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I'm coming out as LGBTQIAMOUSE+

I'm coming out as LGBTQIAMOUSE+



@very-musty said
Are the parents of your mixed race granddaughter still together?

Just my statistical curiosity wondering 🤔
That wasn't any of your business, though, was it?

1 edit

@kevin-eleven said
That wasn't any of your business, though, was it?
It was purely for statistical purposes 🤔
I'm writing a paper on recurring patterns.


@kevin-eleven said
J/K -- I'm only gay, and although that is okay as a kind of shorthand, I don't really care for some of the baggage that comes with that, e.g., I don't participate in Gay Pride parades dressed in rainbow feathers and silver hotpants.

I'm a guy who's attracted to guys (not all of you! don't panic!) who wonders how anyone could possibly come out as all of those letters i ...[text shortened]... dhering to and promoting their totalitarian party line. It's almost as if Stalin had rainbow babies.
Is this real?


@kevin-eleven said
Turnabout is fair play, is it not? Although the better course would be to lead by example when possible.

It's not so much a revolution as a revelation, not only of things as they are, but of the damage people can do under the influence of artificial worldviews.
Turnabout is definitely fair play - but an eye for an eye will make the whole world blind.

And, when we create a new set of circumstances where people are being mistreated for their previous beliefs, they will be justified in returning the favor when the winds change, or, if they never change, it could even be potentially said that the fear of homosexuals was right: they cut their opponents out of power and set up a situation where any criticism of them meant retaliation.


@kevin-eleven said
Time out, Philokalia!

Have you been trolling us or are you so securely established in the metareality that you can assess whether someone else can see the reality for what it is? 😉

P.S. -- Are the monks of Mount Athos allowed to have eggs? I know they don't allow hens there.
In this case... the reality is that there is some very negative blowback from the woke movement. I think it is an objective truth. People are getting fired or pushed out of industries because of their opinions - sometimes they are legitimately controversial and unpleasant opinions, and I can even say that it is merited, but often times they cross the line...

And yes, they can & do have eggs. They are basically pescatarians with a lot of days where they cannot have fish/eggs/dairy



Well done, Kev. [thumb-up]


@Philokalia - said
They are basically pescatarians with a lot of days where they cannot have fish/eggs/dairy

Well, that is their religious beliefs! Sheeessh.




@very-musty said
It was purely for statistical purposes 🤔
I'm writing a paper on recurring patterns.
I’m guessing you’ll manage to avoid the figures for white couples who seperate and divorce leaving single white mums in their wake 🤔


@shavixmir said
Agreed. The woke community seems rather fundamentalist in their words and actions.

As I pointed out in a recent discussion at work: I’m not quite sure how a gay Catholic in Northern Ireland (in the 70’s) was enjoying his white privilege.
The answer was obviously that he had at least not been descended from slaves and if he was black it would be much worse.

My retort ...[text shortened]... s who I stick my tongue in (well, besides my wife… she’d probably have something to say about it… )?
Try living in a country where the predominant section of society simply doesn't believe all the tales of abuse of other sections of society simply because they've never encountered it themselves. A society of the "haves" seen only through the lens of those "haves", and never through the lens of the "have-nots". Instead of trying to understand the plight of the "other", they simply choose to believe that it just doesn't happen and these people are somehow "hysterical".

This is America. Don't make our mistake and claim it doesn't happen just because you don't see it happening in Europe.


@philokalia said
Turnabout is definitely fair play - but an eye for an eye will make the whole world blind.

And, when we create a new set of circumstances where people are being mistreated for their previous beliefs, they will be justified in returning the favor when the winds change, or, if they never change, it could even be potentially said that the fear of homosexuals was right: ...[text shortened]... eir opponents out of power and set up a situation where any criticism of them meant retaliation.
But I’ve never heard a LGBTQ+ person criticise someone for simply being straight, have you?
If your opinion is that they or their lifestyle is intrinsically wrong then you’ll need to accept their response to your judgemental attitude.


@kevin-eleven said
In this country (USA), everyone is in danger of getting attacked.
Everyone is in danger of some lunatic pulling out a gun because someone "dissed" him, or someone told him to put a mask on, or his mama didn't hug him enough as a child, or someone is scared of losing his status as a privileged white because of all the "hordes" of illegals coming across the border "any day now" by the busload.

In Australia, it only took one incident of a mass shooting for the government there to take action to protect its citizenry. In America there is now an average of more than one mass shooting every day. When are we going to crawl out from under the weight of inaction caused by the gun lobby and the NRA, who funds nearly every Republican in America?


@kevin-eleven said
J/K -- I'm only gay, and although that is okay as a kind of shorthand, I don't really care for some of the baggage that comes with that, e.g., I don't participate in Gay Pride parades dressed in rainbow feathers and silver hotpants.

I'm a guy who's attracted to guys (not all of you! don't panic!) who wonders how anyone could possibly come out as all of those letters i ...[text shortened]... dhering to and promoting their totalitarian party line. It's almost as if Stalin had rainbow babies.
Not sure if serious.


@suzianne said
Try living in a country where the predominant section of society simply doesn't believe all the tales of abuse of other sections of society simply because they've never encountered it themselves. A society of the "haves" seen only through the lens of those "haves", and never through the lens of the "have-nots". Instead of trying to understand the plight of the "other", the ...[text shortened]... on't make our mistake and claim it doesn't happen just because you don't see it happening in Europe.
I don't think that was what I was saying...


@kevcvs57 said
I’m guessing you’ll manage to avoid the figures for white couples who seperate and divorce leaving single white mums in their wake 🤔
Some families do break up. Some don't.

All mixed race families break up.

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