Fox lied and that was proven in court.
@sonhouse saidNO, that is a lie.
Fox lied and that was proven in court.
Fox never lied. Pirro lied. A Fox employee.
Fox never claimed Tucker lied. You are lying!
I bow to your incredible intellect.
And yes if you hadn't figured it out that IS sarcasm.
It says I am tired of replying to a troll. It matters little what I say, you just come up with yet another POS ultrarightwingnut biased site you THINK proves your point, and I am full up to my neck replying to a professional troll.
@Metal-Brain saidYou believe Russian misinformation.
NO, that is a lie.
Fox never lied. Pirro lied. A Fox employee.
Fox never claimed Tucker lied. You are lying!
How embarrassing.
Yeah, mis, dis, whatever, Russia WANTS Trump to win, well I should say your own boss Putin wants Trump to win since Trump is Putin's puppet.
@Metal-Brain saidYes, I did. One point for the goober.
You mean disinformation. How embarrassing.