01 Feb 16
Originally posted by normbenignThose on the left believe that personal freedom brings chaos and is the prime focus of their lawmaking. It is similar to a theocracy in that every aspect of our lives must be investigated to see where we are "sinning" with our allotted freedoms. To help make sure people don't "sin", they simply limit our freedoms, usually by attacking our pocket book. After all, what good is freedom if you have no money? Therefore, the free market is their number one enemy, much like the Catholic church used to target heretics that challenged any of their beliefs about God. For the leftist, there is no God except socialism. Anyone who challenges their notion about "equality" and "justice" will be dealt with accordingly.
Most of us believe in national sovereignty, to the extent that the Constitution grants it, as well as to State and local sovereignty in proper ratio. What suffers most, I fear, is individual sovereignty, and with it personal responsibility.