@sonhouse saidA public office or a position of authority that provides a person a position to be able to control. That is the definition of a bully pulpit. Stay with me here… Trump does not have a position of authority over the president of Mexico. Therefore, the phrase bully pulpit does not apply here.
OF COURSE you would not use BULLY because that is the FUUKING TRUTH.
You ever hear the term Bully pulpit?
Your post is thus unfit for publication, for which there is no response.
I do wish you would write another post after cleaning that up, where there is something wrong with someone using what you call bullying to reach something, a goal, that they are trying to achieve. In this case to save the United States from invasions.
@sonhouse said…… as opposed to weak , I guess? So you would lean towards having a president who is weak rather than strong? I’m sorry sonhouse, I am just trying to get to your point here. What would you rather have in lieu of strength in a president?
Trump ''strong'' approach EXACTLY EQUALS bully.
Compassion? With a president who allows their citizens to invade our country? I’m just trying to see what you’re talking about.
@AverageJoe1 saidIt is clear you will never understand what I am talking about.
…… as opposed to weak , I guess? So you would lean towards having a president who is weak rather than strong? I’m sorry sonhouse, I am just trying to get to your point here. What would you rather have in lieu of strength in a president?
Compassion? With a president who allows their citizens to invade our country? I’m just trying to see what you’re talking about.
Presidents like Eisenhower was NOT a bully but got things done.
Biden is not a bully but got more good bills passed in his time than most any other president and that is the truth.
You don't go into the Senate and start pushing your weight around, you start by getting to know the people, not forcing them to know you.
But you won't understand that EVER.
@sonhouse saidYour premise is short on veracity. Things are different now than they were during the days of, say George Washington. And of course, many relationships, such as that of Ronald Reagan withe Tip O'Neal, resulted in coming together and meeting a middle ground. Things were different like I said because everyone was more self reliant then. Now we have many dependent people about 50% of our country who make it harder to reach such a middle ground, Chuck Schumer has never mentioned the word self reliance and responsibilities. That is what Ronald Reagan was all about, and had to fight his way with Tip O'Neill with whom he had a very friendly relationship. But now the dependents are carrying signs to get government involved in our lives.
It is clear you will never understand what I am talking about.
Presidents like Eisenhower was NOT a bully but got things done.
Biden is not a bully but got more good bills passed in his time than most any other president and that is the truth.
You don't go into the Senate and start pushing your weight around, you start by getting to know the people, not forcing them to know you.
But you won't understand that EVER.
In a nutshell, Reagan would NEVER have worked with O'Neil if ONeil was about punishing the successful and such as that.
Just so you know , Congress and Senaate are there to come to such agreements. Otherwise a president could becaome a dictator, so much so that he could order "Open the Border, let the Mexican and 179 other country citizens cross into our country." We do not want a president to have that power, and give the finger to the Constitution and SCOTUS , as does our present flea bag.
Do you think Trump will defy the Constitution? Can't wait for you to try to nail him as a dictator.
You gonna watch the Tech/Georgia game, it is on at 7:30.?
Live a Little, you live in a dam great country. Catch the train. Talk to some conservatives that you like and hold your temper. We cant seem to do a thing with you.
@AverageJoe1 saidRight, catch the train, watch the country disappear in front of our faces.
Your premise is short on veracity. Things are different now than they were during the days of, say George Washington. And of course, many relationships, such as that of Ronald Reagan withe Tip O'Neal, resulted in coming together and meeting a middle ground. Things were different like I said because everyone was more self reliant then. Now we have many dependent people ...[text shortened]... Talk to some conservatives that you like and hold your temper. We cant seem to do a thing with you.
Whatever. Who is doing all that investing in the market...it is up 1500 in 5 days or so. Idiots all. I may follow your lead. Who needs it!!
You mention bullying. Is it to bully girls when Democrats and Liberals dictate (..dictate..bullying...ouch) that boys can saunter or crash into a girls locker room while they are naked? Do the girls FEEL bullied? ARE they bullied??? Do the boys in fact feel at some point, dam, this is just not right,,,,,I AM A BULLY!'
Can you once answer a simple question? Could you start by saying that this is a simple question?
@AverageJoe1 saidYou want to bitch about social problems while ignoring and distracting from the coming death of democracy in the US, a LOT more important topic than what sex becomes the opposite and who gets to play.
Whatever. Who is doing all that investing in the market...it is up 1500 in 5 days or so. Idiots all. I may follow your lead. Who needs it!!
You mention bullying. Is it to bully girls when Democrats and Liberals dictate (..dictate..bullying...ouch) that boys can saunter or crash into a girls locker room while they are naked? Do the girls FEEL bullied? ARE t ...[text shortened]... Can you once answer a simple question? Could you start by saying that this is a simple question?
But for ultrarightwingnuts like you that is how you play, Who cares about democracy when there are problems so serious the death of democracy pales in comparison.
@sonhouse saidYeah i get all that, i believe you have mentioned it before. But my post here is NOT something you have had to read before, so, how about a studied thought from you on bullying.
You want to bitch about social problems while ignoring and distracting from the coming death of democracy in the US, a LOT more important topic than what sex becomes the opposite and who gets to play.
But for ultrarightwingnuts like you that is how you play, Who cares about democracy when there are problems so serious the death of democracy pales in comparison.
Sonhouse: Is it bullying innocent girls (who cannot fight back)* to put men in their bathrooms, men in their sports? Sonhouse.
