11 Sep 14
The post that was quoted here has been removedYou are not qualified to pass me for anything. I assume then that it was too difficult for you to quote something of mine where I have supported the firing of Steven Salaita. Or too easy in a 3 page thread for others to check. Congratulations. You've failed.
The post that was quoted here has been removed"As I had strongly suspected, Thaughbaer's motive is personally attacking
me again by finding whatever words he can twist in any thread at hand.
Thaughbaer has no sincere interest in any 'intellectually honest' discussion."
The quotes, apart from Steven Salaita's, are all from one post. If you don't like them being quoted don't write them.
"Thaughbaer has had every opportunity to express disapproval (like Sh76)
of the University of Illinois's firing of Steven Salaita, and he has refused to
do so"
You are in no position to give me an opportunity to express my approval or disapproval of anything. If Sh76 wants to dance for you that's his business.
"At the same time, Thaughbaer seems disingenuous enough to accuse me
of misrepresenting him."
I don't need to accuse you of anything. People can read and make up their own mind.
"f I recall correctly, Thaughbaer has a record of abusive trolling against me
that began several years ago in another forum, though years seem to have
passed without any posts being exchanged between us. I note that recently
Thaughbaer has initiated his attacks in threads in which I tried to discuss issues."
Won't be hard to quote one then will it ?