Originally posted by generalissimoExactly! There is no Utopia,like John Lennon sang of in "Imagine". If there was a world order or one world government it would have your super elite,a massive controlling brutal police state, and a huge population of "slaves" to work for the good of the state.The only religion would be the state.No individuality,no freedom of expression,speech or thought. The thought would be hard to control at first but after a couple of generations that would be no problem because the state would have children brainwashed from birth.The Hitler youth is an example of this idea.
In other words, it would be a living hell.
I don't see how anyone would like to live in such place, its better to stay as we are now.
Originally posted by joe beyserI just went to this link.very enlightening is it not? "they" are always talking about it,always giving clues and signs but nobody is listening. Too busy watching american idol or mourning the death of michael jackson I guess.
Originally posted by utherpendragonIt's a good thing people aren't listening to it, breaks up families, gets rid of Religion, watch out for those for it!
I just went to this link.very enlightening is it not? "they" are always talking about it,always giving clues and signs but nobody is listening. Too busy watching american idol or mourning the death of michael jackson I guess.
"To achieve world government, it is necessary to remove from the minds of men their individualism, loyalty to family traditions, national patriotism, and religious dogmas." - Brock Adams, Director UN Health Organization
"We are not going to achieve a New World Order without paying for it in blood as well as in words and money." - Arthur Schlesinger Jr., 'The CFR Journal Foreign Affairs', August 1975.