21 Jan 24
@wajoma saidIs that what you right wingers have talked yourself into to justify doing nothing about the actual effects of racism upon individuals?
Racism is treating people differently based on their race, because of their race. Their race being the characteristic which determines the reason for treating them differently.
Merriam-Webster disagrees:
"rac·ism ˈrā-ˌsi-zəm also -ˌshi-
: a belief that race is a fundamental determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race.
21 Jan 24
@no1marauder saidDo you think Trump will run campaign ads about Joe's racial jungle comments or do you think he will go easy on Joe because the competition is completely fake?
My goodness, what a surprise - a ridiculous conspiracy theory when the facts don't support your original claim.
The story was all over the media in 2020 and the Trump campaign expressly mentioned it several times.
Imagine every African American knowing about Joe's racial jungle quote.
Would they still vote for him?
21 Jan 24
@no1marauder saidyou being the shytweasel you are you cherry pick instead of posting it all.
Is that what you right wingers have talked yourself into to justify doing nothing about the actual effects of racism upon individuals?
Merriam-Webster disagrees:
"rac·ism ˈrā-ˌsi-zəm also -ˌshi-
: a belief that race is a fundamental determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race.
this definition fits affirmative action…
: the systemic oppression of a racial group to the social, economic, and political advantage of another”
21 Jan 24
@mott-the-hoople saidInsisting that whites suffer "systemic oppression" in the United States doesn't pass a laugh test.
you being the shytweasel you are you cherry pick instead of posting it all.
this definition fits affirmative action…
: the systemic oppression of a racial group to the social, economic, and political advantage of another”
21 Jan 24
@no1marauder said“But that isn't racism. Racism is a belief that one race is innately superior to another race. ”
Yes, solutions to racist institutions require taking race into account.
But that isn't racism. Racism is a belief that one race is innately superior to another race.
Remedial measures to reduce the effects of racist attitudes are the opposite of racism.
that is false
21 Jan 24
Do you think Trump will run campaign ads about Joe's racial jungle comments or do you think he will go easy on Joe because the competition is completely fake?
Imagine every African American knowing about Joe's racial jungle quote.
Would they still vote for him?
21 Jan 24
All I see from Marauder’s sputtering posts is his avoidance of labeling the old dottering racist for what he is. Liar plagiarizer racist border-buster ass who wants his mommy. He presides over absolutely nothing, and you defend him.
Nothing else here. Put Marauder in the X column.
21 Jan 24
@averagejoe1 saidYou don't seem to be aware that it was only "liberals" who supported mandatory business for integration in the 1970s; conservative opposition to that legal tool was unanimous.
Is that you, Sonhouse? No,it’s Suzianne!
Reagan wrote a famous letter in 1970 excoriating a California Superior Court ruling ordering mandatory busing to end segregation in a district and his administration in 1981 announced it would oppose any such plans.
I know you hate links, but I can easily provide ones verifying this information if you desire.
So was Reagan a racist for opposing mandatory busing to achieve integration just like Joe Biden in the 1970s?
21 Jan 24
@metal-brain saidIf Trump wants to waste his campaign funds beating an almost 50 year old dead horse that has been common knowledge for almost 5 years in the hope that it will improve his 12% showing among Black voters (https://www.cnn.com/election/2020/exit-polls/president/national-results), I think Biden's campaign managers would be pleased with that allocation of resources.
Do you think Trump will run campaign ads about Joe's racial jungle comments or do you think he will go easy on Joe because the competition is completely fake?
Imagine every African American knowing about Joe's racial jungle quote.
Would they still vote for him?
@no1marauder saidCommon knowledge? LOL!
If Trump wants to waste his campaign funds beating an almost 50 year old dead horse that has been common knowledge for almost 5 years in the hope that it will improve his 12% showing among Black voters (https://www.cnn.com/election/2020/exit-polls/president/national-results), I think Biden's campaign managers would be pleased with that allocation of resources.
I'll bet over 90% of black people have no idea Biden made his racial jungle quote.
Funny how nobody invited on NBC's Meet The Press ever mentions the words "racial jungle". Do you think they ever will?
21 Jan 24
@metal-brain saidSomehow I doubt you have any valid insights on what Black voters know or believe.
Common knowledge? LOL!
I'll bet over 90% of black people have no idea Biden made his racial jungle quote.
Funny how nobody invited on NBC's Meet The Press ever mentions the words "racial jungle". Do you think they ever will?
During the 2020 campaign, Kamala Harris went after Biden's record on desegregation in the Democratic debates and on the usual media political shows. https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/sen-kamala-harris-view-doubles-criticism-bidens-busing/story?id=64243647
It did not prevent Biden from winning the nomination largely based on his strong performance among Black voters.
I doubt anything Donald Trump has to say will change that; you might have not gotten this information from zerohedge or the epoch times or Tucker Carlson etc.(the sources you rely on) but the Donald has little credibility among Blacks.
21 Jan 24
@no1marauder saidLOL!!!!
Somehow I doubt you have any valid insights on what Black voters know or believe.
During the 2020 campaign, Kamala Harris went after Biden's record on desegregation in the Democratic debates and on the usual media political shows. https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/sen-kamala-harris-view-doubles-criticism-bidens-busing/story?id=64243647
It did not prevent Biden from wi ...[text shortened]... or Tucker Carlson etc.(the sources you rely on) but the Donald has little credibility among Blacks.
Kamala Harris went after Biden's record on desegregation so hard she said she didn't think Biden was a racist. Real tough. How do you think she got to be his VP?
Did Kamala say the words "racial jungle"? Of course not. That is not how you become VP. You become VP by pretending to go after Biden before someone else does and uses the words "racial jungle".
Yeah dude. Not one mention of his racial jungle quote. She really went after him. LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Are you really this stupid?
@metal-brain saidTalking to a lunatic like you is a waste of time.
Kamala Harris went after Biden's record on desegregation so hard she said she didn't think Biden was a racist. Real tough. How do you think she got to be his VP?
Did Kamala say the words "racial jungle"? Of course not. That is not how you become VP. You become VP by pretending to go after Biden before someone else does and uses the words "racial jungle".
...[text shortened]... !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Are you really this stupid?
Here's the deal; Donald Trump can make a million commercials saying "biden - racial jungle" and Joe Biden will still get an overwhelming majority of Black votes.
You're still a complete idiot, just like you were in October 2020, to believe otherwise.
21 Jan 24
@no1marauder saidPeople can believe a lot of things, it does nothing, it means nothing until they act on those beliefs i.e. treat people differently based on their race.
Is that what you right wingers have talked yourself into to justify doing nothing about the actual effects of racism upon individuals?
Merriam-Webster disagrees:
"rac·ism ˈrā-ˌsi-zəm also -ˌshi-
: a belief that race is a fundamental determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race.
Which makes affirmative action and similar programs racist. I don't have a problem with private Co's hiring on the basis of race (a.k.a affirmative action), that's their business. But when the goobermint, subsidises, legislates, adopts racist hiring practices that makes all citizens complicit in that racism. It is condescending, despicable and racist to assert certain races need a special hand up, it demeans persons of that race and eventually part of their population begin to believe and take on that victimhood, lowering expectations.