject. on post would have been enough but now the debates forum is full of it and most of them are all about the same thing. " we are going to hell if we dont go to his church" did i resort to calling the dude names like you have so cleverly called me... i really like the bullet catcher one by the way that was good. i have just one name for you...hypocritical.

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sorry about this post wrote it twicw and now need smoe filler

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Originally posted by usmc7257
you are right my MOS is not a sniper. but before you want to resort to calling names (not very christian-like by the way) you might want to look at his posts. how many of them mention graham? havent bothered to count but ill be willing to ...[text shortened]... he way that was good. i have just one name for you...hypocritical.
My post was meant to be tongue-in-cheek because I my MOS was light infantry - which was where I learned that "bullet catcher" was my unofficial MOS. Jarhead I hear was an honorific only given to Marines, but I don't know where it comes from. My Drill Sargent had more colorful names for us that I won't add since I know some younger kids who come here.

BTW, some name calling is biblical. Consider what Paul said of Cretans: in Titus 1:12-13
One of the Cretans, a prophet of their own, said, "Cretans are always liars, evil beasts, lazy gluttons." This testimony is true...
The Bible can be shocking at times. Sometime a little shock gets people's attention. For instance you called me a hypocrite. Jesus called people that and more - brood of vipers, serpents, lawyers!

Jesus was not a nice guy all the time. That soft spoken touchie-feelie Jesus is not found in the Bible.
"You serpents, you brood of vipers, how are you to escape being sentenced to hell?" (Matthew 23:33) I don't think he was saying that to cheer anyone up.

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MOS is a number assigned to a certain job performed. for instance, 7257 is the number for air traffic control.

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Originally posted by usmc7257
MOS is a number assigned to a certain job performed. for instance, 7257 is the number for air traffic control.
Mine was 11B, but I don't know if the Marines use the same system as the Army. Is 11B infanty in the Marines? And forget the Navy and Airforce, I could never keep thier ranks straight, much less thier thier job titles!

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Originally posted by richjohnson
OK, it isn't in your post. I haven't read the Bible, so I'm not sure what you're talking about.

Isn't the whole point of Christianity that Jesus made it easy to get into heaven?
Not too sure about that. After all it's easier for a camel to fit through the eye of a needle. At least that's what the english mistranslation says 🙂


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Originally posted by Feivel
Not too sure about that. After all it's easier for a camel to fit through the eye of a needle. At least that's what the english mistranslation says 🙂

Yes i am trying to get to grips with this quote and its meaning. i know the original post was conected about wealth? But lazerath (he who came out of the tomb) was a wealthy man and a friend of jesus, evan that frienship was not fully explained as he is only mentioned a few times, My conclution is that wealth is ok as with solomon and co. but if asked to sell up and your heart is not in this, you show which you serve, As jesus asked the would be deciple and pauls reference, what would yours and my answer?? as our colonies lost refer to them as bums and we call them tramps.

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Originally posted by Feivel
Not too sure about that. After all it's easier for a camel to fit through the eye of a needle. At least that's what the english mistranslation says 🙂


.... you make me curious Feivel. What is the correct translation in your eyes ?

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Originally posted by Coletti
BTW, some name calling is biblical. Consider what Paul said of Cretans: in Titus 1:12-13
One of the Cretans, a prophet of their own, said, "Cretans are always liars, evil beasts, lazy gluttons." This testimony is true...
...[text shortened]... thew 23:33) I don't think he was saying that to cheer anyone up.
Is this true? I don't have Titus to hand, and don't know it. And if it is true, are you taking the quote completely out of context? And if it's true and in context, does Paul simply not 'get' Epimenides (who created the Cretan paradox).

I honestly don't think Paul was an idiot, so there must be something else behind this. Or maybe some statements in the Bible are, gasp!, wrong?

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