@no1marauder saidI don't know if he'll be defeated. I can even understand why Trump nominated him - he helped Trump a lot in the election. But the anti-vax stuff is just too dangerous. I would hope at least 4 GOP Senators would realize this.
Think he'll withdraw or be defeated?
Trump owes him, so he's pretty sure to get some cushy government job just maybe not one which requires Senate confirmation.
Give him that job or re-writing the food pyramid or something. Maybe they could make an exercise pyramid too. I guess that would mean something in the FDA.
As long as he can't adversely affect vaccines, give him whatever cushy job he wants.
@no1marauder saidI seen Jurassic Park that frog DNA does some wacky things to organisms
"IF it's doing that to frogs, there's a lot of other evidence that it's doing that to human beings as well." https://www.cnn.com/2023/07/13/politics/robert-kennedy-jr-chemicals-water-children-frogs/index.html
Gee, that must be why all those male teenagers are laying eggs all over the place.
@sh76 said"His opposition to childhood vaccinations over multiple decades is well chronicled."
No, Kennedy is wrong enough at it is, though not as crazy as some are trying to paint him.
His opposition to childhood vaccinations over multiple decades is well chronicled.
I don't think he's a driveling lunatic like some others do, and I like some of his ideas (like emphasizing the importance of diet and exercise) but I'm also very much opposed to his confirmation at HHS.
What is your source of information?
@sh76 saidNo, you are repeating lies just as you have always done.
No, Kennedy is wrong enough at it is, though not as crazy as some are trying to paint him.
His opposition to childhood vaccinations over multiple decades is well chronicled.
I don't think he's a driveling lunatic like some others do, and I like some of his ideas (like emphasizing the importance of diet and exercise) but I'm also very much opposed to his confirmation at HHS.
Bobby's kids are vaccinates, all 7 of them.
Why do you keep spreading misinformation? You even falsely claimed it was well chronicled. You are so full of crap it is unbelievable. Normally I would ask you for your source of information, but I know you don't have one that isn't full of lies.
How do you live with yourself? You cannot honestly believe all these lies you repeat. Or do you?
@Metal-Brain saidhttps://apnews.com/article/rfk-kennedy-election-2024-president-campaign-621c9e9641381a1b2677df9de5a09731
"His opposition to childhood vaccinations over multiple decades is well chronicled."
What is your source of information?
From your link:
"But that’s not true. Again and again, Kennedy has made his opposition to vaccines clear. In July, Kennedy said in a podcast interview that “There’s no vaccine that is safe and effective”.
Kennedy stated a fact. There is no such thing as a 100% safe vaccine, but that does not make him anti vaccine. That just means there is room for improvement to vaccines. A good first step would be to not inject people with aluminum just because it is cheap and increases profits to vaccine manufactures that you cannot sue if the vaccine harms you.
All you did was present a website full of lies. Bobby is not anti vaccine. He just wants them to be safer, yet the corporate news media keep calling him anti vaccine knowing it is a lie. The covid vaccines are not really vaccines. They changed the definition of vaccine so they could get immunity from lawsuits. Questioning the safety of covid vaccines does not make a person anti vaccine. That is like saying Ralph Nader was anti automobile for wanting them to be safer.
I say even with seat belts the Mitsubishi Mirage is unsafe. Does that make me anti automobile? Same illogical way of thinking. Propaganda demonizing Kennedy did that to you. You and all of your buddies fell for it.