Originally posted by no1marauderSo you are saying it was not President Lincoln, but just the northern states that were flaunting federal law. Well, that is nice to know, if true.
Lincoln was only President for three weeks before Fort Sumter.
Nor does the evidence support the claim he "flaunted the law" regarding fugitive slaves during his administration. http://www.politifact.com/punditfact/statements/2014/mar/18/andrew-napolitano/napolitano-lincoln-enforced-fugitive-slave-act/
Originally posted by RJHindsIt would be nice to see some evidence that either were flaunting federal law in some manner. So far you haven't provided any.
So you are saying it was not President Lincoln, but just the northern states that were flaunting federal law. Well, that is nice to know, if true.
Originally posted by no1marauderThat may be so for Lincoln, but I know it is not so for Obama.
I don't believe either did what you claim. As pointed out in the link I provided Lincoln obeyed every law regarding slaves.
In 2012, Obama, by executive fiat, enacted the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, which gave temporary amnesty and work permits for two years to illegal immigrant children who met a variety of requirements.
His first foray into lawlessness came through executive order; he instructed Immigration officials to ignore immigration laws and cease deporting those who violated our borders. When Arizona tried to stop the massive invasion of illegals into Arizona through SB1070 Obama sent his Attorney General into the state to sue both the state as well as law enforcement officials whose only crime was enforcing the immigration laws currently in place.
Finally, last year Emperor Obama declared over two million illegal Mexicans free from prosecution and granted blanket amnesty to the so called "dreamers". (We have thousands of "dreamers" here in Arizona; they love robbing Circle K's and 7-11's and dealing drugs and conducting home invasions and murdering innocents and participating in long car chases…"dreamers indeed" )
So, last week, after giving the matter much consideration, after holding their annual party conference, the Republicans considered an immigration bill. Not as forgiving or as comprehensive as the one that emerged from the Senate, but a bill that would address immigration problems, item by item.
Then, they heard the words of the President, fresh from the SOTU speech, the boast that he would issue executive orders if Congress didn't give him what he wants…..and they remembered all of Obama's many breeches of the law, his circumvention of the U.S. Constitution time and time again, then said to themselves "why in the world would we trust this guy to enforce any law we pass?"
Originally posted by RJHindsYes those are the right wing claims. Obama claims he is exercising the wide discretion given the Executive as other Presidents have done. Until resolved by the courts it is premature to claim definitively that Obama is flaunting the law.
That may be so for Lincoln, but I know it is not so for Obama.
[quote]In 2012, Obama, by executive fiat, enacted the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, which gave temporary amnesty and work permits for two years to illegal immigrant children who met a variety of requirements.
His first foray into lawlessness came through executive ...[text shortened]... tp://justcommonsense-lostinamerica.blogspot.com/2014/02/obamas-demise-flaunting-rule-of-law.html
Originally posted by no1marauderOkay, I get it. It is innocent until proven guilty. Don't believe your eyes and ears. 😏
Yes those are the right wing claims. Obama claims he is exercising the wide discretion given the Executive as other Presidents have done. Until resolved by the courts it is premature to claim definitively that Obama is flaunting the law.