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Europe increasingly right wing

Europe increasingly right wing



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@shavixmir said
The Netherland times???

That can’t be real.
The Washington Post has used the Netherland Times as a source:



@vivify said
The Netherland Times is a real news source, dumbass.

Well, then I must assume that so is rumble.com


@vivify said
The Washington Post has used the Netherland Times as a source:

You... really are astoundingly, Metal-Brain-level ignorant about the Netherlands. So is the WP "journalist" - probably more correctly, "intern" - who wrote that "article".

Really. Come on. You should do better.


@shallow-blue said
You... really are astoundingly, Metal-Brain-level ignorant about the Netherlands. So is the WP "journalist" - probably more correctly, "intern" - who wrote that "article".

Really. Come on. You should do better.
Who to believe? A trained reporter vetted by a globally-respected news organization...or a what's-his-face wishing he could post like Zahlanzi.

Decisions, decisions.


@vivify said
The Washington Post has used the Netherland Times as a source:

Well, fukk me sideways with a barge pole… the Netherland Times does actually exist.


And what’s more, at a quick glance it seems to be quite objective.

How strange.
For Vivify’s sake, what triggered me was the name. The country is called “The Netherlands”. Plural.
So any news page would normally be called the same. To drop the S is absurd.

It would be like calling a Scottish news site: “The Cotland Times”.

Learn something new every day!



It seems to be called the NL Times, officially.


@soothfast said

It seems to be called the NL Times, officially.
On their site they do refer to it as the Netherland Times.

Sort of like the Wahington Post…



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The OP wasn't about individuals it about the Swedish government, one of many European governments where right-wingers are starting to take control. This is a rising trend in Europe.


It's well-known that racism and nationalism was a significant driving force behind Brexit. The fact that it wasn't the only factor for leaving doesn't change this.


Racism rising since Brexit vote, nationwide study reveals

2 edits

@shavixmir said
Well, fukk me sideways with a barge pole… the Netherland Times does actually exist.


And what’s more, at a quick glance it seems to be quite objective.

How strange.
For Vivify’s sake, what triggered me was the name. The country is called “The Netherlands”. Plural.
So any news page would normally be called the same. To drop the S is a ...[text shortened]... t would be like calling a Scottish news site: “The Cotland Times”.

Learn something new every day!
You have a point, it's like titling something "The United State".

I think leaving out the "S" gives the title more of a punch. Try saying "Netherlands Times", it's a bit awkward....doesn't flow as well. Maybe two words back-to-back with "S" sounds at the end just don't go well.


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