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Life expectancy in Glasgow

Life expectancy in Glasgow


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I agree that the comparison of a particularly poor area of Glasgow with a whole city is daft.

However, there is still a question why the 3 poorest wards in the UK are all in Glasgow.

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Originally posted by General Putzer
Don't believe everything you read.
And, in this case, don't believe everything (anything) he posts.

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Originally posted by Redmike
It supports the conclusion that poverty is bad for the health.
does it?
how wealthy are all those Iraqis?

And are they living in poverty?
The Guardian article indicates they have enough money for booze, fags, and fast food. It's a lifestyle choice.

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Originally posted by aging blitzer
does it?
how wealthy are all those Iraqis?

And are they living in poverty?
The Guardian article indicates they have enough money for booze, fags, and fast food. It's a lifestyle choice.
You should go to the Calton.

You'll see that the people there don't have the choice between fast food or healthy food.

They don't choose to drink or take drugs.

There aren't any alternatives there. There aren't health food shops, coffee bars and gyms.

Poverty and poor education are what cause people to live such unhealthy lives, not a 'lifestyle choice'.

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Originally posted by Redmike
Firstly, you've made this sort of ridiculous claim about money from London before, and you couldn't back it up then. Can you back it up now, having had a few months to research it?

I have to say that I'm unaware we've had socialist rule in any part of Glasgow for many years - again, can you give me a link to the headlines on the series of bye-elections I must have missed. For all I know I might be a councillor without knowing it.
As to my 'ridiculous claim', see 'The Scotsman' 21st May 2005. The relevant figures quoted there are £7640 per head in Scotland against £6270 in England.
If you have not had local socialist rule in Glasgow, who does rule there? The Tories?

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Originally posted by Redmike
Naragoonie's never a guardian reader......
Redcommie can't understand things as good as the other children. Be kind.

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Originally posted by Nargaguna
As to my 'ridiculous claim', see 'The Scotsman' 21st May 2005. The relevant figures quoted there are £7640 per head in Scotland against £6270 in England.
If you have not had local socialist rule in Glasgow, who does rule there? The Tories?
Can you give a link to the Scotsman article - I think I recognise it, but I want to be sure.

Yes, we have Blair's tories running the council in Glasgow.

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Originally posted by Iorek
Redcommie can't understand things as good as the other children. Be kind.
I don't think you understand....

The Guardian is considered a relatively left-wing newspaper.

Not the sort of publication any self-respecting tory would read.

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Originally posted by Redmike
people there don't have the choice between fast food or healthy food.

They don't choose to drink or take drugs.

There aren't any alternatives there. There aren't health food shops, coffee bars and gyms.

Poverty and poor education are what cause people to live such unhealthy lives, not a 'lifestyle choice'.
I haven't been there, but it sounds like nonsense.
No choice my arse.
What is the level of car ownership?

The Iraqis must have loads of health food shops, coffee bars and gyms.
Or maybe they're better educated.

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Originally posted by Redmike
You should go to the Calton.

They don't choose to drink or take drugs.
Good Lord, if everyone who lives there is *forced* to drink and take drugs I'm on the 1800 from Euston..

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Originally posted by Redmike
It supports the conclusion that poverty is bad for the health.
Smoking is bad for your health and wealth.

2 edits
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Most working-class people have a limited range of choices when it comes to their leisure time for all sorts of reasons, some culturally-defined, some environmentally, some economically (the price and accessibility of healthy foodstuffs) - just as most middle-class people have a notoriously limited dress sense not because they can't afford it, but because wearing pac-a-macs and looking terminally uncool is more than just an economic decision, it's fundamentally the middle class way.

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Originally posted by Varg
Try this one:
That compares Calton (not all of East Glasgow) to Iraq (not Baghdad).

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Originally posted by Nargaguna
I read today (Telegraph) that life expectancy in East Glasgow is less than in Baghdad, but apparently there are more bods living on 'benefits' there than in any other part of the UK.
So does this support the conclusion that a benefits lifestyle is bad for the health?
In some areas of Glasgow the life expectancy is as low as 64 years (for men). However, I don't think this is because of the benefits lifestyle, although about 48% of men in this area are on long or short term incapacity benefit, I don't think the benefits are responsible for the low life expectancy, but both stem from a common factor, unhealthy living.

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Originally posted by Redmike
It supports the conclusion that poverty is bad for the health.
Yip. These folk are so poor they can't afford a healthy lifestyle. Oddly enough, though, they can afford illegal drugs, cigarettes and excessive quantities of alcohol, all of which tend to be more costly than a healthy lifestyle. The "poverty" argument does not add up; admittedly poverty is a bad thing, but lifestyle is essentially a choice and even poor people can afford to live healthily, at least more easily than living in a self-destroying manner.

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