Originally posted by KellyJayYou do realize that societies with progressive taxation systems tend to be wealthier, right?
Money flows where it can no different than water, you get a country that taxes everyone from
companies to people and one near by that does not, soon the one that allows everyone to
keep what they make will be getting all the growth. Personal income tax can be designed
several different ways, I don't mind it, don't like it, but understand it. What I don't ...[text shortened]... poor, if you don't do that than the tax code
will be carrot and a stick used by those in power.
Originally posted by KazetNagorraSocieties that allow its people to keep what they earn are, those that strip all the wealth
You do realize that societies with progressive taxation systems tend to be wealthier, right?
away in favor of giving it to those that do not earn their own themselves, tend to be broke.
Originally posted by KellyJayThe empirical evidence suggests otherwise. Try to look up the data and see if you can find any correlation between, say, tax income as a percentage of GDP and GDP itself.
Societies that allow its people to keep what they earn are, those that strip all the wealth
away in favor of giving it to those that do not earn their own themselves, tend to be broke.
Originally posted by KazetNagorraFind me a country where those on the dole out number those that are paying in, I'm willing
The empirical evidence suggests otherwise. Try to look up the data and see if you can find any correlation between, say, tax income as a percentage of GDP and GDP itself.
to bet that none like that will be solvent that isn't in debt and getting deeper in debt each
Originally posted by KellyJayOne does not establish a correlation though examples.
Name a couple of good examples in your point of view, I'll name a bad one America.
Find me a country where those on the dole out number those that are paying in, I'm willing
to bet that none like that will be solvent that isn't in debt and getting deeper in debt each
That's an absurd shifting of the goal posts. In any case, I don't see why having more people "on the dole" than taxpayers would necessarily entail a government budget deficit.
Originally posted by KazetNagorraGive me examples, simply saying something is true doesn't mean I have to buy into it.
One does not establish a correlation though examples.
Find me a country where those on the dole out number those that are paying in, I'm willing
to bet that none like that will be solvent that isn't in debt and getting deeper in debt each
That's an absurd shifting of the goal posts. In any case, I don't see why having more people "on the dole" than taxpayers would necessarily entail a government budget deficit.
When the income doesn't match the outcome, debt occurs, it is quite simple.