@wildgrass saidYou say above more govt help (might be) needed to place placards. You thus are suggesting adding more to the grocery list. You are doing the adding.
You're using "the government already pays for other stuff" as an excuse for them to add more to the grocery list?
Luckily I studied how to diagram sentences in grade school, we need that ability, to wade through your sentences.
@AverageJoe1 saidNo. The government made the law, not me. Laws need enforcement.
You say above more govt help (might be) needed to place placards. You thus are suggesting adding more to the grocery list. You are doing the adding.
Luckily I studied how to diagram sentences in grade school, we need that ability, to wade through your sentences.
More regulation. More nanny state. Tell the teachers what to teach and what to put on walls.
@wildgrass saidThe 2nd-worst answer to a post that I have ever seen on the forum.
No. The government made the law, not me. Laws need enforcement.
More regulation. More nanny state. Tell the teachers what to teach and what to put on walls.
@sonhouse saidMy secret is to not make my answers cryptic, I wish all would do that. Imagine debate judges struggling (or maybe they would not) to figure out the glibness and irrelevance. Take the way you will put 6 different subjects in one post, it is too much to keep up with. Next time I see one I will send it to you.
Ah, clearly your answer gets to number one right now.
So here are some of the consequences of the first step in the Christian takeover of US government. After forcing schools to put up the ten commandments:
Trying to kill no fault divorce, making divorce harder to get, more intrusion into our lives:
I guess this one will also be on your approve list.
Tell me, how many freedom losses will it take to say enough?
Let's see, reducing the pool of those eligible to vote, Check.
Abortion no exception, check.
Illegal to go out of a no abortion state to a free state to get a needed abortion because of a non viable fetus. Check
Forced ten commandments in public schools. Check
Ending the rights of gay marriage, Check.
Killing the income tax system and replacing that with tariffs, check
Using military to quell peaceful protests. Check.
Killing no fault divorce. Check.
All ok with you, right?
@sonhouse saidFrankly, it should be hard to get marrried, and easy to divorce.
So here are some of the consequences of the first step in the Christian takeover of US government. After forcing schools to put up the ten commandments:
Trying to kill no fault divorce, making divorce harder to get, more intrusion into our lives:
I guess ...[text shortened]... tary to quell peaceful protests. Check.
Killing no fault divorce. Check.
All ok with you, right?
I do not think the commandments shluld be in the schools, Note, we don't teach religion in schools. Weird, Indeed.
What do you mean about reducing the amount of voters...don't get you there. All citizens should vote. More the merrier. No aliens, though, Only citizens.
No one wants to end gay marriages. YOu are in neverland.
The idea of tariffs replacing taxes is a trial balloon....of course, I believe in it if it would work, but there would be too many unintended consequences."**(see below)
I would never say to use anything to quell peaceful protests. Neverland again.
I will be glad to chat with you about abortion after you and your ilk get back every dollar that we have given to college losers to pay their loans.**(see below)
** When I typed about income tax/tariffs, it made me think about all of the changes that liberals are trying to do to our country. Been paying taxes...why change? SHouse, all of your crap started with Obama telling Joe the Plumber.."We want to fundamentally transform America". Gosh, didn't know that after 235 years that it needed transforming.
**Tell me straight out that you approve of using our tax dollars to pay off loans of these dependent parasite freeloaders. Marauder said no money is changing hands and really threw you lemmings off the track. He is wrong.
SCOTUS member Thomas is the one who wants to end gay marriage along with Alito. Alito's wife is a screaming gay hater, screaming about a gay flag on the other side of the river where she lives and it was NOT nasty neighbors causing her to post upside down flag and insurrection flag on their property AND screaming I AM GERMAN as if that explains it because she is probably referring to Nazi Germany.
The heritage foundations want to ban WORDS like abortion, contraception, vagina.
You get arrested if you even SAY abortion, that ok with you?
TRUMP is the one calling for our military to quell peaceful protests.
And right now Texas has laws allowing the arrest of a woman getting an abortion in a free state just for crossing Texas state lines, like the one who just testified, she WANTED her babies, twins but one was non viable but the draconian laws did not allow abortion even for that, where her LIFE was under severe threat due to sepsis and she lost near half the blood in her body because the non viable fetus was making her extremely ill but the Texas doctors were afraid of consequences even to save the life of the mother and let me repeat, she WANTED her babies and had to go to Colorado to get a needed abortion of ONE baby so the other baby and HER would survive.
