@sh76 said"the fact that Trump reimbursed a fixer for paying to make a scandal go away "
A President can't pardon a state conviction. And the Supreme Court won't overturn this kind of verdict. They might, however, rule that he's exempt from serving a sentence while in office.
As for the base becoming more paranoid, I'll say this. Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they're not out to get you.
But yes, Trump will be out on an appeal bond until well after ...[text shortened]... ht not) technically be a crime, most people who don't already hate Trump just don't see it as a BFD.
@Mott-The-Hoople saidStormy Daniels can describe his shrivelled mushroom of a cock.
"the fact that Trump reimbursed a fixer for paying to make a scandal go away "
@shavixmir saidNo he won’t.
The main difference is that if he’s found guilty, he’ll get bent over in prison and raped.
Better than allowing him to grab pussies.
Still, in the horrible world that would allow Trump to be reelected, wouldn't that smother an individual state conviction? How would a state say to a POTUS, you have been convicted and we have sentenced you to 3 years in jail and our deputies are on the way to the White House to get you.
You can imagine how well THAT would go over with his bodyguards.....
It would make an interesting movie though.
I bet writers are already writing up scenario's like that......