06 Oct 23
@wildgrass saidWhat does that have to do with Trump?
The plan with the alternate electors was not to change the votes. The states had already decided. Trump wanted to create the illusion of dispute, so that those states could be excluded from voting for Biden. The official certification of election results would simply not include the vote outcome from those states. The protestors were there to disrupt congress, create chaos, ...[text shortened]... ed in great detail in the indictments. There is a paper trail and witness testimony to support this.
Trump was not an alternative elector.
06 Oct 23
@metal-brain saidAlternative elector…
What does that have to do with Trump?
Trump was not an alternative elector.
06 Oct 23
@metal-brain saidHe was a co-conspirator and instigator. The bogus electors would not have done it without his approval.
What does that have to do with Trump?
Trump was not an alternative elector.
06 Oct 23
@metal-brain saidHeads I win, tails you lose
What does that have to do with Trump?
Trump was not an alternative elector.
07 Oct 23
@moonbus saidWhere is the evidence of that?
He was a co-conspirator and instigator. The bogus electors would not have done it without his approval.
What words did he use and how can words be actions? Perhaps Trump gave the alternate electors bad advice, but that is being spun into an alleged conspiracy. In the end this is all about words and speech. Did Trump threaten them in an illegal way to get them to do something? If not all he did was give bad advice, but I am sure that advice was given to Trump by his lawyers.
Did Trump's lawyers get charged with being co-conspirators? This is all rather silly. Alternative electors have a role in election disputes and I think it is very childish to call them fake electors and not all of them have been charged with a crime. Some of them were lawyers who covered their asses when they did it.
12 Oct 23
@kewpie saidSo who would be a better president?
He thinks he's entitled to be President. Everything else must be lies or a witch-hunt designed to strip him of his entitlement.
Just think we used to sneer at entitled trust fund kids. He thinks E stands for Entitled to Everything and his Ego Excuses Everything.
@averagejoe1 saidThere are 5 republican governors with 60%+ approval ratings. Trump is at 35%.
So who would be a better president?
Yet none of those people are running for president. Probably because of trump.
13 Oct 23
@wildgrass saidYou are, of course, absolutely correct. There are presidents and CEOs of corporations that would make a better president. But in the interest of time and efficiency, I guess we can only talk about Trump and Biden. Who else will come along except he governor of California, or Kamala, or Hillary, all these people, which is not realistic, if you want to have a country remain orderly.
There are 5 republican governors with 60%+ approval ratings. Trump is at 35%.
Yet none of those people are running for president. Probably because of trump.
You see, these people are socialist, and if they became president and started distributing everybody’s stuff among everybody else, you would have a Civil War. I am correct on that. Simply put, some people work harder than others, and you liberals hate things unfair. Well, get ready for unfair.
You have to be kidding. You didn't hear the 'perfect' phone call, I just want to see 17700 votes or something to Rathensbuger AND several other Georgia state officials AND the same from his buddies.
You are a known POS.