The post that was quoted here has been removedIf Duchess64 intends to dispute the general belief that Duchess64 is Chinese, then Duchess64 should--if she's not a coward--submit her opinion of Duchess64's 'race' or ethnicity.
EoT's avatar is Black. He holds opinions about Israeli-Palestine conflict that are common among Blacks but extremely uncommon among White conservatives. When White racists make racist comments EoT seems uncomfortable and disapproving of such posts. I've met enough Black conservatives that I know they do exist and so therefore my best guess of EoT's ethnicity is Black American. I've already mentioned this on the Forum and EoT responded to the thread without denying that he is Black. As a conservative American of course he seems to find it offensive and irrelevant to talk about his own ethnicity but that is not inconsistent with him being Black.
Candace Owens is a famous Black conservative similar to what I believe EoT is:
Owens is known for her criticism of the Black Lives Matter movement[9][61][62][63] and has described Black Lives Matter protesters as "a bunch of whiny toddlers, pretending to be oppressed for attention".[64] Owens has argued that African Americans have a victim mentality, often referring to the Democratic Party as a "plantation".[61][53] She has argued that the American left "like black people to be government-dependent"[65] and that black people have been brainwashed to vote for Democrats.[8] She has argued that police violence against black people is not about racism,[61][64] and referred to police killings of black people as a trivial matter to African Americans.[4][53][60] She has characterized abortion as a tool for the "extermination" of black babies.[2]
She has said, "Black Americans are doing worse off economically today than we were doing in the 1950s under Jim Crow", adding that this is because "we've only been voting for one party since then."[60] She has attributed economic improvements for African Americans, such as a low unemployment rate, to Trump's presidency.
When asked if it was problematic that white supremacist groups, such as the Ku Klux Klan, support Trump, Owens answered that Antifa was more prevalent than the KKK.[60] Owens has said that the media cover the KKK during Trump's presidency to hurt him.[66] In a 2019 hearing on hate crimes, Owens referred to the KKK as a "Democrat terrorist organization".[67]
Also Kanye, Herman Cain
The post that was quoted here has been removedFirst of all, I do NOT bother to get involved in the obsessive troll games here of
my personal biographical details, which tend to be irrelevant to what I write.
But you sure are quick to label other people based on what THEY write.
Note that AThousandYoung has loudly insisted or implied that I must be a paid
by China's Communist Party to write propaganda here.
No I haven't you liar. I accused you of being a "Little Pink" or UNPAID nationalistic Chinese woman of a type which is well known across the internet. More of a "volunteer internet militia" rather than a "professional internet army".
Other trolls have indulged in speculations about my gender (often)
You chose a female handle! That's why people think you are female. Also your personal stories about yourself make it very clear you are (or at least think of yourself as) female. Possibly transgender but I am happy to call transgenders by their preferred gender pronoun.
Does everyone look like one's avatar? Is Suzianne Superwoman?
I've seen a picture of her and she does look remarkably like her avatar. I wouldn't be surprised if she had a Supergirl outfit like that for cosplay.
I already know of African American conservatives who criticize affirmative action.
Yeah? Like who? What about Candace Owen, Herman Cain, Kanye West?
@Duchess64 - First of all, I do NOT bother to get involved in the obsessive troll games here
I couldn't resist it!! LOL 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆
I am compulsed to barf and laugh at the same time LOL - what a friggin' hoot.
This poster is a troll from top to bottom, a white/american/western hater.
15 Apr 21
The post that was quoted here has been removedYou are a complete moron if you think countries that aren't fully vaccinated should enter into agreements to give away vaccines. It has nothing to do with race. Country simply are morally obligated to protect their own citizens before giving away necessities to others.
15 Apr 21
The post that was quoted here has been removedThe United States, not a bigoted idiot like yourself, will decide if and when it has enough vaccines for itself. Until then the United States government has a moral mandate to insure that life saving vaccines during a pandemic are available for its citizens. Since every citizen who wants a vaccine does not yet have access to one, the United States and other countries would be fools to listen to your advice and give away this precious resource. Although I don't always agree with Biden, thankfully he blanketly ignores your suggestion.
The post that was quoted here has been removed1. I know the arguments. But if one area has more food and safety, that’s the area people will want to to raise their children. The only true solution is making sure all areas have food and safety. So border controls will never really work.
2. That sounds like genocide. And very few people who claim such things claim it seriously. And the simplest method of bringing people back from the edge (people who say it because they’re scared, overwhelmed or whatever) is discussinf the trolley problem with them. Replace the bridge with Africa and the the lever with a hatchett and the fat man with a starving kid.
Very few people will actually want to be that executioner. And people who do... well, best not invite them to the birthday party.