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Is Trump going to chicken out?

Is Trump going to chicken out?



@Metal-Brain said
Democrats rejected her from the primary. She was incapable of getting the vote for the nomination. That is why Biden had to select her to be his VP. You never got to vote for her.

That is why she was selected by a privately owned corporation. Democrats never liked her until that was the only choice they were left with. And you are too much of a pussy to complain about it. When they say bend over you take it.
You're a complete hypocrite; you said you were going to vote for RFK, Jr. even though he didn't enter any primaries and no one voted for him to run as an independent.

No one but Trumpsters are buying this BS.


Show me two polls that have the same numbers.


@Metal-Brain said
You mean Trump is not leading in "a" poll. A cherry picked poll that asks questions to get the result they want.

Show me several polls and see if they agree.

7 of the last 8 national polls have Harris ahead with only partisan hack Rasmussen disagreeing.

1 edit

538 has more polls than RCP and almost all have Harris leading: https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/president-general/2024/national/

538's aggregate is Harris up 3.4%; RCP, polluted by Rasmussen, has Harris up 2.0%.


@no1marauder said
You're a complete hypocrite; you said you were going to vote for RFK, Jr. even though he didn't enter any primaries and no one voted for him to run as an independent.

No one but Trumpsters are buying this BS.
He entered the democrat primary. Then he left it.
I have no idea why you feel the need to lie about that.

Nobody votes to allow anybody to run as an independent or any party for that matter. You enter and then people vote for you or not. Kennedy dropped out of the democrat primary because the DNC rigged the process against him. They tried to keep him off of the ballot. Now that Kennedy has endrsed Trump and suspended his campaign and asked people in swing states to vote for Trump democrats are not trying to keep him on the ballot in swing states.


First they tried to keep him off the ballot and now they are trying to keep him on the ballot in swing states. Clear election meddling!


@no1marauder said
538 has more polls than RCP and almost all have Harris leading: https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/president-general/2024/national/

538's aggregate is Harris up 3.4%; RCP, polluted by Rasmussen, has Harris up 2.0%.
Still rejecting Rassmussen.
Why are you cherry picking polls again?

When Trump was leading Biden in the polls you said it doesn't matter until right before the election. I will give the same answer now. Trump has not called her "Prison Slavery Kamala" yet.

And even those polls will not matter. Remember when Hillary was supposed to beat Trump and lost? And everybody was asking "how could the polls be so wrong?" Because they rig the polls.


@no1marauder said

7 of the last 8 national polls have Harris ahead with only partisan hack Rasmussen disagreeing.
Rasmussen is the only pollster that is not lying.


@Metal-Brain said
He entered the democrat primary. Then he left it.
I have no idea why you feel the need to lie about that.

Nobody votes to allow anybody to run as an independent or any party for that matter. You enter and then people vote for you or not. Kennedy dropped out of the democrat primary because the DNC rigged the process against him. They tried to keep him off of the ball ...[text shortened]... e ballot and now they are trying to keep him on the ballot in swing states. Clear election meddling!
So by your logic, RFK, Jr. and all independents and 3rd party candidates are "undemocratic".


You really are a POS bastard, 100% bent on destroying America and will say anything, find any ultrarightwingnut site you THINK will support your cause but we all know your true agenda so we ALL ignore your stupid posts and ultra stupid links.


@no1marauder said
So by your logic, RFK, Jr. and all independents and 3rd party candidates are "undemocratic".
You are such an idiot. You really want to believe that badly, don't you?

Why are you leaving out the democrat party? Democrats do not vote to allow candidates to run in the democrat party or any party. The voting comes after you pick a party to run in.

Your cognitive dissonance is clearly making you feel uncomfortable. You are trying to fool yourself into thinking the whole system is undemocratic so you can condone your corporate leaders in the DNC rigging the primary to kill democracy.

Why didn't you complain you didn't get a vote and had Kamala rammed up your ass? That is not democracy. That makes Trump seem democracy friendly. He was elected in the primary. You cannot say that about Harris.

Admit it. If you were allowed a vote you would reject Kamala just like Democrats rejected her in the primary when Tulsi ruined her political career until Biden selected her for veep and saved her for saying she didn't think he was a racist. Kamala being racial jungle Joe's veep was planned from the get go. Tulsi just ruined their plans so Joe had to pick the big loser anyway.

How did Kamala help Joe get elected? She didn't. She was extremely unpopular. She was actually a lousy pick void of logic. She only got the job because she is so corrupt.


@sonhouse said
You really are a POS bastard, 100% bent on destroying America and will say anything, find any ultrarightwingnut site you THINK will support your cause but we all know your true agenda so we ALL ignore your stupid posts and ultra stupid links.
We are about to get nuked and you claim I am trying to destroy America?
You want us nuked! Do you have any idea what is going on in Russia? The gloves are off.
China is getting ready to invade Taiwan. And that is just the start of a war which you have never seen. The bully is about to get it!


Right, I want my town to disappear in a searing nuclear explosion.
YOU are the one frothing at the mouth for such an attack, because you are mentally sick as hell.


@Metal-Brain said
You are such an idiot. You really want to believe that badly, don't you?

Why are you leaving out the democrat party? Democrats do not vote to allow candidates to run in the democrat party or any party. The voting comes after you pick a party to run in.

Your cognitive dissonance is clearly making you feel uncomfortable. You are trying to fool yourself into thi ...[text shortened]... opular. She was actually a lousy pick void of logic. She only got the job because she is so corrupt.
Contrary to your Trumpster raving, there was nothing "undemocratic" about Harris' selection. Every single delegate who voted for her at the convention was sent there by voters in either a State primary or caucus. That's far more democratic than one man announcing he's running for President like RFK, Jr. did.


@no1marauder said
Contrary to your Trumpster raving, there was nothing "undemocratic" about Harris' selection. Every single delegate who voted for her at the convention was sent there by voters in either a State primary or caucus. That's far more democratic than one man announcing he's running for President like RFK, Jr. did.
A minority vote? How many people were left out of the vote? Did you vote?
You call that democracy??????


@sonhouse said
Right, I want my town to disappear in a searing nuclear explosion.
YOU are the one frothing at the mouth for such an attack, because you are mentally sick as hell.
Your support of bringing the war to Russian territory is suicide.
Russia has nukes on hyper sonic missiles you idiot!

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