@zahlanzi saidNo, Moscow Mitch and the Republicans eliminated the filibuster as regards judicial appointments.
Can senate democrats filibuster the vote until Biden is sworn in?
EDIT: In technical terms, they made a vote for cloture i.e. to end debate require only a majority in judicial confirmation cases rather than the 3/5 required in most other cases.
@no1marauder////////.I agree with marauder, MOSCOW MITCH will put forth a nominee, probably without any debate, and stack THE COURT 6-3....Easy to hold up OBAMA'S nomination for over a year, can't hold off on these NAZI nominations for a month....Statesmanship, that's all there is to it....
@mott-the-hoople saidThey can't, but they'll have both and the Presidency in January 2021.
how can dems expand anything without control of the house and senate?
Assuming that Trump and Moscow Mitch are successful in getting a hard core right winger in the Scalia model on the SCOTUS by January, the "swing" vote on the court would go from Roberts to Kavanaugh.
Whether that would be ideologically significant is a bit unclear; Kavanaugh has been pretty similar to Roberts in his voting patterns.
@mott-the-hoople saidI didn’t say Trump administration. I said Trump campaign.
who was ELECTED to control the govt agencies?
Read my posts more carefully.
@mott-the-hoople saidThousands upon thousands of Americans depend upon upon the USPS for delivery of life sustaining medications and the actions of the Trump Toady endangered the lives of thousands upon thousands of Americans . You claim to be pro-life but you are in favor of endangering the lives of thousands upon thousands of Americans . You are clearly a hypocrite . Fess up !!
as evidenced by judges taking control of the USPS and dem governors extending vote result time lines by weeks, yes I think foul play is to be expected.
@mott-the-hoople saidWhat are you babbling about are you saying the Dems want to push a SCOTUS candidate through before the January deadline.
all I hear is what the republicans said about this...what did the democrats say? oh yeah, the democrats dont want to do it that way now do they?
A classy tribute from Chief Justice Roberts:
"“Our Nation has lost a jurist of historic stature. We at the Supreme Court have lost a cherished colleague,” Roberts said. “Today we mourn, but with confidence that future generations will remember Ruth Bader Ginsburg as we knew her -- a tireless and resolute champion of justice.”
@no1marauder saidCan’t the Democrats, once they control all three houses, just stick an extra 3 judges on the supreme court and fill it with left-wingers for a life-time?
Assuming that Trump and Moscow Mitch are successful in getting a hard core right winger in the Scalia model on the SCOTUS by January, the "swing" vote on the court would go from Roberts to Kavanaugh.
Whether that would be ideologically significant is a bit unclear; Kavanaugh has been pretty similar to Roberts in his voting patterns.
@shavixmir saidThey can and they should though 4 or 6 is a better number.
Can’t the Democrats, once they control all three houses, just stick an extra 3 judges on the supreme court and fill it with left-wingers for a life-time?
@no1marauder saidI diagree here. Let the court stay at a manageable size.
They can and they should though 4 or 6 is a better number.
@ponderable saidWhat makes 13 or 15 an "unmanageable size"?
I diagree here. Let the court stay at a manageable size.
@no1marauder saidThe more people sit around a table the more difficult any negotiation becomes.
What makes 13 or 15 an "unmanageable size"?
Either that or some around the table are just there to give consent...
@shavixmir saidDoesn't work quite like that. SCOTUS judges are appointed for life. New Justices are only chosen when one retires, dies or is removed through impeachment.
Can’t the Democrats, once they control all three houses, just stick an extra 3 judges on the supreme court and fill it with left-wingers for a life-time?
The stars have to align for a liberal SCOTUS judge to be chosen; a judge has to be on the way out, a Dem president must be in office and that president needs enough Dems in the Senate.