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Feeling under the weather

Feeling under the weather



@lemondrop said
just a vitamin D deficiency
When I die from Covid, then that would be the appropriate time to make a vitamin d jab.


@eladar said
I think it is probably allergies. I feel fine as long as I am not doing anything.
Do you wake up in the night sweaty?

I didn't know I had covid and thought it was food poisoning. If you have a temporary bout of impotence later it is covid. That is what happened to me. It will pass in a week or two. The physical pain was not that bad. The mental pain was worse. It affects the brain.

1 edit

@metal-brain said
Do you wake up in the night sweaty?

I didn't know I had covid and thought it was food poisoning. If you have a temporary bout of impotence later it is covid. That is what happened to me. It will pass in a week or two. The physical pain was not that bad. The mental pain was worse. It affects the brain.
I did wake up with the chills thr first night, but no temp issues. I ended up putting on a pull over and long pants to stay warm the next day. No chills since.

Impotence would be a new one.


I was kind of foggy minded, did not really trust myself. My wife just took her temp, it is 101.4 so maybe my vitamins were protecting me.


—-you have a temporary bout of impotence later it is covid. That is what happened to me—-

Geez. These jokes are going to write themselves.


@eladar said
I was kind of foggy minded, did not really trust myself. My wife just took her temp, it is 101.4 so maybe my vitamins were protecting me.
How could you tell you were more foggy minded than usual?


@sh76 said
—-you have a temporary bout of impotence later it is covid. That is what happened to me—-

Geez. These jokes are going to write themselves.
I was not kidding. That is the only reason I realized I had covid months later when I heard that was a side effect of C19. I dismissed it as food poisoning. It seemed more like an intestinal virus than a respiratory virus. My lungs felt fine.

I have concluded that most people have had the SARS2 virus and didn't realize it. Some are asymptomatic and those with symptoms had symptoms they didn't expect and thought it was something else. It took me 3 months later before I figured it out. The physical pain was more in the stomach and the depression was the worst part about it. Once the depression passed it wasn't that bad in my case. I had colds that were worse.


@shavixmir said
How could you tell you were more foggy minded than usual?
I did not expect a person of your low intelligence to understand.


@eladar said
Had shakes last night. This morning I sweat easily and have no energy, a soar throat and a very mild temp.

Do I have covid?
Anti psychotic meds withdrawals is another option

2 edits

@eladar said
I think it is probably allergies. I feel fine as long as I am not doing anything.
I ain't no doctor (though I love to play one on the Internet), but you might want to see an actual doctor before ascribing "shakes," night sweats, fatigue, sore throat and fever to "allergies."

With the above disclaimer in place, you were sick, El. It might not have been COVID, but it wasn't allergies.

I still think you should get tested. Even if you're feeling better, you could still have COVID and it's only been 3 days, which means you could definitely still spread it. COVID also tends to come in 2 waves, so you want to be ready in case you get an immune overreaction.

Edit: I think (and hope) that you're going to be fine, but though I get that you want to be a cowboy on this message board, in real life, get tested and see a doctor. Please. You don't have to tell us about it.


@eladar said
Had shakes last night. This morning I sweat easily and have no energy, a soar throat and a very mild temp.

Do I have covid?
You might have Henipavirus. It was more than just SARS2 that leaked out of a lab. Both are going around. Could be one or the other or both.


Both are bat viruses, but Nipah has been confirmed to genetically engineered and found in an early Wuhan patient.

https://www.theepochtimes.com/[WORD TOO LONG].html


@kevcvs57 said
Anti psychotic meds withdrawals is another option
I do not take any meds. I am in better physical/mental shape than most people.


So you are ok teaching children to ignore the idea of getting tested.
You clearly have no interest in actually protecting those kids.
The FIRST thing you should have done is not prevaricate and tell US here about your symptoms but to get the test. I had TWO in one day, I thought I had symptoms and our local urgent care now have a ten minute test which came out negative and they did the regular lab test also which came back neg also.


Metal brain the diagnostician. I did not know you had an MD and could give advice on medical matters.
Oh I forgot, you only post ultrarightwingnutjob sites telling lies.
Got it.


@sonhouse said
Metal brain the diagnostician. I did not know you had an MD and could give advice on medical matters.
Oh I forgot, you only post ultrarightwingnutjob sites telling lies.
Got it.
Look Jane, see Henipahvirus spread.
Stop it Jane, you are just an ultrarightwingnutjob.
Dick, Spot is dead.
Yes Jane, we were too busy fighting to save him.

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