Originally posted by no1marauderNo Pink Floyd didn't screw it up. Sorry to disappoint you. The statement was made by Obama whiule giving a campaign speech in Oregon .
There's a big difference between simply cutting and pasting an entire article AND providing an actual link to a quote that an entire thread is based on! It's virtually certain that PF screwed it up.
Do a little searching for yourself on the InterWeb and I'm sure you will find it.
BTW, I don't care for links, if I'm going to want people here to read about something, I'll cut and paste the entire article for them. As a Southerner, I consider that to be common courtesy.
Originally posted by PinkFloydI want to hear a quote "saying the rest of the world won't ................" "Paraphrased"? I'll bet. Suggestions as to conservation measures - sure; there's nothing objectionable in that. But I can't find anything anywhere suggesting he said what you are claiming.
"PF" has a perfect eidetic memory, so he didn't screw anything up. I heard the man's speech--there IS no "link". I don't require such a tedious device to get my info. Since the speech, Obama has been sound-bited ad nauseum on the news channels, especially the parts I mentioned (setting of thermostats @ 72 + driving SUVs + eating all we want = other coun ...[text shortened]... ama;s mouth to my ear. "Link" 'til your sweet little pea-pickin' heart desires. 😀
Originally posted by SMSBear716You refuse to cite to where you find information and then talk about "common courtesy"??? What a jerk.
No Pink Floyd didn't screw it up. Sorry to disappoint you. The statement was made by Obama whiule giving a campaign speech in Oregon .
Do a little searching for yourself on the InterWeb and I'm sure you will find it.
BTW, I don't care for links, if I'm going to want people here to read about something, I'll cut and paste the entire article for them. As a Southerner, I consider that to be common courtesy.
Originally posted by Dace AceWe did with Jean Chretien and Pierre Trudeau before him. It's only when we get the Conservatives in power that they start the ball sucking.
I am sure when you are looking for new leadership in Ottawa, your going to look to the USA for our opinion, right? When you are ready to step out of our shadow, please feel free.
Originally posted by no1marauderIf you can't find what everyone else seems to be acutely aware of, that sounds like YOUR deficiency--not mine. I told you what the man said; my duty has been discharged.
I want to hear a quote "saying the rest of the world won't ................" "Paraphrased"? I'll bet. Suggestions as to conservation measures - sure; there's nothing objectionable in that. But I can't find anything anywhere suggesting he said what you are claiming.
Originally posted by PinkFloyd"Everyone" doesn't seem to include the web sites of any of the major news agencies. I think you screwed up.
If you can't find what everyone else seems to be acutely aware of, that sounds like YOUR deficiency--not mine. I told you what the man said; my duty has been discharged.
Originally posted by IkutursoSo Obama is saying that if we want China, India and other developing nations to limit their emission of substances that lead to global warming, we'll have to limit and reduce our own disproportionate emission of said substances??
He's right, of course (Obama, not OP).
PF is right; that's totally outrageous!!!
Originally posted by no1marauderI typed the following in that little google box at the top left of my screen: obama remark SUV thermostat. Know what I got? 4670 matches. The first one quoted his speech word for word. The second listing informed me that the Media Cover Up Obama's Malaise Speech--which, at closer read, turns out to be the very same speech I've already told you about. If you can do this little task, try following my precise instructions: type those 4 words in the little google box and click the magnifying glass. Then get back to me, preferably groveling.
"Everyone" doesn't seem to include the web sites of any of the major news agencies. I think you screwed up.
You thought like Nelly, thought s--t was jelly 😛
Originally posted by PinkFloydIf you'd just quote your sources like a non-moron, people wouldn't have to go through that ridiculous rigamarole. It's really not "unmanly" to be cooperative on a Debate site; maybe you should stop acting like a spoiled five year old.
I typed the following in that little google box at the top left of my screen: obama remark SUV thermostat. Know what I got? 4670 matches. The first one quoted his speech word for word. The second listing informed me that the Media Cover Up Obama's Malaise Speech--which, at closer read, turns out to be the very same speech I've already told you abo ...[text shortened]... n get back to me, preferably groveling.
You thought like Nelly, thought s--t was jelly 😛
Anyway, Ikuturso was kind enough to point to a link giving the salient passages in the speech. The actual quotes are at variance with your interpretation as pointed out above.