Now think about poor folks in the same boat who cannot afford a trip to a free state or the idea that if Trump wins, he WOULD be a puppet, paid for by some billionaires and BTW, most business leaders don't want to see Trump in office because they like stability and Trump would have anything BUT stability in government. If he wins however, there will be a 50 state ban on abortion no exceptions so a lot of women are going to die.
And the reaction from the ultrarightwingnuts passing that law, no doubt, she deserves it, she couldn't keep her legs shut.
Voter rights have already been restricted in ELEVEN STATES SO FAR.
If Trump wins he WILL be a puppet tied to the pockets of several billionaires just like the Supreme court, like Thomas getting FOUR MILLION in vacation goodies for YEARS and just started reporting the total value and even 'forgot' to put in a few hundred thousand he 'missed'.
Alito doing some quarter million in gifts. But Clarence is the king, FOUR MEGABUCKS and you might GUESS those billionaires want payback in the form of favorable decisions on cases they want settled in their favor.
That is corruption right out in the open.
And if Trump gets in, they will offer Thomas and one other judge an offer they can't refuse to retire early and let Trump pick a couple of FORTY year olds like Judge Cannon, his personal pet judge now stonewalling the treason case which because of her will not even START till at the SOONEST in 2025 maybe 2026.
She would expect payback for that help and could be a SCOTUS nominee, the worse qualified of ANY SCOTUS member in US history.
But you don't care about ANY of that since you clearly think none of that could POSSIBLY happen here in the US.
@sonhouse saidLike I said, you are already over the place. Hey, will you show us evidence that Heritage wants to forbid certain words. Preferably a link, not what you think?
SCOTUS member Thomas is the one who wants to end gay marriage along with Alito. Alito's wife is a screaming gay hater, screaming about a gay flag on the other side of the river where she lives and it was NOT nasty neighbors causing her to post upside down flag and insurrection flag on their property AND screaming I AM GERMAN as if that explains it because she i ...[text shortened]... 't care about ANY of that since you clearly think none of that could POSSIBLY happen here in the US.
You write about abortion......I might write about it if you tell me that it is absolutely wonderful to pay loans of college grads (in history, social studies, art, who will not make any money).
Now lets see....+Gay marriage will never end, I have said 100 times you libs will win in the end, and I have also said that there is no way to change that which has already happened. No one will ever stop that train, Sonhouse. Congratulations, you granddaughter can marry an asian woman from Borneo. After all, who would stop that train? We can't even stop Biden raiding our treasury for anything he wants.
Next paragraph is about stability. Since you say Trump is not, that implies that Biden, AND HIS POLICIES, are stable. Ohhhh, Sonhhouse.......
As to Eleven States, I don't study that stuff. You like to study abortions , which is not part of my life, and since I believe that women want to get pregnant, that they create their own problems, that I should not have to pay for, or rule on, or pass judgement on, those 'spread legs' you write about. Geez. I know , i know,,,,rape and incest. Yes, I believe to abort that.
Next you write of your usual predictions about what happens if Trump wins. Predictions, Sonhouse,. Since you have predicted that he will be a dictator, which he will not (no more than Biden who pays off student loans and spends money on cllimate control at his whim), then all of your other predictions hold no water. Except, or course, he will pick conservative judges , I predict that, too. I also predict if Biden wins, he will appoint liberal judges!!! I am a predictor!!! We agree on something!!!
You have ZERO idea of the depth of the agenda getting buddies in high office able to make policy decisions and if he takes over house and senate he can really screw things up and he has said as much and people like you thinking he is joking are allowing his agenda to be completed.
@sonhouse saidWhat do you mean screw things up? Sending illegals back home? Reducing taxes? Replacing Biden? Where do I begin? Or more to the point, where do YOU begin? Screw what up? And you fault having close friends (buddies) to shore up his cabinet?
You have ZERO idea of the depth of the agenda getting buddies in high office able to make policy decisions and if he takes over house and senate he can really screw things up and he has said as much and people like you thinking he is joking are allowing his agenda to be completed.
A simple list, please.