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Irony, feeding National Park animals

Irony, feeding National Park animals



The National Park Service, department of the interior,cautions “Please Do Not Feed the Animals”. Tha animals become dependent, not able to care for themselves.

At the same time, the Food Stamp Program distributes handouts to 43 million people. Hmmmmm, food for thought.


@averagejoe1 said
The National Park Service, department of the interior,cautions “Please Do Not Feed the Animals”. Tha animals become dependent, not able to care for themselves.

At the same time, the Food Stamp Program distributes handouts to 43 million people. Hmmmmm, food for thought.
Yeah, the Govt created a monster, with too much social security. But that is what govts use to keep a loyal and a strong base of support from the grassroots. Very bad for the economy and for people, but who cares.


@averagejoe1 said
The National Park Service, department of the interior,cautions “Please Do Not Feed the Animals”. Tha animals become dependent, not able to care for themselves.

At the same time, the Food Stamp Program distributes handouts to 43 million people. Hmmmmm, food for thought.
Actually that's not why you're not supposed to feed the wildlife.



@averagejoe1 said
The National Park Service, department of the interior,cautions “Please Do Not Feed the Animals”. Tha animals become dependent, not able to care for themselves.

At the same time, the Food Stamp Program distributes handouts to 43 million people. Hmmmmm, food for thought.
"Hmmmmm, food for thought."
Only for particularly dumb people. The ones who get headaches if they think too hard.


Giving wild animals food they don't have to work for can make them overweight, just like people.
America has the fattest poor people in the world.


@dood111 said
America has the fattest poor people in the world.
And the fattest rich people. And the fattest middle-class people.

America is just fat period.


@dood111 said
Giving wild animals food they don't have to work for can make them overweight, just like people.
America has the fattest poor people in the world.
Most are fat because they can't afford good food, you insensitive douchebag. Not because the food stamps they get allow them to afford so much damn find eating.

It would be a different thing if I didn't know you are an ashole. I would patiently explain things when you get them wrong. Everyone can make mistakes, not all have the facts on a certain subject.

But you people are objectively bad persons. The kind you would avoid at parties and hate to have as neighbours. You are not just ignorant, you are also horrible. The best kind of horrible.

2 edits

@zahlanzi said
It would be a different thing if I didn't know you are an ashole. I would patiently explain things when you get them wrong.
In my previous post, I actually typed a much longer and more detailed explanation about cheap, inexpensive and unhealthy foods leading to obesity, which inevitably means poor obese people.

Then I thought to myself "what's the point" and deleted it.


@vivify said
In my previous post, I actually typed a much longer and more detailed explanation about cheap, inexpensive and unhealthy foods leading to obesity, which inevitably means poor obese people.

Then I thought to myself "what's the point" and deleted it.
Yeah, I wrote that, too, but I too deleted it.


@averagejoe1 said
The National Park Service, department of the interior,cautions “Please Do Not Feed the Animals”. Tha animals become dependent, not able to care for themselves.

At the same time, the Food Stamp Program distributes handouts to 43 million people. Hmmmmm, food for thought.
republican right?


@dood111 said
Giving wild animals food they don't have to work for can make them overweight, just like people.
America has the fattest poor people in the world.
and that vvanker trump

2 edits

@averagejoe1 said
The National Park Service, department of the interior,cautions “Please Do Not Feed the Animals”. Tha animals become dependent, not able to care for themselves.

At the same time, the Food Stamp Program distributes handouts to 43 million people. Hmmmmm, food for thought.
Perhaps you are laboring under the mistaken impression that handouts are a burden upon the working class and supposed to be a benefit to the poor. Neither is the case. The standard work on the subject is C. Fox Piven, “Regulating the Poor.” The purpose of the welfare system in America is to maintain a readily dismissible cheap labor force for the factory owners; without a chronically immobile laboring class, workers would climb out of their poverty and factory owners would have to pay higher wages and pass the expense on to consumers. Available at amazon; educate yourself and quit complaining.


@averagejoe1 said
The National Park Service, department of the interior,cautions “Please Do Not Feed the Animals”. Tha animals become dependent, not able to care for themselves.

At the same time, the Food Stamp Program distributes handouts to 43 million people. Hmmmmm, food for thought.
More than 3/4 of families that receive SNAP benefits have one person working and 1/3 have 2 or more working.https://www.census.gov/library/stories/2020/07/most-families-that-received-snap-benefits-in-2018-had-at-least-one-person-working.html


@zahlanzi said
Most are fat because they can't afford good food, you insensitive douchebag. Not because the food stamps they get allow them to afford so much damn find eating.
Oh bull, they can spend their food stamp money in a supermarket and get anything they want, instead they buy crap junk food. That's ON THEM.


@zahlanzi said
"Hmmmmm, food for thought."
Only for particularly dumb people. The ones who get headaches if they think too hard.
Imagine your migraines when you actually start to think. Dunce.

The Problem with Feeding Ducks
In contrast, foods commonly fed to waterfowl in public parks, such as bread, crackers, popcorn, and corn, are typically low in protein and essential nutrients and minerals (such as calcium and phosphorus). While a single feeding of these “junk foods” may not harm waterfowl, it adds up! If everyone visiting a park “only” gives a few pieces of bread or crackers to ducks and geese, it quickly becomes the bulk of what wild waterfowl consume, and results in a variety of nutritional disorders.


And the captured unwashed masses of the Great Welfare Plantations exhibit feeding habits of the hand-fed ducks!
Crap food galore, and their ill health shows it.

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