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Prison does not work!

Prison does not work!


Islamofascists Suck!

Macon, Georgia, CSA

17 Feb 02
05 Mar 06
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Originally posted by bbi2
so u want the US to adopt a Hardline prison regime?

surely you would need a lot of new prisons to cope with that!!

you already have the highest prison population in the world.

my point is that the people you hold in prison are reflective of the society that you are living in. if there are so many people breaking the law then surely the laws are wrong? ...[text shortened]... he US is gun crime,

the image we get is that americans are so blaze' about people being shot
Your "image" about people being shot all the time in the U.S. is due to your anti-gun media. America, overall, is a safe country. Of course, there some bad spots, as in all cities, so commonsense is the rule here. I've never had pysical crime against me. All the suggestions I made will actually reduce prisons in the long run and save tax money for schools and hospitals, etc... The laws are indeed phucked-up because we appoint judges for life who take the context of the law and their philosophy in applying it is a personal choice. Some judges give a slap on the wrist to pedophiles, while some judges throw the book at them. Is America a sick society ? of course, but Europe, Japan, China, India are not far behind. Locking up people for 25 years does not solve the problem? You say, but that person won't commit another crime for at least 25 years, and when people realize that the laws are unbendable, they will think twice about committing them; the 25 years was specifically for pedophiles and hardened criminals. I'm not afraid of crime because I have good street smarts and know what and where to avoid possible problems. Yes, I've been to Germany and noticed how clean and orderly the people are. They can be a bit stern, but they are for "real".

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