Originally posted by DelmerYou wouldn't believe how much I am already personally doing.
See, Stang, I told you that you wouldn't understand. And what first hand information do you have? If you feel so strongly about it then go to Iraq and do something useful. Become a martyr in the cause of world peace. Stop using secondhand pictures and secondhand words. Take some pictures of your own. Write some words of your own. Give us a personal, first hand account.
Originally posted by DelmerGiggle. I'm feeling real "loose".
I'd prefer to call it an "independent economy" rather than a "siege economy." I see no reason why a country with the size, geography and the diversity of the USA could not produce everything it needs to provide all of its citizen with a decent and fulfiling lifestyle. And I see no reason why the USA alone could not adequately defend its borders. Depending upon one's definition, the demise of consumer capitalism is long overdue.
And with the Canadian and Mexican military being such Giants... I see no lack of natural resource and slave labor to propell us into the future.
<gasp and giggle>
Hell. Who knows. We might find we like it. Then all we have to do is let the world buy sweedish and french jets for a few years. Then take over Europe. Wow! This could be fun.
Originally posted by StarValleyWyI agree that there should be a publicised list of moderators, their countries and maybe a brief comment from them on their political, religous and social views.
Oh great. New Mods? Haven't had this much fun since pradtf and his crowd controled the moderator mob.
Who are the mods these days? Is there a place to check who is currently on duty? Never have bothered to find out.
I've also previously asked that RHP have an "About Us" page that summarises where the managers are based, where the site is based, who subscriptions go to and their associates.
This fell on deaf ears.
Originally posted by STANGHow are you Stan?
I agree that there should be a publicised list of moderators, their countries and maybe a brief comment from them on their political, religous and social views.
I've also previously asked that RHP have an "About Us" page that summarises where the managers are based, where the site is based, who subscriptions go to and their associates.
This fell on deaf ears.
Well I hope. And I beg your forgiveness for using your beginning posts here to make a point. I often think you have a wonderful way with words. I don't always agree with you, but you are ok by me.
If I offended you by "trying" to make your first post into poetic metre... I do apologize. I just found the rhythm to be captivating.
As to the site mods... I don't even know if they removed my posts or if it is a "provider issue". Oh well. It just said that the "Edits failed to post" five times. Then I had to log off and get back on. No big deal. The posts were just to add a bit of humor anyway. God knows we don't need that.
Originally posted by STANG
We decided that we don't need a car and sold it for $800.
That's cool. You doin' all right?
Getting a new car? I just paid 900 dollars for a new transmission for my old 1989 truck. I put it in myself, so it wasn't too bad.
Took a couple of days to do though as I have never done a transmission before. Took a while to figure out.
Originally posted by STANGTruth. I once spent an entire year living in a tent. I was four years old. We lived in the National Park at Yellowstone while my dad worked construction at the Rockefeller "Moran Lodge".
You see a lot more when you don't have a car !
We had no car. Dad had to take it to "work" each day. I think what you say is true. Without the car.... we bathed in Jackson Lake each morning. We made friends with people from over the whole planet. I remember meeting an Australian couple who had three Kids. Her name was "Bonnie" and he was "Jack". I don't remember their kids names or much else about them, but that they were so funny to listen to. They sat with my mom around our fire and shared bacon and eggs and coffee. I remember how "sinfull" that was because "we" mormons don't drink coffee. And Bonnie smoked. She was the second woman I ever saw who smoked. It was very romantic and wonderful. I remember walking away from the campground and making friends with an old she bear. I brought her food each day. She licked my face. circa 1951.