It is well known how vulnerable AC's are to modern weapons which is one reason why we and Russia and China have subs, and BTW China is rushing like hell to build new subs.
Which military branch did you serve in since you seem to know all about these weapons. I did 4 years in the USAF, what was YOUR branch? I also got a top secret clearance, what level was YOUR clearance?
@Metal-Brain saidAre you really this stupid?
Because we have the Goldilocks number of nukes. Just enough nukes to win a nuclear war without destroying the world.
Apparently, you are as insane as you are stupid.
@Metal-Brain saidOkay, now I know you're stupid.
Your article gives absolutely no explanation at all as to how they can intercept such a fast moving missile. This reminds me of the propaganda saying Israel intercepted the vast majority of Iran's missiles which is complete BS.
Why do you think the USA has to back up Israel from an attack from Iran? The so called iron dome is worthless and they know it. You were lied to.
@Metal-Brain saidAnyone with a brain disagrees with that.
The tooth fairy puts money under your pillow if you leave a tooth. What part of that don't you understand?
Engage? How?
It is hard enough to hit a speeding bullet with another speeding bullet. You are talking about something much faster. The only thing I can think of that can take out a hyper sonic nuke is another nuke. Do you disagree with that?
@Metal-Brain saidAgain, you live in the past.
Then you can easily explain why it works then.
Or can you?
You evaded my question. You have a bad case of blind faith in our military. The same military that is the main cause of global warming.
Carbon caps for all people except the US military. Democrats are protecting the world's biggest c ...[text shortened]... hing I can think of that can take out a hyper sonic nuke is another nuke. Do you disagree with that?
If you knew the actual capability of our armed forces, you would sh-- yourself.
@no1marauder saidThis is true.
Actually both the US and Russia have greatly reduced the number of nuclear weapons since the end of the Cold War:
"In historical context, the number of nuclear weapons in the world has declined significantly since the Cold War: down from a peak of approximately 70,300 in 1986 to an estimated 12,100 in early-2024. "
There's a neat little graph right under that sentence.
Current military weaponry makes the old weaponry (including nukes) look like blunderbusses.
As I said, he's living in the past.
@Metal-Brain saidIdiot. You sound like a raving lunatic.
Why is Biden building more nukes?
Because we have the Goldilocks number of nukes. Right?
@no1marauder saidBingo.
Stop with the nutty Rockefellers run the world BS.
The missile has to slow in its terminal phase and is then vulnerable to interception.
And what do you think Russia would gain even IF they could sink all our aircraft carriers with nuclear weapons? Aircraft carriers don't even carry nuclear weapons anymore and haven't for a long time. The US has ample means to obliterate Russia even without aircraft carriers.
@Metal-Brain said@Brain-Dead
"Did you perhaps forget the reason we have atomic powered subs?"
How are they going to protect an aircraft carrier? Explain.
@Metal-Brain saidFirst you mention "offensive weapons", and now, suddenly, you are calling them defensive? Make up your mind.
So you are dismissing our aircraft carrier's vulnerability because we have subs?
At least we can look at our aircraft carriers when they are at the bottom of the ocean with our subs. Are you going to invade Iran with subs? Defend Taiwan from China with subs? Fight WW3 with subs? Defend Israel with subs?
I submit that you have zero idea what you're talking about.
@sonhouse saidI was not stupid enough to join the military. My mother warned me about that. Not all of my brothers listened to my mother though. I had a few brothers who were in the military. They were in the Army and Navy.
It is well known how vulnerable AC's are to modern weapons which is one reason why we and Russia and China have subs, and BTW China is rushing like hell to build new subs.
Which military branch did you serve in since you seem to know all about these weapons. I did 4 years in the USAF, what was YOUR branch? I also got a top secret clearance, what level was YOUR clearance?
So you think atomic bomb attacks actually wins WW3?
The saying goes if WW3 is fought with nukes there won't be a WW4.
@sonhouse saidYou condoned the killing of democracy when you accepted being denied a vote for Kamala. She was selected by a corporation.
So instead you work to kill democracy in the US and if could, the entire planet.
@sonhouse saidOur government would be too busy cleaning up the mess to fund a proxy war on Russia, wouldn't it?
So you think atomic bomb attacks actually wins WW3?
The saying goes if WW3 is fought with nukes there won't be a WW4.