@mghrn55 saidThe great Renaissance painters worked for the Church. So did Gregor Mendel.
I think organized religion has the nitwit market cornered.
@athousandyoung said“The first message was sent over the ARPANET in 1969 from computer science Professor Leonard Kleinrock's laboratory at University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) to the second network node at Stanford Research Institute (SRI).” - Wikipedia
The US government landed a man on the moon, invented nuclear technology and the internet.
@no1marauder saidI think Democratic Socialists is the term du jour..... and that, I think, is a belief that both the economy and the society should be run democratically , to meet public needs. Further, that no citizen shall be allowed to profit ahead of others. This regulation, therefore, is a concept of control, if you will, by an ‘entity-certain’. Take that a step further, and you will find that the controlling entity can be none other than Government.
Why don't you tell me what you think "Socialism" is and then I'll tell you whether you can put a check in that column.
Is this the definition of the Socialism being bandied around in the daily news? If not, can you modify? Let’s get on same page of def, then discuss its merits. Thanks.
@athousandyoung saidThousand, Thousand, here you go again....Friedman said that advances as noted have never come from a ‘CENTRALIZED” government. The USA is not a centralized government. Don’t worry, I myself have made a few statements here incorrectly, but I’m nicer to you than these turkeys have been to me!
The US government landed a man on the moon, invented nuclear technology and the internet.
@js357 said
“The first message was sent over the ARPANET in 1969 from computer science Professor Leonard Kleinrock's laboratory at University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) to the second network node at Stanford Research Institute (SRI).” - Wikipedia
The ARPANET was initially funded by the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) of the United States Department of Defense.
@averagejoe1 saidThe three projects mentioned were not funded/run by state or local governments.
Thousand, Thousand, here you go again....Friedman said that advances as noted have never come from a ‘CENTRALIZED” government. The USA is not a centralized government. Don’t worry, I myself have made a few statements here incorrectly, but I’m nicer to you than these turkeys have been to me!
@averagejoe1 saidEarlier, I suggested that No1Marauder 'qualified' as being for Socialism. He responded, exactly 24 hours ago, that if I would define it, he would tell me if he is for Socialism. I defined it as I understand it, for his perusal. See above. I cant wait for this discussion after he responds.
I think Democratic Socialists is the term du jour..... and that, I think, is a belief that both the economy and the society should be run democratically , to meet public needs. Further, that no citizen shall be allowed to profit ahead of others. This regulation, therefore, is a concept of control, if you will, by an ‘entity-certain’. Take that a step further, and you will ...[text shortened]... daily news? If not, can you modify? Let’s get on same page of def, then discuss its merits. Thanks.
@averagejoe1 saidI don't spend 24/7 on this Forum; the Sanders thread got my attention earlier in the day and I spent the rest of it at dinner with my daughter and granddaughter. I'll try to get to your post tonight if I can.
Earlier, I suggested that No1Marauder 'qualified' as being for Socialism. He responded, exactly 24 hours ago, that if I would define it, he would tell me if he is for Socialism. I defined it as I understand it, for his perusal. See above. I cant wait for this discussion after he responds.
@kazetnagorra saidThe list of how some countries are doing just by looking at the "Nominal GDP" isn't as good as it appears without taking into account their debt.
@whodey saidSACRAMENTO (CBS13)
So to what do you attribute the large economy?
Socialist policies?
Report: California’s Actual Debt At Least $848B; Could Pass $1.1T
I'd say the people in that state that are working are doing a great job, but soon
and very soon the government will choke the life out of it.
@no1marauder saidMy apologies, I didn’t sound very nice. And frankly I will be off of this thing thing week, as I will follow with Keen interest the historical movements of the president.
I don't spend 24/7 on this Forum; the Sanders thread got my attention earlier in the day and I spent the rest of it at dinner with my daughter and granddaughter. I'll try to get to your post tonight if I can.
@averagejoe1 saidgood luck with that...marerider#1 lives in a world that what is required for him to be correct is merely for him to say he is...I gave up long ago.
Earlier, I suggested that No1Marauder 'qualified' as being for Socialism. He responded, exactly 24 hours ago, that if I would define it, he would tell me if he is for Socialism. I defined it as I understand it, for his perusal. See above. I cant wait for this discussion after he responds.