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Smoking: a disgusting habit

Smoking: a disgusting habit


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Originally posted by shavixmir
I'd blow smoke in every whinging, whining, complaining pretentious non-smoker's face I had the misfortune to stumble over.
Seriously...what about exaust fumes? How healthy are they?
What about factory gasses? How enjoyable are they?

Oh. gotta go. I'll finish this another time.
you just seem to be in an uncharacteristically bad mood these days.

non-smokers are perfectly within their rights and wishes not to experience 2nd hand smoke. if a smoker is addicted to the point of being unable to control him or herself then he or she should smoke alongside your exhaust pipes and chimney stacks.

in my experiences working with the Canadian Non Smokers Rights Association as well as dealing with smokers in various capacities for many years, i am pleased to say that i have found smokers to be most considerate when it has been pointed out to them that they are making others feel uncomfortable. never did anyone, even in the 'bad old days', blow smoke or even hot air in my face.

in friendship,

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I don't smoke, because I wasn't stupid enough to start.

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Originally posted by DreamlaX
I don't smoke, because I wasn't stupid enough to start.
Not stupid enough? How stupid are you?


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Less stupid than a smoker when it comes to choosing to smoke or not.

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Originally posted by DreamlaX
Less stupid than a smoker when it comes to choosing to smoke or not.
Or perhaps more informed than someone two or three times your age? You are privy to a lot more info now than some people when they began to smoke.

As for anyone considering starting smoking now, yes... very stupid. But your generalization that all smokers must be stupid is stupid in itself.


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Originally posted by Phlabibit
Or perhaps more informed than someone two or three times your age? You are privy to a lot more info now than some people when they began to smoke.

As for anyone considering starting smoking now, yes... very stupid. But your generalization that all smokers must be stupid is stupid in itself.

A vast number of teenagers in New Zealand smoke. Schools try to cut it down by banning it on school grounds, and restricting the non-seniors by not letting them out. Of course, hardly any of the teachers re-inforce this, and if they are caught smoking they are hardly punished.

But the people who smoke now and choose to continue to smoke are also included in my generalisation, and there are heaps of these people around. It wouldn't surprise me if the majority of smokers don't want to give up or do it so mindlessly it becomes like idle chatter.

Anyone who smokes, and is actually putting forth effort to stop, and not just saying "I'll quit today" and light up five minutes after, are smart. Anyone who continues to smoke, or starts smoking, is not.

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Smoking! I miss it sometimes. I loved to smoke after a meal. For some reason, that was the most satisfying. The main reason I think kids take it up is it looks cool. And what's better than looking cool when your in your early teens.

What's logic got to do with it? Life is meant to be experienced! (sarcasm intended) Nothing is real untill you can feel it and taste it. Smoking relaxes you. It helps you focus. Wakes you up in the morning, and helps you unwind at night.

When I was a smoker, those non-smokers were oversensitive whiners. Give me a break! It took years after I quit before I noticed you could smell the smoke on someone literally hours after they had been around a smoker. It's disturbing the pick up and hold your 2-year-old and smell cigarette smoke in her hair. Her baby sister did not smoke inside, only outside while watching the kids on the swings.

Part of the problem with getting kids to not smoke is the way we have exaggerated the health risks. We make it sound like you could drop dead within a few months of smoking. What are the increase in lung cancer. they alway report it as a percent increase in risk. So you are a what? 5 times as likely to get cancer from smoking. But what are the odds of getting lung cancer in the first place? Maybe 1 in 5000? So now the odds are 1 in 1000? (I have no idea what the odds are, so if anyone knows for sure...) The health risks are not going to seem real to a kid unless they know someone who's gotten cancer.

The way to get kids to not smoke is to make it un-cool. Put the latest teen-idol on TV say "I would never go out with a girl who smokes! Kissing a smokers is like kissing an ashtray." If you can get Hollywood against smoking, you can stop the young ones. But right Hollywood is promoting smoking.

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Originally posted by Phlabibit
Or perhaps more informed than someone two or three times your age? You are privy to a lot more info now than some people when they began to smoke.

As for anyone considering starting smoking now, yes... very stupid. But your generalization that all smokers must be stupid is stupid in itself.


I can't agree. Everyone knows that smoking is addictive, extremely addictive and provides no actuall benefits other than the apparent 'high' when you smoke your first cigarette. Thus someone living 30 years ago ect would have known it was bad for you, much like smokers today know its bad for you.

I'm on the severely anti-smoking bandwagon. Parents both smoke and are unable to quit. The idea of actually being so addicted to cigarettes that your body starts telling you to smoke 20 or more a day is just sad. I think smokers realise it even more today because of the restrictions on smoking and the fact that they struggle to even spend 10 hours on an international flight before they're 'dying' for a cigarette. Why the hell put yourself through this ?

top 10 smoking hates.

