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Ukraine is losing the war

Ukraine is losing the war



As Ukraine’s manpower on its frontlines starts to dwindle, military leaders are becoming increasingly desperate to locate new recruits to propel its counteroffensive against Russia forward; however, the number of young people volunteering for such a challenge has plummeted.


The USA is so desperate they have resorted to sending Ukraine cluster bombs. Biden claimed Russia has already lost the war. LOL! Only an idiot would believe that lie. There would be no need to send cluster bombs there if that were the case. Obvious lie.

How long before Americans wake up and realize all that money sent to Ukraine in the form of military weapons is a money pit? Meanwhile our infrastructure is crumbling because government does not want to spend the money here. Government cares more about killing people overseas than taking care of their own people at home.


Ukraine: We are not surrendering, we are evacuating.


So Ukraine is not losing, they are just not winning. LOL

1 edit

US "Debasing" Itself In Sending Ukraine Cluster Bombs Out Of "Desperation", Musk Points Out.


If Putin really already lost the war he would not be desperate enough to send cluster bombs. Biden is a horrible liar.


Every House Democrat - including all members of the Squad - voted against RepMTG's amendment to eliminate $300 million in funding for the Ukraine proxy war from the NDAA. They were joined by most Republicans.



You are an extreme example of a person filled with hate.


I'm not the one who supports sending cluster bombs to Ukraine. You are.
You are full of hate.


@metal-brain said
I'm not the one who supports sending cluster bombs to Ukraine. You are.
You are full of hate.
Hey the scumbag Russians are already using them Ukraine cannot be expected to kill enough Russians with one arm tied behind its back.
There’s a lot more good stuff coming to Ukraine in the long term to make sure, at the very least, Russia doesn’t win the war and pays a suitable long term price for its transgressions against Ukraine


Is Ukraine losing the war?


@shavixmir said
Is Ukraine losing the war?
If the thread would have been established by any different person I would ask for any objectivable parameters...

So I doubt it.We can keep the thread warm until a decision is reached one day. But I presume any way the war ends, MB will cliam that he was right from the beginning and all others are liars...


@kevcvs57 said
Hey the scumbag Russians are already using them Ukraine cannot be expected to kill enough Russians with one arm tied behind its back.
There’s a lot more good stuff coming to Ukraine in the long term to make sure, at the very least, Russia doesn’t win the war and pays a suitable long term price for its transgressions against Ukraine
Moron! Russia will use them on Ukrainians in retaliation.
Do you think the US sending cluster bombs is going to give Ukraine an advantage?
You are so stupid!



@shavixmir said
Is Ukraine losing the war?
Back in February Biden said Putin had already lost.


He thinks we are stupid. The corporate news media will not call him on his obvious lies.



Is Ukraine losing the war?

2 edits

But OF COURSE you would NEVER mention the FACT JACK that it is PUTIN using cluster bombs already and Biden going tit for tat and you no doubt applaud your boss Putin's statement that if Biden sends CB to Ukraine he will have no choice but to launch nukes to obliviate what is left of Ukraine which of course will pretty much end human civilization but you probably applaud THAT also, you comme FREAK.

BTW, Russian car manufacturing is down 99% and the total economy down some 35%, Putin is bleeding Russia dry because he could care less about what happens to his own people, funny thing, JUST LIKE TRUMP.

Putin AND YOU want nothing more than the rebuilding of the Soviet empire no matter the cost.
If he does, it is my fervent hope you switch sides completely and go to your Russian heaven and maybe even get a job like Maria, as a propaganda talking head.




@sonhouse said
But OF COURSE you would NEVER mention the FACT JACK that it is PUTIN using cluster bombs already and Biden going tit for tat and you no doubt applaud your boss Putin's statement that if Biden sends CB to Ukraine he will have no choice but to launch nukes to obliviate what is left of Ukraine which of course will pretty much end human civilization but you probabl ...[text shortened]... ely and go to your Russian heaven and maybe even get a job like Maria, as a propaganda talking head.
" PUTIN using cluster bombs already"

What is your source of information?


@metal-brain said
Yeah. Is Ukraine losing the war though?

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