11 Jan 22
@vivify saidThe thread should have ended with this comment.
You don't have a point here.
If there were no such thing as trans-people, they would just be guys acting the same way. Nothing would change. The article said those lesbians deal with men constantly telling them they could change their minds.
A-holes are still a-holes, regardless of trans-status. Again: see Kaitlyn Jenner.
@suzianne saidStuck in the 50s ??? with negative connotations??
Sounds like you're stuck in the 50s as well.
The Beatles were right. Love IS all you need.
Some tolerance won't hurt, either.
It's always the Republicans in the crowd afraid to cut people some slack.
They new love every bit as much as in the 2020s
Weather or not you believe that a guy is simply a guy does NOT mean a lack of love. Not in any way. It is possible that it may mean a lack of understanding, though I also believe a guy will always be a guy. I would nonetheless never treat that person with any less respect or ( generic ) love than anyone else. Getting tied up in ideologies is plain dumb and a dangerous rabbit whole to go down.
BTW as an aside, the term cisgender is a homophobic terminology. It is used by a minority to emphasize that they are what they were born and NOT trans, NOT gay, NOT lesbian. see phobic. I call myself male though to all else I have not excluded that I may be homosexual. They have.
Awesome 😄
A better ending would have been him suplexing her for the finish but it was still good.
@eladar saidso let me get this right...
It was a joke in high school that guys could claim to be female, just a lesbian. You get to hang out in girl's locker rooms, but still have sex with them.
Looks like this is now reality.
Is a lesbian transphobic if she does not want to have sex with trans women? Some lesbians say they are increasing ...[text shortened]... g out. Several have spoken to the BBC, along with trans women who are concerned about the issue too.
a trans woman is a lesbian... sometimes???
the way I look at it is, if the future trans woman (a man) likes women as seen here, then he identifies MALE
TRANS woman my ass, he's a man trying any trick in the book to get laid.
(Real) Women were the ones who accepted these ridiculous trends and now they suffer for it.
@earl-of-trumps saidWhen my wife told me about this story I just started laughing at how stupid things have become.
so let me get this right...
a trans woman is a lesbian... sometimes???
the way I look at it is, if the future trans woman (a man) likes women as seen here, then he identifies MALE
TRANS woman my ass, he's a man trying any trick in the book to get laid.
Bathrooms need to have new titles...
People with..
XX Chromosomes and XY Chromosomes.
Sports defined the same way. Winners of events must have chromosome type checked to be official winner, at least in XX competitions.
@jimmac saidHey, stupid.
Stuck in the 50s ??? with negative connotations??
They new love every bit as much as in the 2020s
Weather or not you believe that a guy is simply a guy does NOT mean a lack of love. Not in any way. It is possible that it may mean a lack of understanding, though I also believe a guy will always be a guy. I would nonetheless never treat that person with any less respect or ...[text shortened]... obic. I call myself male though to all else I have not excluded that I may be homosexual. They have.
The term cisgender has absolutely nothing to do with sexual preference.
ANY news show can put on drivel every now and then, I've even seen drivel on RACHEL.
@sonhouse saidThat's usually a result of the guests.
ANY news show can put on drivel every now and then, I've even seen drivel on RACHEL.