7 to 9 million Gen Z young adults will be elligible to vote in 2024. I wonder how the republicans plan on matching those votes because sure as hell they have no message to convince them to legitimately vote for them. The plans some republicans have to straight up raise the voting age won't be ready until then. The rigged elections accusations didn't work in 2020, they will less likely work now that even more voters who will never vote for the GOP will push the scales
May I suggest thoughts and prayers? Maybe they are only useless with mass shootings but maybe your god might have an easier time multiplying votes like the fish and bread.
@zahlanzi saidAll we can do is tell them socialism never works.
7 to 9 million Gen Z young adults will be elligible to vote in 2024. I wonder how the republicans plan on matching those votes because sure as hell they have no message to convince them to legitimately vote for them. The plans some republicans have to straight up raise the voting age won't be ready until then. The rigged elections accusations didn't work in 2020, they will l ...[text shortened]... ss shootings but maybe your god might have an easier time multiplying votes like the fish and bread.
Margaret Thatcher: The problem with socialism is that eventually, you run out of other people's money.
Zahlanzi, do you concur with that statement? Living under socialism? No word games, please, and you do not have to say anything ugly about me or what I think. How easy can that be? So, please, your thoughts of the uSA becoming a country (Maruader likes to say 'State'😉 of dependents.
So that is your big worry, we become socialized like Canada or Sweden?
We have a LOT more to worry about than becoming socialized like the looming climate crisis or nukes in Belarus and war in Ukraine and uncertainty about the 2024 POTUS election, if the ultrarightwingnuts win POTUS then we will have a lot more to worry about than being socialized, more like book burnings and libraries closing because of banned books, for instance the recent firing of a grade school teacher for daring to read a book that was already in the school library where she was making the point about LGBT folks being ok and such, such is the hatred now for gay folks BECAUSE they were weaponized for the express purpose of gaining political support which is a disgusting way to govern, JUST LIKE EARLY HITLER, start banning books, telling folks to hate Jews and so forth.
IT CAN HAPPEN HERE, if the wingnuts win.
And all you are worried about is SOCIALISM?
I gather you have been living under a rock and have not seen what is going on in wingnut GOP folks now.
It is definitely not your grandpa's GOP now, where they ONLY want to fight everything coming out of Dem leaders no matter WHO they help.
Those wingnuts like DeSantis are weaponizing all of that in his sick effort to out Trump Trump and that is ALL he is doing.
Banning books, closing libraries, he is well on his way to converting the US into another Hitler Germany.
Unless you are literally ok with the descent of the US into such a hell.
@averagejoe1 saidFine, because you asked nicely, i won't say how stupid you are and how i am wasting my time replying to you.
All we can do is tell them socialism never works.
Margaret Thatcher: The problem with socialism is that eventually, you run out of other people's money.
Zahlanzi, do you concur with that statement? Living under socialism? No word games, please, and you do not have to say anything ugly about me or what I think. How easy can that be? So, please, your thoughts of the uSA becoming a country (Maruader likes to say 'State'😉 of dependents.
Margaret Thatcher was a corporate stooge whose agenda can be characterized as british reagonomics, she increased UK's economy while doubling the poverty rate and she came up with that incredibly arrogant and ignorant piece of useless chinese fortune cookie nonsense.
"Zahlanzi, do you concur with that statement?"
no, it's dumb
"Living under socialism?"
It's pretty nice, i like it. Ask your billionaires who constantly receive welfare checks how nice it is. Maybe your politician whores who get healthcare for free? Ask Canadians, Sweedes, the French, the Germans, Australians, Brits, Danes and many others how they are doing under socialism.
"So, please, your thoughts of the uSA becoming a country (Maruader likes to say 'State'😉 of dependents."
You mean besides the millionaires and billionaires getting welfare from the "State"? Yes, it would be a good idea
@averagejoe1 saidThat quote shows a fundamental misunderstanding of socialism. It's not "other" people's money, all resources belong to the people as a whole under socialism.
Margaret Thatcher: The problem with socialism is that eventually, you run out of other people's money.
@divegeester saidTwit.
Lol, really?
The date you were born was a few months before the date JFK was born 106 years ago, and now 59 years after his death you are “weirded out” because you also happen to be 46 years old which was his age when he was shot.
Buckle up princess, it’s gonna be a long ride for you.
