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Point of Order on 2025

Point of Order on 2025



@sonhouse said
Lets take as a debate premise, Trump wants all the things I mentioned, total control of all three branches of government.
Is that ok with you? Yes or no would suffice.
are you stupid or what? oh wait

what evidence do you have of Trump wanting to control all three branches?

he is wanting to get rid of the fourth branch


@sonhouse said
Lets take as a debate premise, Trump wants all the things I mentioned, total control of all three branches of government.
Is that ok with you? Yes or no would suffice.
No, because he would be a dictator, like Biden is a dictator. I have never suggested that Trump take over anything. I have suggested he be President, if you call that 'taking over'.


So you agree with everything that will happen if Trump is elected, put up an absolute power grabbing assssshole like Steve Miller, the writer of the bit ripping babies literally from the arms of moms and putting 5000 of those children in cages and he wants to do that again only 2 or 3 times as many this time. And YEAH, Trump was considering this POS to be AG.
You just refuse to even LOOK at what Trump has SAID he wants to do as POTUS again and refuse to even look at the blunders he made the first time round and the mental lapses we all see in his rallies today.
Like confusing Pelosi with Nikki Haley among many others but to you it is Biden who has lost it.


How many other previous presidents ANY of them ever say 'I will be a dictator on day one'? Oh I forgot, Trump is a big joker, doesn't mean a thing when he says that stuff right?
"I will be YOUR restitution' Sure he means that YOUR restitution and you know good and well he means MY restitution meaning he will go after every political opponent and SCREW the constitution.
Ever hear ANY other POTUS say that kind of crap? Do you really think that should be part of a POTUS's duties to go after opponents and try to shut down media, or did you forget he said 'media is the enemy of the people', do you deny he ever said that? BTW, right out of the Hitler playbook.
Or like he and Rudy went after the freeman family, mom and daughter with the patently false accusations of voter fraud, which netted Rudy a fine of over 100 million dollars.
Looks like the courts don't like that kind of personal attacks. Is that stuff ok with YOU? Simple yes or no suffices.


In other words you cannot even FATHOM Trump doing anything like that since you think Trump is SO moral had such empathy to American citizens he would NEVER just be in it for personal power, right?


@sonhouse said
So ONE FUUUKING PERSON should be able to judge thousands of different kinds of federal jobs. I guess that person would want to be YOU.
what does 'judge thousands of different kinds of federal jobs' mean???

I will make this easy for you. I think (believe) that any person in govt, pres or whomever, should be able to do whatever the CONSTITUTION (I know, you and Shav et al want to throw it out) says that they can do.

BY my saying that, it should help you shorten some of your posts, thank god


@sonhouse said
So you agree with everything that will happen if Trump is elected, put up an absolute power grabbing assssshole like Steve Miller, the writer of the bit ripping babies literally from the arms of moms and putting 5000 of those children in cages and he wants to do that again only 2 or 3 times as many this time. And YEAH, Trump was considering this POS to be AG. ...[text shortened]... y.
Like confusing Pelosi with Nikki Haley among many others but to you it is Biden who has lost it.
We've done the cage thing. I guess you had to be there. The parents broke the law, the kids could NOT go to jail with them. Do you think Trump should have turned them loose. never mind.

What has he said that he wants to do that you disagree with?


@sonhouse said
How many other previous presidents ANY of them ever say 'I will be a dictator on day one'? Oh I forgot, Trump is a big joker, doesn't mean a thing when he says that stuff right?
"I will be YOUR restitution' Sure he means that YOUR restitution and you know good and well he means MY restitution meaning he will go after every political opponent and SCREW the cons ...[text shortened]... urts don't like that kind of personal attacks. Is that stuff ok with YOU? Simple yes or no suffices.
He indeed will be our restitution. And we are tired of your take on his dictator tongue-in-cheek comment. I've done that myself. You need to move on.

Your other stuff is a bit overwhelming to respond to. I will say though, that, after reagan, no, I have not seen a pres say what Trump says. The man is refreshing.

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@sonhouse said
In other words you cannot even FATHOM Trump doing anything like that since you think Trump is SO moral had such empathy to American citizens he would NEVER just be in it for personal power, right?
YOu'd have to define power, since he will be the most powerful person in the world. Uhhhhh, how would YOU be Shouse,,,,,if you were the world's most powerful person? Just a question. What if your friend Shav were the world's most powerful person? He would give everyone a house!!! You better be careful what you wish for.
You say that as if his power is a bad thing. Does not the average citizen know that they are giving him power? Do you want them to give him weakness.??? Do you see how difficult your premises are to answer. No Power For The President???
Do you realize how much Power Jill Biden wants?


@sonhouse said
In other words you cannot even FATHOM Trump doing anything like that since you think Trump is SO moral had such empathy to American citizens he would NEVER just be in it for personal power, right?
And y'all throw the word moral around a lot. YOu know the VP was a hooore, right? But you will vote for her to be president?

Ohhhhhhh, SHouse.........


@Mott-The-Hoople said
"It’s non-political; it’s professional.'

It is supposed to be and should be that way. Liberals started using their jobs to further their own political beliefs. (and you know it)

You premise is just plain stupid.
Complete garbish. Nearly every democracy has a professional civil service.

Seriously, why I waste my time explaining the blindingly obvious to crackera like you is beyond me.


Again with your stock in trade non answer


Oh so now you are down to comparing Trump to a school teacher.
So you think Trump can teach us all how to be good citizens since he is SUCH a moral person.


Parents broke the law, even if so, kids taken away from parents are not put in FUKKKING CAGES you moron.

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@sonhouse said
Again with your stock in trade non answer
Just what in the hell post of mine are you responding to ? I dont get it 🤔 If it is do I want Trump to have more power than the dictates of the Consitution, I do not want him to have more power than allowed.
We have already stipulated I do nit think he wants to be a dictator, I believe he loves his country, and he loves the people in it. 3 Things we disagree on and will never change our minds. Why do you harp on it?

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