11 May 21
@suzianne saidThe article wasn't about rape and sexual assault. It was about "unwanted attention from older men" (note the title) and how that impacts the formative years of a teenaged girl. Rape and sexual assault are not referenced in the article (or at least in the potion D quoted).
Do you seriously think I am advocating prison for "leering or making a suggestive comment"? It seems you stopped reading at that point as well.
Maybe you need to be more nuanced in your supposition.
Men's behavior also follows a path of least resistance. The ones who take it to that final, undesired result have a long history of the lesser behaviors. Men being told ...[text shortened]... Instead of being invested in bringing women down, maybe men should just stay busy being better men.
Shav asked what can be done about it.
You responded "Prison followed by a lifetime dealing with society as a sexual offender is a start.”
If you can't see how that led to my question, that's on you.
11 May 21
@dood111 saidlol, you don't suppose this happens because the woman likes to be played up to, do you? So maybe the problem
OMG men are attracted to younger women what is the world coming to?
When did this happen?
is not within the man but within the woman. 😲 😲 😵 Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! Heresy! lol.
Seriously, lecturing men to leave women alone is like trying to tell the fox to leave the chickens alone
11 May 21
@relentless-red saidWith rape and abuse you are changing the subject. For any physical violence I would suggest all girls learn to carry a small blade and immediately slash the abusers throat, and that should take care of it quite nicely. This nasty world we live in is not some safe paradise -- learn to deal with it, like a cat would.
I've seen girls commit suicide because they had been raped and abused. I've seen girls learn to hate their own bodies for attracting unwanted sexual interest. I have never seen or read about a girl who ended their life as a result of not being found attractive. I worked in mental health for 30 years.
And about 'attracting unwanted sexual interest', what are they doing about this horrible, terrible crime? Dressing up in half-naked sexy outfits to show off in public? Sorry, but I just died laughing. I think your mental health professionals need serious mental healing. Reminds me of standard health professionals who torture girls to death with chemotherapy.
11 May 21
@bunnyknight saidSo we should (1) abolish any concept of proportionality, (2) not have an investigation by a neutral party to see if they believe incident occurred as the alleged victim does (3) not have a trial where someone could present a defense such as the contact was accidental, or committed by someone else. Are you seriously suggesting the world would be a better place if little girls slashed peoples throats and asked questions later?
With rape and abuse you are changing the subject. For any physical violence I would suggest all girls learn to carry a small blade and immediately slash the abusers throat, and that should take care of it quite nicely. This nasty world we live in is not some safe paradise -- learn to deal with it, like a cat would.
And about 'attracting unwanted sexual interest', ...[text shortened]... healing. Reminds me of standard health professionals who torture girls to death with chemotherapy.
11 May 21
God or Nature designed all species, including the humans. We bytch and moan about the methodology,
but in the end the job gets done. and to God or nature, that's what counts. The species procreates, as it must be.
are you smart enought to redesign it? otherwise, all people are doing is bytching about it.
The post that was quoted here has been removedI don't question designs that are beyond me. Man goes for younger gal has happened since the onset.
Our proclivities/societal morasses are flexible, of course. But the bottom line is "getting pregnant" is natures plan,
weather gender feminists like it or not. Now in the meantime, have you ever seen a young man in his twenties tie up
with a woman in her 70's or 80's? But famous cases of young women tying up with old men happen frequently.
Face facts, the *real* problem is that women have a tendency and desire to tie up with older men.
The majority of married couples sees a man older than the woman. If you do not like all of this, I suggest that
you train your women to stay away from older men.,
12 May 21
@earl-of-trumps saidUh no. There is no design. There is evolution. It’s not like some strategic plan the trees have laid out or something.
God or Nature designed all species, including the humans. We bytch and moan about the methodology,
but in the end the job gets done. and to God or nature, that's what counts. The species procreates, as it must be.
are you smart enought to redesign it? otherwise, all people are doing is bytching about it.
And a part of this evolution is indeed procreation. And part of this procreation is protecting our offspring. Keeping the young safe.
Or, just strip down and approach a flock of geese with their young. See how they accept your cock dangling.
Or, if you’re a bit of a prude, keep your clothes on and run towards a family of wild boar with young. See how their tusks will treat you.
We protect our young, because it is beneficial to do so. Even for the procreation of the DNA (for that’s the driving force). And women are best at procreating between 20 and 33.
So, it would be natural for males to find females in that group attractive.
Not 16 year olds who’s breasts and hips aren’t fully developed.
Next time you want to talk nature, think before you type.
@relentless-red saidIt was quite a while ago now, but I distinctly remember you telling me in a PM that you had only qualified in mental health late in your working career, and then by a six month course.
I worked in mental health for 30 years.
12 May 21
@bunnyknight saidGosh, how profound.
First thing to understand is that life would not exist without sex.