James S. Robbins notes:
I was interested in Barack Obama’s statement that “We can’t drive our SUVs and eat as much as we want and keep our homes on 72 degrees at all times … and then just expect that other countries are going to say OK.” Roger Kimball has a good post up comparing this to President Carter’s equation of accepting limits with patriotism. The statement does seem to echo the Club of Rome, neo-Malthusian mentality of the 1970s. I remember seeing an unclassified CIA briefing from the time that predicted the world would be close to being out of petroleum by now. Clearly that has not taken place; new discoveries are made on a regular basis. And even as Obama states we need to develop new technologies to deal with our energy conundrum, what role the government could or should have in that process is debatable. Getting out of the way of private sector innovation would be a good start. What I found most noteworthy though was the implication that we need the OK of the international community to drive our gas guzzlers, eat to our hearts’ content and keep our homes at a comfortable temperature. Since when do other countries have a say in the matter? If they do it is something that requires correction, not acquiescence. Energy independence should be the first priority of the next administration, not asking the international community to set limits on American living standards.
Originally posted by no1marauderApparently to now go and lead by example would actually be considered hypocritical.
So Obama is saying that if we want China, India and other developing nations to limit their emission of substances that lead to global warming, we'll have to limit and reduce our own disproportionate emission of said substances??
PF is right; that's totally outrageous!!!
Originally posted by Dace AceI guess he didn't bother to actually read what Obama said then.
James S. Robbins notes:
I was interested in Barack Obama’s statement that “We can’t drive our SUVs and eat as much as we want and keep our homes on 72 degrees at all times … and then just expect that other countries are going to say OK.” Roger Kimball has a good post up comparing this to President Carter’s equation of accepting limits with patriotism. Th ...[text shortened]... ministration, not asking the international community to set limits on American living standards.
Originally posted by no1marauderYou have erred, grasshopper. The pertinent point of Obama's speech had nothing to do with global warming. And I quoted him exactly--no variance in this memory, Bucko. The man clearly cares about what the rest of the world will agree to do---period. Ooooooo--we can't stuff our fat faces to the max 'cause other countries won't say "it's okay". Oooooooo---scary!!!
If you'd just quote your sources like a non-moron, people wouldn't have to go through that ridiculous rigamarole. It's really not "unmanly" to be cooperative on a Debate site; maybe you should stop acting like a spoiled five year old.
Anyway, Ikuturso was kind enough to point to a link giving the salient passages in the speech. The actual quotes are at variance with your interpretation as pointed out above.
And as previously noted, possessors of eidetic memories don't have to cite sources. If you don't know how to use a search engine, you're more of a Luddite than me. Wear the badge proudly, but don't go tellin' others how to act in a debate. It's childish.
Originally posted by PinkFloydYour "eidetic memory" (LMFAO!) obviously failed you. The whole point of this passage is about global warming. Here it is from the link (see; that's not hard) provided by Ikuturso:
You have erred, grasshopper. The pertinent point of Obama's speech had nothing to do with global warming. And I quoted him exactly--no variance in this memory, Bucko. The man clearly cares about what the rest of the world will agree to do---period. Ooooooo--we can't stuff our fat faces to the max 'cause other countries won't say "it's okay". Oooooooo- badge proudly, but don't go tellin' others how to act in a debate. It's childish.
OBAMA: All right. So that's what we want to do on global warming here in the United States. We are also going to have to negotiate with other countries. China, India, in particular Brazil. They are growing so fast that they are consuming more and more energy and pretty soon, if their carbon footprint even approaches ours, we're goners. That's part of the reason why we've got to make the investment. We got to lead by example. If we lead by example, if we lead by example, then we can actually export and license technologies that have been invented here to help them deal with their growth pains. But keep in mind, you're right, we can't tell them don't grow. We can't drive our SUVs and, you know, eat as much as we want and keep our homes on, you know, 72 degrees at all times, whether we're living in the desert or we're living in the tundra and then just expect every other country is going to say OK, you know, you guys go ahead keep on using 25 percent of the world's energy, even though you only account for 3 percent of the population, and we'll be fine. Don't worry about us. That's not leadership.
People of obviously below average intelligence like yourself shouldn't try to be smug; it's rather pathetic and sad.