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State Department said what ISIS needs are jobs

State Department said what ISIS needs are jobs


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Originally posted by no1marauder
Do I have to bother to point out that that statement is ridiculously inaccurate?

I can see that praxeology has made a profound impression on you; you make up a reality and then cling to it in the face of all evidence to the contrary with even more relish than Mises.
You are correct. I was relying on memory from a radio show, of which I can't dig up the audio.


Afghanistan is the big recipient. The next four after Israel, are Egypt, Jordan, Pakistan, and Iraq. Together they far exceed what Israel gets.

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Originally posted by RJHinds
That must have been some comedian. It is kind of funny. Maybe the Obama administration could give them jobs as border guards to stop illegal immigration. On second thought, I am sure Obama would rather give them jobs giving the illegal immigrants amnesty and benefit cards. While they are at that they could also register each of them to vote as a Democrat. Yeah, problem solved.
I like Ron Whites response to that ISIS comment.... thank God for alcohol.. my heads about to explode..

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Originally posted by no1marauder
I realize the point is a little too subtle for right wingers to grasp, but it is certainly true that high levels of youth unemployment among males in the Middle East increases the ability of violent Islamist groups to recruit from that demographic: The highest rates of youth unemployment are found in the Middle East and North Africa, at roughly 24Â perce ...[text shortened]...
So yeah, getting more young Middle Eastern males jobs would probably reduce terrorist activity.
Ya think? wow, if that works lets move forward with the plan in Africa.. DUH..

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Originally posted by Hugh Glass
I like Ron Whites response to that ISIS comment.... thank God for alcohol.. my heads about to explode..
I can hardly believe it, but it must be true. Lou Dobbs from Fox Business News just reported that the Democrats are calling for a Jobs program for terrorists. He asks, Have they gone Mad?" Hopefully it is only this dingbat women they show talking about it.

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Originally posted by normbenign
You are correct. I was relying on memory from a radio show, of which I can't dig up the audio.


Afghanistan is the big recipient. The next four after Israel, are Egypt, Jordan, Pakistan, and Iraq. Together they far exceed what Israel gets.
That is a curious collection of numbers for you to describe so simplistically.

Firstly, American military and economic assistance per head is greatest for Afghanistan at $423 per head, second for Israel at $408.40 per head, with the third place far below at $174 for Jordan, then a creditable $105.57 for West Bank and Gaza.

Secondly, the terms under which aid arrives in Afghanistan are comparable to the terms on which it was provided by the Mongols and might be better classified as invasion, conquest and enforced regime change. The Russians - back in the day - also provided huge levels of aid to Afghanistan as you may recall. Then America and its ally Pakistan installed the Taliban regime. ...

Thirdly it is obvious and explicit that what Americans like to prettify with the lebel "aid" has a close and intended association with its political objectives, for which an appropriate term has to be "neocolonialism."

Next, it must be obvious that a lot of American activity is counter productive and self defeating. What exquisite misery is subsumed in providing aid to the Palestinian refugees of Gaza while arming and protecting the Israeli forces that routinely destroy everything there? Inexorably, the Americans are constructing hell on earth.

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What I find odd is that Obama as well as pretty much all Presidents before him, are able to point to the Crusades as men who killed in the name of God, but refuse to say that Islam is being used the same way.

Very odd.

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Originally posted by whodey
What I find odd is that Obama as well as pretty much all Presidents before him, are able to point to the Crusades as men who killed in the name of God, but refuse to say that Islam is being used the same way.

Very odd.
Actually he said exactly that. From an article cited in the OP of a thread YOU started:

We see ISIL, a brutal vicious death cult that in the name of religion carries out unspeakable acts of barbarism,” he said criticizing them for “claiming the mantle of religious authority for such actions.”

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Originally posted by no1marauder
Actually he said exactly that. From an article cited in the OP of a thread YOU started:

We see ISIL, a brutal vicious death cult that in the name of religion carries out unspeakable acts of barbarism,” he said criticizing them for “claiming the mantle of religious authority for such actions.”
But in other comments Obama says that ISIS does not represent Islam.

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Originally posted by whodey
But in other comments Obama says that ISIS does not represent Islam.
And the Crusaders didn't represent Christianity.

It's not that hard to figure out, is it?

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Originally posted by no1marauder
And the Crusaders didn't represent Christianity.

It's not that hard to figure out, is it?
I can agree to that, but that is only because Jesus said not to render evil for evil and that his kingdom was not of this world.

Conversely, Mo converted with the sword, raped women and turned them into slaves, and personally beheaded around 800 defenseless men. We also have excerpts of him saying things like, "kill the Jew where you find him" etc.

So it stands to reason that the very people who claim Mo is perfect and the last prophet of God with the final word on everything, and has books that detail his every move and every word as being perfect and to be emulated, that we see this crap.

It is akin to two different groups trying to follow the examples of Ghandi and Hitler.

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Originally posted by whodey
I can agree to that, but that is only because Jesus said not to render evil for evil and that his kingdom was not of this world.

Conversely, Mo converted with the sword, raped women and turned them into slaves, and personally beheaded around 800 defenseless men. We also have excerpts of him saying things like, "kill the Jew where you find him" etc.

S ...[text shortened]... crap.

It is akin to two different groups trying to follow the examples of Ghandi and Hitler.
Are you going to start this s**t again? You conveniently ignore the far worse massacres described in the Old Testament and the fact that in Revelation Jesus is portrayed as committing mass slaughter.

Your propaganda is tiresome.

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Originally posted by no1marauder
Are you going to start this s**t again? You conveniently ignore the far worse massacres described in the Old Testament and the fact that in Revelation Jesus is portrayed as committing mass slaughter.

Your propaganda is tiresome.
You have been told time and again that Jesus was a game changer. Perhaps you will finally understand this time.

Jesus said that you were once told to hate your enemy and kill him, but I tell you to love your enemy and do good to them.

I don't look at it so much as changing the law of God as I do finely tuning the spirit of the law of God which is based in love.

Now if you were to say that Christians hold Mosaic law above the teachings of Christ, they that would make you a Jew.

So go ahead, completely ignore Jesus' mandate to love you enemy, ignore Jesus intervening to save the woman caught in adultery who was about to be stoned, ignore the example of Jesus rebuking Peter who tried to kill a man with a sword when they came to take him to the cross, but it does not change the reality of the text.

I notice you have to defense of Mo. Interesting.

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Originally posted by whodey

A spokesperson for the US State Department recently came out and said that the solution for groups like ISIS are jobs. If they all had jobs and health care and a good retirement system, then it would diffuse the desire to be a terrorist.

My only question is, wh ...[text shortened]... live, place on a cross etc., etc., don't panic. Stay calm and just ask them if they need a job.
There are still those people that won't want jobs.

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Originally posted by whodey
You have been told time and again that Jesus was a game changer. Perhaps you will finally understand this time.

Jesus said that you were once told to hate your enemy and kill him, but I tell you to love your enemy and do good to them.

I don't look at it so much as changing the law of God as I do finely tuning the spirit of the law of God which is based ...[text shortened]... it does not change the reality of the text.

I notice you have to defense of Mo. Interesting.
So all Christians have to be totally non-violent because of Jesus' teachings now.

Is that your claim?

Is that your position? You oppose any violence even in self-defense?


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Originally posted by RBHILL
There are still those people that won't want jobs.
Yes. According to the State Department, those would be ISIS terrorists.

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