**. Who cannot fight back. A great example of a bully pulpit, Sonhouse. MUCH more bully than Trump.
@AverageJoe1 saidAgain with the societal problem where you seem to think that is SO much more important that the death of our very democratic way of life takes second or third place. What the HELL is wrong with you? Our society will work out what to do in those cases, not you. All you want to do is bitch about secondary issues while the whole planet starts spinning out of control with ultrarightwingnuts taking over all over Earth. It is disease that is taking hold here in the US and you don't seem to care.
Yeah i get all that, i believe you have mentioned it before. But my post here is NOT something you have had to read before, so, how about a studied thought from you on bullying.
Sonhouse: Is it bullying innocent girls (who cannot fight back)* to put men in their bathrooms, men in their sports? Sonhouse.
**. Who cannot fight back. A great example of a bully pulpit, Sonhouse. MUCH more bully than Trump.
You also claim Trump disavows Project 2025 but here he is putting Vought in as budget czar, yep, the Vought who wrote the manifest with others about project 2025, the leader of project 2025 and you can't understand the depth of the disaster that will be in the coming few years.
That is besides putting Tulsi Gabbard in as INTEL chief? When she is a clear Russian asset? Spouting word for word Putin led Russian propaganda? I bet you didn't even know the history of that traitorous bitch.
@sonhouse saidYou are exactly right, but I was asking about something else, the bully thing. Can you answer that, it is to say that the girls are being bullied. Do you think they are being bullied? I weigh 230 and walk into a girls locker room, take off my clothes, they say ';get out' as they scurry to cover themselves....And I say I have every right to be here.
Again with the societal problem where you seem to think that is SO much more important that the death of our very democratic way of life takes second or third place. What the HELL is wrong with you? Our society will work out what to do in those cases, not you. All you want to do is bitch about secondary issues while the whole planet starts spinning out of control with ultrar ...[text shortened]... word Putin led Russian propaganda? I bet you didn't even know the history of that traitorous bitch.
I am a bully. Sanctioned by the 'State'. Am I a bully?
@AverageJoe1 saidJebesus you are obsessed with a problem effecting a tiny bunch of people. Get over it. There are REAL problems to deal with like TRUMP acting a bully, not some boy/girl scared of a 230 pound dude.
You are exactly right, but I was asking about something else, the bully thing. Can you answer that, it is to say that the girls are being bullied. Do you think they are being bullied? I weigh 230 and walk into a girls locker room, take off my clothes, they say ';get out' as they scurry to cover themselves....And I say I have every right to be here.
I am a bully. Sanctioned by the 'State'. Am I a bully?
The coming POS policies from Trump will effect EVERY AMERICAN not just some kids worried about who wins what.
@sonhouse saidYOU tell me that I am obsessed with!!!! Help me Rhonda!
Jebesus you are obsessed with a problem effecting a tiny bunch of people. Get over it. There are REAL problems to deal with like TRUMP acting a bully, not some boy/girl scared of a 230 pound dude.
The coming POS policies from Trump will effect EVERY AMERICAN not just some kids worried about who wins what.
You, little fella have had a psychological operation when it comes to Trump. You have been distorted with your perception of things. You have been distorted to where most people think who he is, when he is not. All the narratives have just killed you.
You should hear Joe Rogan on all this. He even dug up where Hillary was more Maga than Trump. At one time. she said get them out of this country if they do anything wrong.
But dare not take me off of the issue. Do you think that the young girls in the bathrooms are being bullied when the law allows a man to walk into their bathroom? So that is too small for you to answer.? If it were your child standing in there. Would that be too small for you to answer? I am just asking questions here, but you and Marauder are scared to answer them, as you are weenies, You dont want to show That side of yourselves, which is who you really are.
Pitiful. Ask me a question. No links, please. We are on a debate stage..
@AverageJoe1 saidYou are obsessed with minor BS while the country burns around our feet.
YOU tell me that I am obsessed with!!!! Help me Rhonda!
You, little fella have had a psychological operation when it comes to Trump. You have been distorted with your perception of things. You have been distorted to where most people think who he is, when he is not. All the narratives have just killed you.
You should hear Joe Rogan on all this. He even dug up where ...[text shortened]... is who you really are.
Pitiful. Ask me a question. No links, please. We are on a debate stage..
And you are so PROFOUNDLY brainwashed you can't see any of it and have in absolute fact lost the ability to see things from the use of your own mind, fully giving the operation of your very mind to your god Trump, a criminal and thug.
@sonhouse said(Your second sentence says nothing... has no foundation or basis)
You are obsessed with minor BS while the country burns around our feet.
Country burns around our feet!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
Well, yes, it is, so I do not get your point. 4 years of fire and brimstone. Have you heard about the invasion of illegals, including drug peddlers and rapists and criminals in the TX and Canada areas? Have you jeard that the turd is doing nothing about it? You obviously know about it, because here you say that the country has been burning , for 4 years, at our feet.
But sonhouse, you have known it all this time, and have never mentioned a word about it, a word about stopping the hell. I bet you think about Biden every time you gas up. But you keep your lips sealed.
Y'all are all upset, I can understand, for the Trump win. Wait till you find your lives improved in a year or so. You will be happy for the Trump successes.
BUT, you will never admit it here on the Forum. At least tell someone at.chruch.
@AverageJoe1 saidI won't have to admit anything since our GNP will tank, our national debt will go way up and millions of jobs lost because of Trump kidnapping.
(Your second sentence says nothing... has no foundation or basis)
Country burns around our feet!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
Well, yes, it is, so I do not get your point. 4 years of fire and brimstone. Have you heard about the invasion of illegals, including drug peddlers and rapists and criminals in the TX and Canada areas? Have you jeard that the turd is doing noth ...[text shortened]... mp successes.
BUT, you will never admit it here on the Forum. At least tell someone at.chruch.