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Hannity breaks Prime Time Cable News Record!

Hannity breaks Prime Time Cable News Record!



@jj-adams said
Americans of all colors are watching FOX,
LMFAO. Okay. If you consider shades of pasty white and redneck colors.


@vivify said
LMFAO. Okay. If you consider shades of pasty white and redneck colors.
C'mon Viv, there's
plenty OREOS out there.


@jimm619 said
Schools and gymnasiums, out here,
are separate...............I wonder what state you
are referring to when you say 11 year old
children use uni-sex bathrooms.....Can you tell me?
As I stated, 'close minded.'
I do not know all the details, except that in the end, bathrooms are being turned into bathrooms where everyone does their toiletries together, Jim. You may not have this going on 'out there', but the Drudge Report had it as a top story a few months ago. Gyms do have 2 bathrooms, but does not this new concept lead to having all bathrooms unisex? No boys' room or girls' room, ....all one room? If not, send me a link, and I will say that I am totally wrong.

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@jimm619 said
C'mon Viv, there's
plenty OREOS out there.
Yes, Candice Owens, Stacey Dash, Ben Carson...conservatives use those token blacks like Ted Bundy showed off his wife and daughter.


@vivify said
Yes, Candice Owens, Stacey Dash, Ben Carson...conservatives use those token blacks like Ted Bundy showed off his wife and daughter.
Y'all and Suzianne really reek of racism in your posts. Uh, do we?


@averagejoe1 said
Y'all and Suzianne really reek of racism in your posts. Uh, do we?
You defended Reagan using racial slurs as "locker room talk".



@vivify said
You defended Reagan using racial slurs as "locker room talk".

Locker room talk is quite random, and acceptable. It is what guys do. If you have never done locker room talk, you will be quite in the minority. Shooting the S..., and so forth. Why feign your understanding of that? You fellers come off as really wierd.
Anyway yeah, I guess I 'defended' Trump for locker room talk. Defend my brother and son if they do it too.
Don't get you vivify. You messin'with us? you a guy who gets offended, are you?



Sonhouse....So, I just turned on Tucker. I remember my friends saying a while back how he bobs his head around like that Rachel Maddow person, really creepy. Is he copping her delivery!!?!??
Naaa, I am not interested in that kind of news. Couldn't watch him for 2 minutes. We agree!!!

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@averagejoe1 said
Locker room talk is quite random, and acceptable. It is what guys do. If you have never done locker room talk, you will be quite in the minority. Shooting the S..., and so forth. Why feign your understanding of that? You fellers come off as really wierd.
Anyway yeah, I guess I 'defended' Trump for locker room talk. Defend my brother and son if they do it too.
Don't get you vivify. You messin'with us? you a guy who gets offended, are you?
You went from complaining that my posts were "racist" to saying it's only "locker room talk" when conservatives do it.

Yet another example of why no one takes you seriously.

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@averagejoe1 said
I do not know all the details, except that in the end, bathrooms are being turned into bathrooms where everyone does their toiletries together, Jim. You may not have this going on 'out there', but the Drudge Report had it as a top story a few months ago. Gyms do have 2 bathrooms, but does not this new concept lead to having all bathrooms unisex? No boys' room or girls' room, ....all one room? If not, send me a link, and I will say that I am totally wrong.
Where do you get your fear triggers?

Tucker Carlson?

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@averagejoe1 said
Y'all and Suzianne really reek of racism in your posts. Uh, do we?
You're kidding me, right? Right?

Of course you are.

When was the last time you really listened to a black person, if ever?

Or a Mexican? No, I'm not kidding.

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So you didn't know you and I and all the rest of us lefties are racist! You have to catch up🙂

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@vivify said
You defended Reagan using racial slurs as "locker room talk".

Likewise Trump.

Racism and sexism are blood brothers. They often live in the same body.

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@sonhouse said
So you didn't know you and I and all the rest of us lefties are racist! You have to catch up🙂
Well, Forrest's mom was right. Stupid IS as stupid does.

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@averagejoe1 said
Locker room talk is quite random, and acceptable. It is what guys do. If you have never done locker room talk, you will be quite in the minority. Shooting the S..., and so forth. Why feign your understanding of that? You fellers come off as really wierd.
Anyway yeah, I guess I 'defended' Trump for locker room talk. Defend my brother and son if they do it too.
Don't get you vivify. You messin'with us? you a guy who gets offended, are you?
NO ONE gets more 'offended' than Republicans.

Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity leap to mind.

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