@metal-brain saidAt first recollection, his two biggest whoppers are:
"3) Putin is clearly not the half-incapacitated crazed demon some have led us to believe. He made some whopper claims and he plainly lied at least a couple of times, but he is not totally irrational. "
What did he lie about?
1. He took the Crimea under Russia protection because he had to, to protect it from the Ukranians.
2. His strategic objective in the Ukranian war is merely Denazification of the Ukraine.
I mean, wow, those are both whoppers.
@sh76 said1 is more of a half truth than a whopper. After the Ukraine's President was illegally overthrown in 2014 ( a President who had gotten close to 75% of the Crimean vote in the prior election), the leadership there made it pretty clear they wanted out of Ukraine unless he was reinstated. Independent polls several years later showed popular support in Crimea for continued union with Russia not Ukraine (I'll find the supporting links if required).
At first recollection, his two biggest whoppers are:
1. He took the Crimea under Russia protection because he had to, to protect it from the Ukranians.
2. His strategic objective in the Ukranian war is merely Denazification of the Ukraine.
I mean, wow, those are both whoppers.
So it's possible Ukraine might have tried to forcibly retain the Crimea though surely Putin's reasons for intervention was more strategic than humanitarian.
@sh76 saidA typical tactic used by pollies in all countries all over the world, invent some bogeyman then use the faux bogeymen to advance some other agenda, increased taxes, increased regulation, increased expansion of goobermint buratcracy, increased censorship, always increasing their realm and decreasing your control over your own life.
2. His strategic objective in the Ukranian war is merely Denazification of the Ukraine.
At this stage of world politics it would be more surprising if he didn't employ the same mis-truths as the rest of them.
@no1marauder saidPutin usually seems to talk about historic events from the early Middle Ages when discussing Crimea.
1 is more of a half truth than a whopper. After the Ukraine's President was illegally overthrown in 2014 ( a President who had gotten close to 75% of the Crimean vote in the prior election), the leadership there made it pretty clear they wanted out of Ukraine unless he was reinstated. Independent polls several years later showed popular support in Crimea for continued uni ...[text shortened]... tain the Crimea though surely Putin's reasons for intervention was more strategic than humanitarian.
Everything in Crimea speaks of our shared history and pride. This is the location of ancient Khersones, where Prince Vladimir was baptised. His spiritual feat of adopting Orthodoxy predetermined the overall basis of the culture, civilisation and human values that unite the peoples of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. The graves of Russian soldiers whose bravery brought Crimea into the Russian empire are also in Crimea.
This is also Sevastopol - a legendary city with an outstanding history, a fortress that serves as the birthplace of Russia's Black Sea Fleet. Crimea is Balaklava and Kerch, Malakhov Kurgan and Sapun Ridge. Each one of these places is dear to our hearts, symbolising Russian military glory and outstanding valour.
@kevcvs57 saidThere was a civil war in the Ukraine, though...
No you prove one word of it was true.
Ukraine is a sovereign state recognised by the UN and the Kremlin prior to the invasion. We know Putin is a proven liar from examples to numerous to mention but especially from when he claimed to have no intention of invading Ukraine just before he invaded Ukraine
Ukraine’s history is one of invasion, suppression and attempted genocide by Russia you ignorant Russian troll
This didn't happen in a vacuum, right?
I am nto saying that this absolutely justifies the invasion but you are making it out like there was absolutely no conceivable reason for an invasion.
@sh76 saidI am often struck by the sharp contrast between the Jewish and Russian views of Nazis. Russians do not define Nazis by how they feel about Jews. They're more concerned with Germanic arrogance against Slavic people.
At first recollection, his two biggest whoppers are:
1. He took the Crimea under Russia protection because he had to, to protect it from the Ukranians.
2. His strategic objective in the Ukranian war is merely Denazification of the Ukraine.
I mean, wow, those are both whoppers.
Similarly we have people with swastika tattoos in the USA who are indifferent to friendly with Jews and Slavs. Many of our "Nazis" primarily hate Mexicans and Blacks. Some of them hate Arabs; some like Arabs because of mutual anti Jewish sentiment.
Neo-Nazis are very diverse in who they hate.