@sh76 saidGee, I can't imagine why Arab and other countries won't simply accept the word of the IDF and the US intelligence community without there being any type of investigation - one that several European leaders as well as the UAE have already called for:
The NSC doesn't seem to be hedging anymore.
[quote]The United States says intelligence suggests Israel is “not responsible” for a deadly explosion at a Gaza hospital, with US President Joe Biden on Wednesday echoing Israel’s explanation that the blast was likely caused by an “erra ...[text shortened]... he Muslim world goes nuts condemning Israel and anti-Jewish violence explodes.
F-ed up.
As well as the UN:
"A senior United Nations official has called for a UN investigation into the circumstances surrounding the deadly blast at a Gaza hospital on Tuesday.
“The UN will certainly want to do its own investigation … And it should be done very soon and very quickly," UN Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator Martin Griffiths told CNN’s Christiane Amanpour."
As well as the Jordanian Foreign Minister: "He [Safadi] urged for an independent international investigation to establish the truth.
I bet Israel won't cooperate fully; what can we wager?
@wajoma saidHilarious that you drone on about government "misinformation" while quoting an IDF mouthpiece, Hagari.
We saw the same ploy during the wuflu propaganda campaign, wild, crazy claims from armchair experts, the paid MSM and even goobermint bureaurats later proven wrong but PR damage already done. We have had the experience before and their 'cry wolf' misinformation has lost credibility.
For the fanatics this will not be enough, ...[text shortened]... (as No.1 pre-emptively did do)
Too late, let's move onto the next war porn, to distort, to twist.
You don't seem to have any appreciation of just how much a self-parody you've become.
Israel for months claimed Palestinian gunmen killed Al Jazeera reporter Abu Akleh before finally admitting their forces did it (or that there was a "high possibility" they did). https://www.cnn.com/2022/09/05/middleeast/idf-shireen-abu-akleh-investigation-intl/index.html
The UN report recently concluded found: "Israeli forces used “lethal force without justification” when they shot and killed Al Jazeera journalist Shireen Abu Akleh in the occupied West Bank, violating her “right to life”, according to a new report by a UN-mandated investigative body." https://www.msn.com/en-my/news/world/israeli-forces-killed-abu-akleh-without-justification-un-inquiry-says/ar-AA1ijuVh
So before everyone here starts buying the IDF line a little over a day after the Gaza Hospital blast maybe some skepticism based on past actions would be warranted (don't get me started on the USS Liberty).
@no1marauder saidYeee olde whataboutism. You want an accurate compare tell us about the time Israel bombed their own hospital then blamed Hamas, or Islamic Jihad or who ever else you're defending this week.
Hilarious that you drone on about government "misinformation" while quoting an IDF mouthpiece, Hagari.
You don't seem to have any appreciation of just how much a self-parody you've become.
Israel for months claimed Palestinian gunmen killed Al Jazeera reporter Abu Akleh before finally admitting their forces did it (or that there was a "high possibility" they did). h ...[text shortened]... some skepticism based on past actions would be warranted (don't get me started on the USS Liberty).
Libertarians believe there is a role for goobermint: police, justice, defence.
@wajoma saidHow about oppression, occupation, discrimination, brutality? Is that what fake "libertarians" like yourself consider a proper role for government?
Yeee olde whataboutism. You want an accurate compare tell us about the time Israel bombed their own hospital then blamed Hamas, or Islamic Jihad or who ever else you're defending this week.
Libertarians believe there is a role for goobermint: police, justice, defence.
BTW, your whole first paragraph in your previous post was a "whataboutism" but referring to something having nothing to do with this subject (unlike the recent history of IDF misinformation I cited).
Like I said, you're nothing but a self-parody.
@no1marauder saidOne thing I know is that the first casualty of war is always the truth.
Gee, I can't imagine why Arab and other countries won't simply accept the word of the IDF and the US intelligence community without there being any type of investigation - one that several European leaders as well as the UAE have already called for:
https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/t%C3%A1naiste-calls-for-independent-probe-into-deadly-hospital-blast-in-gaza/ar-AA1i ...[text shortened]... 0-18-23/h_91448e780e4b07366f5f2e2bca3e5377
I bet Israel won't cooperate fully; what can we wager?
The other thing I know is that in this matter of the bombed hospital a full investigation is imperative. No one should take Israel at its word on anything.
@no1marauder saidPalestinians live under an oppressive regime known as Hamas, on this we agree, for years they have diverted resources at the expense of desalination plants, power plants, hospitals and schools.
How about oppression, occupation, discrimination, brutality? Is that what fake "libertarians" like yourself consider a proper role for government?
BTW, your whole first paragraph in your previous post was a "whataboutism" but referring to something having nothing to do with this subject (unlike the recent history of IDF misinformation I cited).
Like I said, you're nothing but a self-parody.
My opinion of the situation may have been swayed by the time I lived there. (Israel)
@sh76 saidMaybe do that clever thing they did after the massacre of Jews at the Olympics, take out the Hamas leadership and keep taking them out every time a new leadership emerges, they are committed to Israel’s destruction so it’s fair play. It’s Israel cutting a swathe through the innocent population of Gaza to get to Hamas that gives Hamas and Tehran their win.
The same "huge chunks of the globe" hold Israel and more specifically Jews, responsible for killer bees, tsunamis and Game of Thrones Season 8.
Of course it's true that for Hamas, violence is always an excellent means to their end. Not sure what can be done about that, though.
@shavixmir saidlooks like they would quit attacking Israel doesnt it?
What we do know is that more than 3300 Palestinian civilians have been murdered since Israel started bombing Gaza.
Hospital or bloody not.
@mott-the-hoople saidI don’t think those civilians attacked Israel, do you?
looks like they would quit attacking Israel doesnt it?
@shavixmir saidGive him a break it’s not easy for a proud boy to feign righteous anger about a bunch of dead Jews
I don’t think those civilians attacked Israel, do you?
@no1marauder saidGee, I can't imagine why Israel may not trust the UN to impartially investigate.
Gee, I can't imagine why Arab and other countries won't simply accept the word of the IDF and the US intelligence community without there being any type of investigation - one that several European leaders as well as the UAE have already called for:
https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/t%C3%A1naiste-calls-for-independent-probe-into-deadly-hospital-blast-in-gaza/ar-AA1i ...[text shortened]... 0-18-23/h_91448e780e4b07366f5f2e2bca3e5377
I bet Israel won't cooperate fully; what can we wager?
@shavixmir saidSays whom?
What we do know is that more than 3300 Palestinian civilians have been murdered since Israel started bombing Gaza.
Hospital or bloody not.
The same terrorist clowns that lied about blowing up their own hospital?
@shavixmir saiddescribe the difference in a civilian and a hamas terrorist
I don’t think those civilians attacked Israel, do you?