Yeah, we KNOW the ACTUAL issue, "The ISSUE is.... WE HATE BIDEN BECAUSE HE IS A DEMOCRAT and we HATE DEMOCRACY ITSELF since we KNOW ONLY republicans can run the US, even though when they do, the common folk gets screwed and more and more billionaires pop up. Yep, repubs are REALLY for the common folk,
RETAINING POWER FOREVER. THAT is their stated goal and the 400 odd STATE bills by those traitorous repubs are designing the new laws to limit the ability of blacks, browns, Asians, elderly, the want to STOP all of those votes since they KNOW most of those votes go to dems.
So if you think I am wrong on that count SHOW ME OTHERWISE.
Just don't EVEN go 'WHAT? It's ONLY about valid voter ID's"
Show me WHY it is about voter fraud to make it a felony to even give a voter in a 5 hour line on a hot day to be given a bottle of water?
Or reducing the number of voter places to ONE in a huge city?
THIS stops voter fraud? So tell me, mr. mavin of all things social, how does that stop voter fraud, AND besides that. WHAT VOTER FRAUD. NOBODY FOUND MUCH and ESPECIALLY not enough to overturn ANY election.
It is ONLY a doubt forming weaponization of the voting system DESIGNED to cast doubt on our entire system of voting SO republicans can feel justified in DESTROYING the democracy we have had for 200 + years.
You and your ilk makes ME feel like taking up arms against you anti democracy BULLSHYTE going on in the US AS WE SPEAK.
I WILL fight to keep our democracy and you can take THAT to the bank.