@wajoma said🙄
I believe you shag doody, you're there, roger that, message received, that's what I already said, you're there.
You got stuck in a traffic jam, you saw a sign.
What I'm saying is you have an opportunity to go out amongst the protestors first hand, and what you experience there and what you see in the MSM will be different.
@shavixmir saidYou're more right than you know... I know a guy who would stand as a candidate for FvD if his wife would let him (and there's a sentence that tells you all you need to know about these people!), and he's definitely on the side of the protests.
There certainly is a right-wing extremist element to their behaviour.
Forum voor Democratie oozes it’s putrified sweat all over it.
I also know a farmer, actual real farmer, or two, and they're not.