1. Watching a football match and a git next to you lights up.
2. Walking to work and the guy 2m infront of you smokes, so you have to overtake him.
3. Meeting a nice girl, BUT she's gonna taste like an ashtray if you kiss her.
4. International flights when people were still allowed to smoke and your mother books you in the smoking section because she wants to smoke!
5. The addiction... people that wake up and have to smoke first thing.
6. Cigarette butts in the toilet or next to the bath. urg. hate that smell.
7. The entire air system in a pub. Haven't been in a pub for 4 months as my wife is pregnant and don't want her to breath in that crap.
8. Smoking in a car with children (or any small confined space).
9. Smoking while pushing a baby pram.
10. Generally just throwing cigarette butts all over the place.

My only like of smoking is blowing bubbles with smoke in them. I think that is really cool and the only legitimate reason to start taking it up 😉

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The way to get kids to not smoke is to make it un-cool. Put the latest teen-idol on TV say "I would never go out with a girl who smokes! Kissing a smokers is like kissing an ashtray." If you can get Hollywood against smoking, you can stop the young ones. But right Hollywood is promoting smoking.

I think smoking should slowly become illegal. It is indeed a health risk and there is absolutely no reason to smoke. Start in clubs, pubs, coffee houses and progress slowly with it. That way people are forced to realise that smoking is not going to be a social norm. Perhaps not illegal, but tax it even more heavily and restrict it to virtually all but a person's house or designated smoking areas. Even parks should be prohibited forinstace.

If I were president of the world... there would probably we alot of bullets with my name on it.

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Originally posted by CalJust
[b]Why do people still smoke? 😛

In the face of undeniable evidence linking smoking to the two most serious diseases we know: cancer and heart disease; in the face of growing public opposition to smoking and the banning of smokers from more and more public areas into small, filthy corners; in spite of this, why do peole still smoke??

It discolou ...[text shortened]... endemic in winter.

My question to any smokers on RHP is: Why on earth do you still do it?? [/b]
I really wouldn't try this argument any longer. It's been pretty well condemned as a failure by all anti-smoking groups. Hardly anyone who smokes wants to smoke and just about all smokers are perfectly aware of the risks involved. People smoke because they are addicted, and because a massive, if surreptitious, marketing operation is persuading them that they should. Direct tobacco advertising may be banned in Europe, but the amount spent through indirect means to keep people smoking is still far more than the money spent on persuading them to quit. People smoke because our society is still better at telling them they should than it is at telling them they shouldn't.

The other reason is that as daft as it is, cigarettes still persist in going annoyingly well with beer.


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Originally posted by Coletti
The way to get kids to not smoke is to make it un-cool. Put the latest teen-idol on TV say "I would never go out with a girl who smokes! Kissing a smokers is like kissing an ashtray." If you can get Hollywood against smoking, you can stop the young ones. But right Hollywood is promoting smoking.
I agree

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i smoke almost a pack a day, never around any children, and try my best to be considerate of others. i'd wager to say i am probably in better shape than most of you out there. ive seen smokers (like myself)go and have to run 7 miles and light up a smoke at the finish line. some nonsmokers usually come straggling in a couple min later jealous as hell. smoking is our choice. yes, it doeas hinder our health and smoking in closed spaces is detrimental to everybody around. what im trying to say with all this i guess is that we are not all bad people. leave us alone...😕

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Originally posted by usmc7257
i smoke almost a pack a day, never around any children, and try my best to be considerate of others. i'd wager to say i am probably in better shape than most of you out there. ive seen smokers (like myself)go and have to run 7 miles and light up a smoke at the finish line. some nonsmokers usually come straggling in a couple min later jealous as hell. smoki ...[text shortened]... at im trying to say with all this i guess is that we are not all bad people. leave us alone...😕
That's an excellent point. It demonstrates why all the over-blown over-excited dire warnings about smoking will kill you are backfiring. We do the same thing regarding some drugs. "Smoking pot will turn you into a heroin addict." I've know people who have smoked pot all their lives and who seem perfectly normal... well reasonably normal...for your typical pot smoker that is. And I know some smokers who are in excellent condition and can run 10 miles without getting winded.

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haha oh dont get me started on that gateway drug trash. before i joined the marines i used to smoke grass al the time. i was doing that long before i ever lit up a cigarette. it never made me want to go out and try coccaine, heroine, or LSD. i chose not to do those because i thought the bad effects out weighed the good feeling i would get from them. tying this back to smoking, i feel that the bad effects of it are not enought to deter me from it at this time. i work in a very stressful environment hence i live for my cigarette breaks. like i said before i am in very good health and use smoking as a crutch to keep me sane.

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Originally posted by usmc7257
... i work in a very stressful environment hence i live for my cigarette breaks. like i said before i am in very good health and use smoking as a crutch to keep me sane.
I was considering that if I were still in the National Guard and was called up for duty in Iraq, I might take up smoking while I was there. Considering that I'd be in an infantry unit, and the stress of being there, I figured that when I returned home, I would not have much trouble quitting.

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