@averagejoe1 saidBoring AF.
You and Vivify are having a poor posting day. Take a break and watch the golf tournament.
How old are you? 90?
@averagejoe1 saidTrump was quite the laughingstock, yes.
How bout diff in Iraq and Iran. The world stage is amazed at —________________(fill in anything you’d like to here) of the person representing us and our country. Laughingstock.
@sonhouse saidChristie says Trump took those docs because he likes to pretend he's still president.
We have a problem just laughing at Trump since he is a convicted ex POTUS and more to come.
It is really sad that folks like my own sister says after I told her he might go to jail, she goes if he gets convicted it is because the COURTS are corrupt not my god king Trump.
And his support with his base has shot up BECAUSE he was indicted on espionage and most ...[text shortened]... zombie brains these days if they think there is nothing wrong with what our Ex traitor in chief did?
LOL. He was never president.
@sonhouse saidRC headquarters were in Brooklyn...you can quit lying
I was at RC HQ on 49th street, about half mile from Central park and that is NOT Brooklyn. I don't BS about those kind of things and my ham club gave me a nice citation for my work there which was to keep radios going, I am an RF expert, top level amateur radio license, got my first one when I was 15, been in it ever since.
I don't even know if there IS a ...[text shortened]... hat is just a side note, the OP says repub strategists are STUPID and that is EXACTLY what they are.
@sonhouse saidBeing dependent on Government is a tenet of socialism, Sonhouse. Let us take one of your many thoughtful points one at a time, maybe a meaningful discussion?
So that is your big worry, we become socialized like Canada or Sweden?
We have a LOT more to worry about than becoming socialized like the looming climate crisis or nukes in Belarus and war in Ukraine and uncertainty about the 2024 POTUS election, if the ultrarightwingnuts win POTUS then we will have a lot more to worry about than being socialized, more like b ...[text shortened]... to another Hitler Germany.
Unless you are literally ok with the descent of the US into such a hell.
So, forget us for a moment. Do you wish that in the future, your children will be dependent on government?
@zahlanzi saidHere is an article, see last sentence, first paragraph. "Margaret Thatcher was relatively successful in the economic, political and foreign policy spheres." So, I am following the reasoning in this article, compared to yours, which is not reasoned at all, and hereby submit it as my answer to you. I am not comfortable with 'links' which are unheard of in true debates, but here it is. I think you take exception, because you have a one-track mind of socialism at any cost.
Fine, because you asked nicely, i won't say how stupid you are and how i am wasting my time replying to you.
Margaret Thatcher was a corporate stooge whose agenda can be characterized as british reagonomics, she increased UK's economy while doubling the poverty rate and she came up with that incredibly arrogant and ignorant piece of useless chinese fortune cookie nonsens ...[text shortened]... des the millionaires and billionaires getting welfare from the "State"? Yes, it would be a good idea
Next, you say living under socialism is nice. Zahlanzi, my dog lives under socialism,....and he may be the most happy of all dogs. Be judged by the company you keep. Marauder, for instance,,,,would be proud with your dependence. I wonder if my dog knows he would die if I run out of money and quit feeding him. Ohhhh, Zahlanzi.
Uhh what is your reference to billionaires about, don't get you there. Successful people. Success is easy to come by here, do you think it logical for people to become dependent and just quit seeking success? You are aware, I am sure, that money is merely a measure of success. Elon Musk doesn't care about money, it is success which drives him.
Ohhhhh, Zahlanzi. One-track Zhalanzi. Those darn billiionaires!
The swedes, et al, the Shavs of the world, taking months off and riding around. Those are who you are talking about? Happy people living Under Socialism. Is there any success in that melting pot? No, I didn't think so. You yourself may consider yourself a socialist, but chances are you just live under it. But the dog bowls of your friends are full every night, and they sleep comfortably. If I found myself living there tomorrow, getting my 'papers', I would the most unhappy of citizens.
I wonder an emoji of Socialism would look like?
@mott-the-hoople saidNote that they never refer directly to the necessity of govt dependence for socialism to 'work'! Work? haha. why work, what is the diff of work under socialism....beyond just filling wheelbarrows for the citizens to feed out of. Oops, I fear libs have a hard time with metaphors
where does "the peoples money" originate?
@mott-the-hoople saidLOL, have you ever been to NYC?
RC headquarters were in Brooklyn...you can quit lying